• Thread starter gtrotary
Raced yesterday without VR as I was a little beat and didn't have it in me. Was doing the Mustang challenge and did a few laps. Did it today in VR and yeah....I'm just not buying the YTers saying their the same in VR and normal mode. The information you get in VR is just....more. So much more. Beat my time by a second in no time. The turn before the corkscrew you can actually see. I was almost taken aback by how much I could see and feel.

Almost no one talks about how much feedback you get from the cars. I probably spun the GT out like 10x in pancake. Didn't do it once in VR.
I know I'm faster in VR, going back to the license test & circuit experience where I've pushed to the max on TV, I've easily surpassed those times in VR, simpley your just getting more visual feedback.
How long ago did you set your original times?

The reason I ask is that I did the same thing on the lowest licence tests not that long ago using pancake mode and blitzed my old times due to the physics updates. Could this also have been a factor?
How long ago did you set your original times?

The reason I ask is that I did the same thing on the lowest licence tests not that long ago using pancake mode and blitzed my old times due to the physics updates. Could this also have been a factor?
License test a wile ago, circuit experience only within the last few months, almost forgot they where there. In the license test S-7 at Luguna Seca my worst test ,using the F1 my best was off by 11 second prior to VR, I was able to gold that within five tries. the same with a lot of the circuit experiences that I could only get platinum, the physic update really couldn't make up for that much deficit. For me VR is more natural, very close to life, I been driving for almost 44 years, driving looking at a flat screen in third person view is a bit detached from actual driving.
License test a wile ago, circuit experience only within the last few months, almost forgot they where there. In the license test S-7 at Luguna Seca my worst test ,using the F1 my best was off by 11 second prior to VR, I was able to gold that within five tries. the same with a lot of the circuit experiences that I could only get platinum, the physic update really couldn't make up for that much deficit. For me VR is more natural, very close to life, I been driving for almost 44 years, driving looking at a flat screen in third person view is a bit detached from actual driving.
I don't mean it made all the difference but if your old times pre-date the last physics update there's a fair chance that it was a great help.

I've knocked off chunks of time and beaten peoples times that I just shouldn't be beating, especially under the circumstances I did them. I hadn't played for months and just picked up the controller and starting smashing times (I'm normally a wheel user) in pretty much the same way as you describe.

I've been driving longer (just, by two years... legally ;)) and I'm also using VR and I agree it's a lot more natural and while I'm at about the same speed as my pancake mode times I wouldn't have beaten my friends times without the physics updates. I did just look and my fastest friend is back at the top where he should be (@ROCKET JOE) . I also just tried the first A-1 licence test at Tsukuba and was able to knock 0.5 off using the controller and pancake mode in a couple of go's and it's only the last corner. The car even got to the corner nearly a full car length in front of my old ghost :eek:

I'd just be wary of comparisons with old times. ;)
I’ve had PSVR2 since launch day. Overall I’m really pleased with it but there is one niggling issue, for me at least. I can’t quite catch the car oversteering as soon as I should be able to, or can on flatscreen. Odd, as it was the one area I thought original VR trumped playing on TV. The only reason I can think of is the “lock to horizon” view. My brain hates sims where the car rolls around underneath me and I always try and disable it where possible.
Anyone else feel the same?
I've put lots of miles into testing at Tsukuba and feel just as quick in VR as on the TV. Even now I still sometimes misjudge the right hander going under the Dunlop bridge. But I feel much more consistent in VR. Regardless, VR feels so much more satisfying I don't really care about a few tenths here and there.
@FPV MIC @regnar
Hey guys, I really don't have much to contribute to your discussion regarding VR speed, except ...
I'm sure putting me under a VR helmet means sending me back to noob status for a long long time,
I'd even miss that one last turn on Tsukuba. :crazy::lol:
No doubt, there's a close relation between visuals and someone's driving performance, however, to me
the biggest factor simply is being accustomed to the setup.
I practiced playing in cockpit view when I was waiting on my PSVR2 to ship and it certainly made the transition easier. It didn’t take me long to be better in VR, maybe a week. I play on the PS5 controller, don’t have a wheel yet… I haven’t tried the final license test since I got the game in January but I managed a silver the second time I got to the finish in VR last night. Additionally I was able to get first at the Tokyo 600pp event in a car without an engine swap which I couldn’t manage when I was playing flat. I wonder if VR lets your brain use more spatial memory/processing rather than just visual memory in flat mode because it doesn’t take me nearly as long to learn a track compared to before.
I wouldn´t completely rule out that AC2 will support PSVR2.

My biggest hope for PSVR 2 is that AC2 will support it.
I have the same optimism for AC2. Can't blame Kunos for not bothering to make ACC work at this late point in its lifecycle.
Really hoping AC2 is optimized for consoles from the jump this time, with VR inclusion. I read something not long ago that said console sales have been something like 40 percent of AC/ACC sales to date now, so it's a massive percentage of Kunos' audience nowadays, seems like. Would be a massively missed opportunity not to offer VR, even if it's not ready right at launch. The amount of positive feedback GT7 has garnered in VR can't be lost on the AC crew.
Update on VR lenses, they are a complete game changer. Never has it been more clear, makes the sweet spot almost impossible to miss. These are a must have for anyone that has a prescription.

I assume you mean the prescription lenses that fit over the VR lenses, yes? I'm very interested in this. Which ones did you get?
I received my VR Optician prescription lenses today. They actually had already arrived at my city's FedEx location last Friday, but for some weird reason the guys at VR Optician requested "weekday delivery", so FedEx wouldn't deliver them over the weekend and the lenses effectively arrived two days late :(
Aside from the minor frustration with shipping, I'm happy with the lenses. PS VR2 already works very well with glasses, but the comfort brought by prescription lens inserts is on another level, and it makes it very hard to miss the sweet spot once you have adjusted everything correctly. I guess it makes sense, since they are in fixed positions relative to the VR lenses, whereas regular glasses slip from time to time on the nose, causing bad alignment with the VR lenses, which reduces the size of the sweet spot. Anyways, I drove for about four hours and never had I needed to adjust the headset (and glasses if I was wearing them), the image stayed as crisp as it can be the whole time. I assume this is the experience people with normal vision got since day one?
The only complaint or disappointment I have is that the lens frame leaves more space between the prescription lens and the VR lens than I had expected, as a result, the distance from the eye to the VR lens is about the same as wearing regular glasses. In other words, no obvious FOV improvement. But I think I can see the left and right edges of the screen already, so not too big of a deal.

I had similar prescription lens inserts on Quest 2 before, but that was pretty much solely for comfort, as wearing glasses inside Quest 2 is very awkward and uncomfortable. I didn't notice other advantages with my Quest 2. So it's kind of a welcomed surprise that prescription lens inserts help ease the sweet spot issue on PS VR2.
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I’ve only been interested in Sim racing for a year, and have only done it on PS5.

I’ve played ACC for about 30 hours (but only before I got my PSVR2 😉)

Is the appeal of AC, which I understand to be older than ACC, just because it is mod-able on PC, or because it is broader than GT3/4, or some other reason?

Basically would it still be popular even if it was locked down?
Unlike in ACC (which I don´t play anymore since the arrival of VR in GT7) I don´t care for my laptimes in GT7.
I assume I´m equally slow in both.

I´m just having so much more fun in VR.

Never going back.

Too bad console versions are just afterthought of PC ver. Imagine how incredible ACC on PSVR2 would be :(

My biggest hope for PSVR 2 is that AC2 will support it.

I have the same optimism for AC2. Can't blame Kunos for not bothering to make ACC work at this late point in its lifecycle.
Really hoping AC2 is optimized for consoles from the jump this time, with VR inclusion. I read something not long ago that said console sales have been something like 40 percent of AC/ACC sales to date now, so it's a massive percentage of Kunos' audience nowadays, seems like. Would be a massively missed opportunity not to offer VR, even if it's not ready right at launch. The amount of positive feedback GT7 has garnered in VR can't be lost on the AC crew.


I’ve only been interested in Sim racing for a year, and have only done it on PS5.

I’ve played ACC for about 30 hours (but only before I got my PSVR2 😉)

Is the appeal of AC, which I understand to be older than ACC, just because it is mod-able on PC, or because it is broader than GT3/4, or some other reason?

Basically would it still be popular even if it was locked down?
Let's keep the topic to GT7 please.
Thoughts? - “There are three types of SIM Racers.. Those that prefer VR, those that have never tried (or can afford) VR and streamers that need to see chat.”

I have been a SIM racer for a long time but only ever used PSVR2, and since making that jump I genuinely can’t see how anyone would back to 2D. Such a huge game changer for racing games.
Thoughts? - “There are three types of SIM Racers.. Those that prefer VR, those that have never tried (or can afford) VR and streamers that need to see chat.”

I have been a SIM racer for a long time but only ever used PSVR2, and since making that jump I genuinely can’t see how anyone would back to 2D. Such a huge game changer for racing games.
I've said the same thing since getting PS VR2 on release day. In reality, I'm sure I'll want to mess with the other stuff from time to time just because there are tracks I enjoy that GT7 doesn't include, and cars, too, like F1. But the majority of my time on my rig from here on out is going to be dedicated to VR, no question.
Update on VR lenses, they are a complete game changer. Never has it been more clear, makes the sweet spot almost impossible to miss. These are a must have for anyone that has a prescription.
I have received yesterday (15 days total) my vr-rock lenses and they COMPLETELY changed my world. I am the kind of guy which never uses glasses during day, but for seeing a little clearer from far and close I use them sometimes.
Well, lenses ARE A GAME CHANGER.
No more blur in every game, everything is beautiful. I just regret not having bought the anti reflection ones.
Last night I connected my PSVR2. I started feeling funny right from the calibration (with the floating screens). I did manage to fiddle a bit with the VR showroom and did one lap with an MX5, before I stopped. Since I did manage to wear the VR for around 15 minutes for my 1st session I am optimistic that I will adopt to it. The plan is to do my daily marathons of 11 minutes every day, until I build my VR legs. Having red from so many people who are now comfortable with it after having issues in the beginning, gives me confindence that I will be good in a matter of weeks. I would never dare to order it without your feedback, so thank you guys <3.

About my impressions... I AM ABSOLUTELY AMAZED!! I knew what to expect, but experiencing it is something else indeed!!
I haven't spend time to find the sweet spot yet, but it is clear enough for these short sessions. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when I get used to it and find the sweet spot. Yes the definition is lower but its still HD, so it's a small compromise for the experience that you will get! When I was doing a lap at Speed Ring I was amazed how nothing was flat like the TV. I could see the tiny pieces of pebbles in the track, hear the birds, I was actually in there!!
When I did turn off the VR to do my daily marathon I actually laughed how miserable the game looks on TV, it's like a toy, you lose all sense of space and speed!

Totally worth my money, I will take it very slowly with getting used to it though!!
Last night I connected my PSVR2. I started feeling funny right from the calibration (with the floating screens). I did manage to fiddle a bit with the VR showroom and did one lap with an MX5, before I stopped. Since I did manage to wear the VR for around 15 minutes for my 1st session I am optimistic that I will adopt to it. The plan is to do my daily marathons of 11 minutes every day, until I build my VR legs. Having red from so many people who are now comfortable with it after having issues in the beginning, gives me confindence that I will be good in a matter of weeks. I would never dare to order it without your feedback, so thank you guys <3.

About my impressions... I AM ABSOLUTELY AMAZED!! I knew what to expect, but experiencing it is something else indeed!!
I haven't spend time to find the sweet spot yet, but it is clear enough for these short sessions. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when I get used to it and find the sweet spot. Yes the definition is lower but its still HD, so it's a small compromise for the experience that you will get! When I was doing a lap at Speed Ring I was amazed how nothing was flat like the TV. I could see the tiny pieces of pebbles in the track, hear the birds, I was actually in there!!
When I did turn off the VR to do my daily marathon I actually laughed how miserable the game looks on TV, it's like a toy, you lose all sense of space and speed!

Totally worth my money, I will take it very slowly with getting used to it though!!
I have read advice to the effect that cars that don’t roll much are less likely to induce nausea. Possibly worth trying to build up tolerance using the go kart???
I have read advice to the effect that cars that don’t roll much are less likely to induce nausea. Possibly worth trying to build up tolerance using the go kart???
People say that open top is recommended. So kart is definetely a good choice!