• Thread starter gtrotary
Just yesterday I took a very slow cruise, an actual cruise, with a Porsche Speedster (very open top) at Sardegna. Just cruise around and enjoy the scenery in VR. People say that such things help with getting used to VR, maybe it's worth a shot for you. Also, the Sardegna scenery it is achingly beautiful.
Thoughts? - “There are three types of SIM Racers.. Those that prefer VR, those that have never tried (or can afford) VR and streamers that need to see chat.”

I have been a SIM racer for a long time but only ever used PSVR2, and since making that jump I genuinely can’t see how anyone would back to 2D. Such a huge game changer for racing games.

I've said the same thing since getting PS VR2 on release day. In reality, I'm sure I'll want to mess with the other stuff from time to time just because there are tracks I enjoy that GT7 doesn't include, and cars, too, like F1. But the majority of my time on my rig from here on out is going to be dedicated to VR, no question.
I got PSVR2 a few days after release, and have been driving in VR since. Not even tempted to drive in 2d again. Pretty much no issues, except for getting a little hot when trying the Nordscheife. Will wait a bit for more of that track.

Pace-wise I'm getting close to my 2D pace, wchich is a little bit surprising. I thought I would need more time to get near my 2D pace in VR, but hats off to PD, in my opinion the driving feels more natural in VR than in 2D.

Another thing is that I really enjoy driving different cars now, because I can see the details from inside the cars (used to drive in bumper cam before). It's nice to check out the cars in VR showroom too. Never been a car collector, but that might change now.

All in all this is a great experience for me, even though I don't drive as much as before.

And the lenses from VR-optician is underway, looking forward to that!

And I do have some real life experience to compare with.
My pure amateur racing team: Team Psynchro
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Can you guys that bought prescription lenses tell us more about which brand did you get ?

Also did you go to a opthician to get information about what kinda Sph; Cyl, and Axis your lenses should be ?
Yes you need a prescription from an eye test , if not had one done in last 2 years, suggest getting a new one. VR Optician is a good one, still to get mine though.
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Yes you need a prescription from an eye test , if not had one done in last 2 years, suggest getting a new one. VR Optician is a good one, still to get mine though.
Ok thanks for the clarification.

I gues I need to revisit my local Optican soon, to get a new test.
Can you guys that bought prescription lenses tell us more about which brand did you get ?
I ordered mine at VR Optician. They are still in the works. However, when looking for lenses for the PSVR 2 this company gave me the best, most professional impression. Their frames for the lenses appear to be designed well, and the lenses are custom made in Germany by Carl Zeiss. I found them to be only a bit more expensive one than other offers, so I ordered there.
All about priorities isn;t it ladies and gentleman.

I didn' have to wear glasses as such, but as my employer back then paid for yearly eye test, 15 or so years back, thought might as well. Optician said I'd benefit from them as slightly short-sighted (can't recall exact measurement...). Anyway, they did make a difference at things like going to watch my football team live (soccer..). All of a sudden could read useful things like advertising hoardings up the other end clearly. Watching films at home, or video games... more clarity/sharpness. Made things pop and look 'HD' compared to when I didn't have them on (only wore them for those 2 things...

Anyway, glasses broke around 7 or 8 years ago and as they're not need for safety or health reasons and everything looks ok, I've beem too busy/lazy to them tested in over a decade.

Roll forwards to March 2023. PSVR2 released. Suddenly I find myself deep into employers intranet benefits page , scrambling around for detail around booking an eye test for earliest opportunity.

Like I say, all about priorities... :D
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I got lenses from HonsVR. Speedy make and delivery, significantly more comfortable than dealing with glasses inside the headset. Not to mention it's great to just slide the headset in as far as it can go without worrying about scratching the VR lenses. Very easy to take on and off of the unit if other people need to use it as well.
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I also got mine from HonsVR just yesterday. They fit really nicely onto the PSVR2 headset. They come with a nice little case. Each lens comes in a plastic bag labeled R|L, and each lens also has an R|L marking in its plastic "ring". There is also a microfiber cleaning cloth. It's really a very nice package. I tried driving with the HonsVR prescription lenses, it was much more comfortable than driving with glasses. I also noticed I needed to make my IPD smaller (pretty much min because I have a small face). I did a couple short races, no problems with fogging or anything like that. Highly recommended.

Question for those with a rig.. I am looking to purchase a NL GT-Elite cockpit with the ES1 bucket seat and interested to know if anyone is using this with the PSVR2.. Mainly the seat.
I am using a Playseat Challange and have had to change how I sit because the back of the PSVR2 headband gets in the way.. Thoughts?
Fanatec CSL DD Pro users:

1) Has anybody found a way to navigate the VR Showroom using the officially licensed wheel? Seems mad that I have so many buttons but can’t walk around or stand up or lean down without using a Dual Sense controller.

2) if you want to do endurance events do you need to make sure the PS5 doesn’t turn itself off? I only do up to 30 minute sessions, but near the end of a race last night I got a floating HUD warning that my PS5 would turn itself off in ten minutes. As soon as the race finished and I pressed the X button the warning disappeared.
Question for those with a rig.. I am looking to purchase a NL GT-Elite cockpit with the ES1 bucket seat and interested to know if anyone is using this with the PSVR2.. Mainly the seat.
I am using a Playseat Challange and have had to change how I sit because the back of the PSVR2 headband gets in the way.. Thoughts?
Having a comfy seat is key. I don't know about the ES1 bucket seat. Personally I use a passenger seat from a Toyota MR2 - you can sit on there for hours in comfort. Granted, I welded together my own rig to fit it. But my son's rig also uses the same type of seat and it is an extruded aluminum based rig. If I had issues with the headrest getting in the way, I could easily remove the headrest. IMHO auto makers have spent decades and millions of dollars researching the most comfortable and cost effective seating solutions. I'm not sure how much effort gaming seat companies put into their seats, some of them look thin which may make them either stiff and uncomfortable or flimsy and uncomfortable. I'd get opinions/reviews from people that have the specific seat you're looking at.
Fanatec CSL DD Pro users:

1) Has anybody found a way to navigate the VR Showroom using the officially licensed wheel? Seems mad that I have so many buttons but can’t walk around or stand up or lean down without using a Dual Sense controller.

2) if you want to do endurance events do you need to make sure the PS5 doesn’t turn itself off? I only do up to 30 minute sessions, but near the end of a race last night I got a floating HUD warning that my PS5 would turn itself off in ten minutes. As soon as the race finished and I pressed the X button the warning disappeared.
1. I just use the paddle shifters (R2, L2), triangle and square. Pressing R2 + L2 at the same time zooms in and that is enough for quick inspections and check the car interior.

2. That’s pretty odd and shouldn’t be happening. Are you sure you don’t have some setting that is controlling your playtime or something? Mine enters auto-suspend after some time but only if totally idle after hours.
Having a comfy seat is key. I don't know about the ES1 bucket seat. Personally I use a passenger seat from a Toyota MR2 - you can sit on there for hours in comfort. Granted, I welded together my own rig to fit it. But my son's rig also uses the same type of seat and it is an extruded aluminum based rig. If I had issues with the headrest getting in the way, I could easily remove the headrest. IMHO auto makers have spent decades and millions of dollars researching the most comfortable and cost effective seating solutions. I'm not sure how much effort gaming seat companies put into their seats, some of them look thin which may make them either stiff and uncomfortable or flimsy and uncomfortable. I'd get opinions/reviews from people that have the specific seat you're looking at.
All valid points! Reviews look positive but there is a such a personal experience with a seat so I think I am going to go to a showroom to test it out before I buy it.. might actually take my PSVR with me to test it properly
got my PSVR2 last week. I had quite strong motion sickness with the PSVR1 version. Stopped playing VR after 2 weeks. With PSVR2 things improved significantly for me. had some problems at the beginning and found out a few things:
  • stopping at the track completely, looking around and accelerating again is bad for motion sickness - my body expects movement at the beginning of the acceleration. Worst was stopping and forgetting to brake when completely stopped already. The car was suddenly moving from alone as it wasn't flat where i stopped, very disturbing for my stomach.
  • the tracks with huge ascents and descents are bad at the beginning. do not use tracks like Leguna Seca or Nürburgring. Perfect starting track is Monza, which is completely flat
  • Leguna Seca`s cork screw is still hard for my stomach, but i now manage some laps already
  • Open Wheelers are actually not better than other cars regarding motion sickness, but you should not look around your cockpit while driving (as you should not in a real car)
  • starting with tracks i extensively know has been better than driving new tracks
  • tracks with an open terrain are better than "narrower" tracks with walls, trees near the track
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got my PSVR2 last week. I had quite strong motion sickness with the PSVR1 version. Stopped playing VR after 2 weeks. With PSVR2 things improved significantly for me. had some problems at the beginning and found out a few things:
  • stopping at the track completely, looking around and accelerating again is bad for motion sickness - my body expects movement at the beginning of the acceleration. Worst was stopping and forgetting to brake when completely stopped already. The car was suddenly moving from alone as it wasn't flat where i stopped, very disturbing for my stomach.
  • the tracks with huge ascents and descents are bad at the beginning. do not use tracks like Leguna Seca or Nürburgring. Perfect starting track is Monza, which is completely flat
  • Leguna Seca`s cork screw is still hard for my stomach, but i now manage some laps already
  • Open Wheelers are actually not better than other cars regarding motion sickness, but you should not look around your cockpit while driving (as you should not in a real car)
  • starting with tracks i extensively know has been better than driving new tracks
  • tracks with an open terrain are better than "narrower" tracks with walls, trees near the track
I got my VR legs by using a BAC Mono at Tsukuba. A short track I’m familiar with, lots of repetition, built up my speed gradually. The realism actually helped, as I didn’t want to push to the max!

I then tried Pavlov (fantastic military shooter BTW). That took a little getting used to with the motion and controls. But it was well worth it as I now feel I can tackle anything in VR.

I got PSVR2 a few days after release, and have been driving in VR since. Not even tempted to drive in 2d again. Pretty much no issues, except for getting a little hot when trying the Nordscheife. Will wait a bit for more of that track.
Pace-wise I'm getting close to my 2D pace, wchich is a little bit surprising. I thought I would need more time to get near my 2D pace in VR, but hats off to PD, in my opinion the driving feels more natural in VR than in 2D.

Another thing is that I really enjoy driving different cars now, because I can see the details from inside the cars (used to drive in bumper cam before). It's nice to check out the cars in VR showroom too. Never been a car collector, but that might change now.

All in all this is a great experience for me, even though I don't drive as much as before.

And the lenses from VR-optician is underway, looking forward to that!

And I do have some real life experience to compare with.
My pure amateur racing team: Team Psynchro
I do still play GT7 in 2D, but it’s only when I’m multi-tasking! Well, watching TV, listening to music, or whatever. Then I stick GT7 on the TV to do some money grinding, sorting my garage, tuning etc.

For actual racing and the simple pleasure of driving. It’s VR all the time. To the point where I’m struggling to justify any other driving/racing/cockpit title that doesn’t have a VR option. And for any developer reading on, if your title does have a VR option, it will go on my PSN Wishlist. IE, the new WWII fighter sim Aces of Thunder.
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All valid points! Reviews look positive but there is a such a personal experience with a seat so I think I am going to go to a showroom to test it out before I buy it.. might actually take my PSVR with me to test it properly
Please report back here, how it is regarding the back if its in the way for the headset :-)
So I finally got my new on-ear headphones to work with the headset. For anyone wanting to use headband headphones (not earbuds) but having issues with arranging over-ears and the VR headset on your head, I can wholeheartedly recommend these: Beats Solo Pro
I am very very critical when it comes to audio quality. Like truly critical. And I hate headphones as a fashion trend. But these do sound great. Read the review I linked.

A few notes:
  • These are on-ear headphones, thus they work very well with PSVR 2 if, like for me, over-ears are too large. However, their clamping force is quite high. Especially if you are wearing glasses this might become uncomfortable as they press your outer ear against your glasses' temples. I found them to be perfectly fine in yesterdays session (approx 1h) with wearing glasses, but your mileage may vary (pun intended).
  • They have active noise cancellation (ANC), which is outstandingly good for an on-ear and still pretty good by over-ear-ANC standards. This helps with immersion in GT7 as it fades outside noise, intensifying the feeling of actually being in the car.
  • These are made for Apple, so they only have a lightning connector, no 3.5mm. They also have Bluetooth, but the PS5 doesn't support that connection (which makes sense because of lag). So you need to use a lightning-to-3.5mm T(R)RS adaptor cable, and this is where it gets important: all regular adaptors, including the original Apple one, do not work. All these adaptors are designed to transfer sound only from lighting to 3.5mm, not the other way around. You have to use this dedicated bidirectional cable to get these headphones to work. Being Apple, of course it costs 45$.
  • The Beats Solo Pro have been end of life for some time now, so you can get them notably below the MSRP (I got them for 140ish Euros), but you won't find too many dealers still having stock.
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I ordered mine at VR Optician. They are still in the works. However, when looking for lenses for the PSVR 2 this company gave me the best, most professional impression. Their frames for the lenses appear to be designed well, and the lenses are custom made in Germany by Carl Zeiss. I found them to be only a bit more expensive one than other offers, so I ordered there.
Same here. Very professional. I inadvertently ordered a second pair, and VR Optician changed my order and refunded quickly, as well as answering my questions regarding my prescription.
So I finally got my new on-ear headphones to work with the headset. For anyone wanting to use headband headphones (not earbuds) but having issues with arranging over-ears and the VR headset on your head, I can wholeheartedly recommend these: Beats Solo Pro
I am very very critical when it comes to audio quality. Like truly critical. And I hate headphones as a fashion trend. But these do sound great. Read the review I linked.

A few notes:
  • These are on-ear headphones, thus they work very well with PSVR 2 if, like for me, over-ears are too large. However, their clamping force is quite high. Especially if you are wearing glasses this might become uncomfortable as they press your outer ear against your glasses' temples. I found them to be perfectly fine in yesterdays session (approx 1h) with wearing glasses, but your mileage may vary (pun intended).
  • They have active noise cancellation (ANC), which is outstandingly good for an on-ear and still pretty good by over-ear-ANC standards. This helps with immersion in GT7 as it fades outside noise, intensifying the feeling of actually being in the car.
  • These are made for Apple, so they only have a lightning connector, no 3.5mm. They also have Bluetooth, but the PS5 doesn't support that connection (which makes sense because of lag). So you need to use a lightning-to-3.5mm T(R)RS adaptor cable, and this is where it gets important: all regular adaptors, including the original Apple one, do not work. All these adaptors are designed to transfer sound only from lighting to 3.5mm, not the other way around. You have to use this dedicated bidirectional cable to get these headphones to work. Being Apple, of course it costs 45$.
  • The Beats Solo Pro have been end of life for some time now, so you can get them notably below the MSRP (I got them for 140ish Euros), but you won't find too many dealers still having stock.
I've been using it with a pair of KZ PR1 I had laying around. Overall -- even though far from perfect earbuds -- it is a major step up sound wise from the stock earbuds and it's pretty cheap. It has a pretty good seal and are comfortable to wear. Tried with on-ear (Sony XM3) but found to be far too much stuff on my head for my taste and the fit wasn't the best.
Nurburgring 24h layout at midnight in torrential rain with no HUD in VR is the most immersive custom race I've ever done in GT7. I gotta say that racing high powered cars cleanly on the narrow roads of Nordschleife in complete darkness and rain was not the easiest task and it turned out to be quite close battle for victory. I highly recommend trying. Here's a recording from last night:

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That’s awesome.. I am all for no HUD in VR. The immersion is next level. Had some fun today in the Daily Race A with it off. Worked well given you don’t need to pit, but I do miss that radar tho

I just wish the dashboards and car MFD were functional in every car. GT7 really needs a more modular HUD so at least you can leave the bare minimum on and turn off the rest.
I just wish the dashboards and car MFD were functional in every car. GT7 really needs a more modular HUD so at least you can leave the bare minimum on and turn off the rest.
I 100% agree.. It has to be something that is coming from PD, surely.
2) if you want to do endurance events do you need to make sure the PS5 doesn’t turn itself off? I only do up to 30 minute sessions, but near the end of a race last night I got a floating HUD warning that my PS5 would turn itself off in ten minutes. As soon as the race finished and I pressed the X button the warning disappeared.
I get this too with a Logitech G29, it's crazy that you can play the game completely but if you haven't touched a 'button' it thinks you're not playing. I find just podging one of the buttons randomly whilst on a straight will make this go away.

Well, after 3600 odd posts of reading and lots of tempered expectations (I had PSVR1 and it made me so sick I got rid of it) you all collectively talked me into taking the plunge.

First impressions - it's amazing, incredible and I echo all the most positive reviews already stated. Yes, it is not as clear as a 4K TV, but I expected that, being familiar with PSVR1. The leap in quality from the first headset is night and day, so so much better.

As for sickness, I have found it much, much better. My first session, I followed all the advice and drove convertibles slowly about and just marvelled at the beauty of it all. No side effects at all. On PSVR1 on GTS I could manage 1-2 laps tops. I played for about 30 mins and felt fine.

Then, I was my own worst enemy. Confident that I had cracked it, my next session, I played GT7 for about 3 hours, paying no mind to speed, cars, tracks and just had a blast. Then thought 'ooooo' I haven't tried RE Village, downloaded the Stars Wars Demo, the Horizon Demo and continued to play for about 4-5 hours total. Surprise, surprise, I then felt sick as a dog for the rest of the evening and into the night. Too much, too soon and lesson learn't. I'm now back to little and often and having a ball.

It is hands down, the best gaming experience I have ever had, and I'm old and was there at the start.

As a sidenote, Mrs H gets really really sick on simulator rides at theme parks. Loves the biggest coasters but can't do simulators without turning very green. She tried GT7 as she was fed up with my exclamations of WOW all evening and was curious to see what all the fuss was. Fulling expecting to have a big negative reaction. 3 hours later, and no side effects whatsoever and she is as in love with it as I am.
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Raced yesterday without VR as I was a little beat and didn't have it in me. Was doing the Mustang challenge and did a few laps. Did it today in VR and yeah....I'm just not buying the YTers saying their the same in VR and normal mode. The information you get in VR is just....more. So much more. Beat my time by a second in no time. The turn before the corkscrew you can actually see. I was almost taken aback by how much I could see and feel.

Almost no one talks about how much feedback you get from the cars. I probably spun the GT out like 10x in pancake. Didn't do it once in VR.
The feedback from the wheel in VR feels way better I noticed this quickly.. The driving is so much more natural and the view you get vs 2D cockpit cannot be compared! This is the best gaming experience I have ever had!
The feedback from the wheel in VR feels way better I noticed this quickly.. The driving is so much more natural and the view you get vs 2D cockpit cannot be compared! This is the best gaming experience I have ever had!
The way you experience the game changes so much that I honestly think there is no other way to play it. Wheel + VR, that is the way, it's a completely different game. It's so good (even with all its pitfalls) that I've barely touched any other VR title I've acquired for PSVR2.
The way you experience the game changes so much that I honestly think there is no other way to play it. Wheel + VR, that is the way, it's a completely different game. It's so good (even with all its pitfalls) that I've barely touched any other VR title I've acquired for PSVR2.

Same here mate. I have re8, horizon mountain and all the demos available. But each time I have time to play, it's always gt7!

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