• Thread starter gtrotary
I would like to see that the tracking doesnt reset when in pit.
Did a race C yesterday and wasnt really ready when the race started again. So the tracking was ****, needed to look straight to the right to look forward in the game. Was intresting to race like that. Kinda hard to reset in during an online event in Suzuka with all those corners in the start of the lap =)

Don't reset right out of the pit, I've twice received 3 second pit line penalties when trying. Auto drive takes you over the line.
Don't reset right out of the pit, I've twice received 3 second pit line penalties when trying. Auto drive takes you over the line.
It does reset your head position coming out of the pits when it flips from auto-drive back to VR cockpit view, though, and if you happen to be looking anywhere but straight ahead, you'll have to reset camera position or adjust your head accordingly.
Anyone else getting blood shot eyes from playing VR? Played the daily Race C twice with a solid break in between and it looks quite bad. Happened to me a few days ago as well, then I took a break. Now again…

It didn’t happen before when I raced slower cars than the Formula 1
Anyone else getting blood shot eyes from playing VR? Played the daily Race C twice with a solid break in between and it looks quite bad. Happened to me a few days ago as well, then I took a break. Now again…

It didn’t happen before when I raced slower cars than the Formula 1
Not me no. I guess I’m lucky and VR just works for me. Sometimes reality feels a little weird after playing lol
On many cars quite a few dials do things, but I have no idea what! Some turbo race cars seem to have pressure gauges (maybe?), and some seem to have fuel flow. I wonder how simulated all of these outputs are, or some of them might just be random movements?

For the VGTs we can’t even go back to real cars to figure things out! But it’s very neat how much effort has gone into the dynamic cockpit info- heads up displays, dials, digital meters, bouncing wires, blinking lights- I never saw this in flat mode because A) I couldn’t race like that B) you can’t properly look around. On older cars even the analogue mileage meter and clocks are correct and move.
all are simulated on GT, when they work. You'll however find some cars that simply don't have working gauges or digital panels, like the regular C7. It has a fixed digital odometer. The C7 ZR1 fully works though.
game desperately needs a spotter. no-HUD is the god given way to play this game.
im only doing daily B right now since you dont need all the info for these.

also, no HUD shouldtn automatically also mean no sound. when all hud is off you dont hear that the race is starting.
I agree, you need some display that at least shows time to the next car, and time to the car behind you. I've been doing a few races in Nations and Manufacturer's Exhibition season 3. ...and I'm lost half way through the race, often doing laps on my own and just hoping I'm still within first place finish + race end delay - lol
If there was a option in the game to have it set with the horizon or set with car, that would be a better choice, I don't get motion sickness, so I would much prefer it set with the car, tracks like Daytona are a little bit odd staying vertical on the high banking & mess with the immersion.
Easy fix, tilt your head. :D I find myself iinstinctively leaning alot while driving in VR.
You need to learn to lean in before it starts so it will position you further back. If your too high duck, if your too low raise your head up.
Gt sport had this same correction and youre right PD should have that option but its not affecting my gaming experience…which i still haven’t had much time due to just now getting a new fanatec setup.
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I definitely miss some kind of leaderboard information and the fuel warning (this does not come even if the HUD is on).

Another point is pedal engagement.
Especially with loadcell braking, I do normally regularily check if I reach the needed pressure for full braking and if my trail braking is at the correct level.
This could easily be fixed if PD parents the roll of the car with the roll of the head camera. It’s pretty annoying indeed.
I’d say feature not a bug- the little yaw oscillations probably cause more motion sickness. I guess give people the option, but I don’t think this is an oversight, rather a preference based on testing.

I didn’t even think about it because I instinctively leant into the cambered turns and then things A) looked right B) felt right (gravity was acting in the correct direction).
I’d say feature not a bug- the little yaw oscillations probably cause more motion sickness. I guess give people the option, but I don’t think this is an oversight, rather a preference based on testing.

I didn’t even think about it because I instinctively leant into the cambered turns and then things A) looked right B) felt right (gravity was acting in the correct direction).
Having originally experienced PCVR driving sims with the camera locked to the car, I didn't really think much of it, it definitely felt a bit "bleurgh" bumping up sudden inclines for example as your view is thrown off without you physically moving, but that sensation went as I got my VR legs.

I then came across the 'lock to horizon' option, and found that transformative in how camber and incline 'felt' in VR, it felt a lot more right. I also found it immediately just felt more natural and comfortable.

I do agree that the banking at Daytona specifically is a bit ridiculous, I assume Route X is as well, but personally I think the slightly immersion reduction of a few heavily banked corners is a much better compromise for me, and I do suspect it is a lot easier for new VR users to stomach a fixed to horizon viewpoint.

It doesn't seem a particularly hard option to give users though, it is quite literally the same as the two Wobble options for standard cockpit view.
I would like to see that the tracking doesnt resent when in pit.
Did a race C yesterday and wasnt really ready when the race started again. So the tracking was ****, needed to look straight to the right to look forward in the game. Was intresting to race like that. Kinda hard to reset in during an online event in Suzuka with all those corners in the start of the lap =)
If you scroll some answers back i literally explained how you can center your view in 1 or 2 seconds, PSVR2 have a button to enable external cameras/view, you press once you align your head with your monitor or other reference point press again to get back to VR view and its done. Its very fast like 1 or 2 seconds, very simple.
Having originally experienced PCVR driving sims with the camera locked to the car, I didn't really think much of it, it definitely felt a bit "bleurgh" bumping up sudden inclines for example as your view is thrown off without you physically moving, but that sensation went as I got my VR legs.

I then came across the 'lock to horizon' option, and found that transformative in how camber and incline 'felt' in VR, it felt a lot more right. I also found it immediately just felt more natural and comfortable.

I do agree that the banking at Daytona specifically is a bit ridiculous, I assume Route X is as well, but personally I think the slightly immersion reduction of a few heavily banked corners is a much better compromise for me, and I do suspect it is a lot easier for new VR users to stomach a fixed to horizon viewpoint.

It doesn't seem a particularly hard option to give users though, it is quite literally the same as the two Wobble options for standard cockpit view.
Was meant for motion rig for shure :P, if your body could move like the track it works like in RL. I dont have issues with cockpit view at all, the first contact i got motion sickness, played 5 minutes made a break while my wife was having fun without motion sickness, i was wtf i´m used to play and got sick and she its having a blast, but after 10 minutes i whent back and was ok, some people need a bit more time to get used to, just like in RL some people are more sensitive to movements and get sickness.
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I’d say feature not a bug- the little yaw oscillations probably cause more motion sickness. I guess give people the option, but I don’t think this is an oversight, rather a preference based on testing.

I didn’t even think about it because I instinctively leant into the cambered turns and then things A) looked right B) felt right (gravity was acting in the correct direction).
I’m not sure that translates to real life. When you’re on a banking the gravity feels centred and travelling with the direction of your spine due to centrifugal forces - bit like those rides at fin fairs where you stick to the sides and the floor falls away.

I say all this without the experience or knowledge of driving on the Daytona banking in real life
Having originally experienced PCVR driving sims with the camera locked to the car, I didn't really think much of it, it definitely felt a bit "bleurgh" bumping up sudden inclines for example as your view is thrown off without you physically moving, but that sensation went as I got my VR legs.

I then came across the 'lock to horizon' option, and found that transformative in how camber and incline 'felt' in VR, it felt a lot more right. I also found it immediately just felt more natural and comfortable.

I do agree that the banking at Daytona specifically is a bit ridiculous, I assume Route X is as well, but personally I think the slightly immersion reduction of a few heavily banked corners is a much better compromise for me, and I do suspect it is a lot easier for new VR users to stomach a fixed to horizon viewpoint.

It doesn't seem a particularly hard option to give users though, it is quite literally the same as the two Wobble options for standard cockpit view.
Yeah the option to choose should be included, hate when we get restricted to one setting when they could add other options. give us choices :) .
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Anyone else getting blood shot eyes from playing VR? Played the daily Race C twice with a solid break in between and it looks quite bad. Happened to me a few days ago as well, then I took a break. Now again…

It didn’t happen before when I raced slower cars than the Formula 1
That's not normal. You should probably see an optometrist.

I'm no doctor but your eyesight might be slightly off-focus enough to cause eye strain when you hold the image in focus.
I’d say feature not a bug- the little yaw oscillations probably cause more motion sickness. I guess give people the option, but I don’t think this is an oversight, rather a preference based on testing.

I didn’t even think about it because I instinctively leant into the cambered turns and then things A) looked right B) felt right (gravity was acting in the correct direction).
Personally I rather have the yaw happening outside than where my brain is tricked to think I’m sitting and should be relative to the rest of my body. If this was indeed a feature and the way to go to prevent motion sickness, we wouldn’t have a single flight game in VR, and for what I know there isn’t a single VR flight game that when you yaw the plane you roll inside the cabin.

But if that is indeed the case PD should sure at least give us the option like “comfort” and “normal” to change behaviors like that.
PSVR2 is great! I only tried it a few days ago though, jet lag practically destroyed me from my trip to Japan lol.
However, i don't know if anyone has already said it before so excuse me if I bring this topic again, but is someone experiencing some paiin in the bridge of your nose when you have the headset on? It hurts me so baaaaaaaaaad...
PSVR2 is great! I only tried it a few days ago though, jet lag practically destroyed me from my trip to Japan lol.
However, i don't know if anyone has already said it before so excuse me if I bring this topic again, but is someone experiencing some paiin in the bridge of your nose when you have the headset on? It hurts me so baaaaaaaaaad...
Maybe adjust it a click or two further away, it shouldn't be touching your face
Easy fix, tilt your head. :D I find myself iinstinctively leaning alot while driving in VR.
Oh I've been doing that, but unlike the real world where your seat stays positioned with the car, the game is also raising/rotating the seat, so you also feel elevated in the car, depending on the car you also have to lean to look out of the windshield especially on top of being vertical on the high banking tracks like Daytona.
PSVR2 is great! I only tried it a few days ago though, jet lag practically destroyed me from my trip to Japan lol.
However, i don't know if anyone has already said it before so excuse me if I bring this topic again, but is someone experiencing some paiin in the bridge of your nose when you have the headset on? It hurts me so baaaaaaaaaad...
I would try repositioning the headband, the VR itself should not be bearing any weight. When it’s on correct, the back of the headband should be “pulling” in and up low on your skull so the front can hold the weight near the top of your forehead. Think like a shelf bracket.

If there’s weight leaning forward the band may not be low enough on the back of your head, or the front may be too low. Might have to fiddle with it a bit so the angle of the lenses stay perpendicular. If its just the contact that’s bothersome, someone on here pages back came up with something to cushion where it makes contact with the bridge of nose, I think it may have been foam or something.

eg. when you hold the button on the top right and slide the VR a couple inches away from your eyes there shouldn’t be a problem keeping it on your head using the band alone. The VR should be hovering in position in front of your face

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Oh I've been doing that, but unlike the real world where your seat stays positioned with the car, the game is also raising/rotating the seat, so you also feel elevated in the car, depending on the car you also have to lean to look out of the windshield especially on top of being vertical on the high banking tracks like Daytona.
I wonder what PSVR2 would be like in a motion rig. I haven't seen anybody mention if they had one. It would be interesting to hear what that dynamic adds to the experience. Perhaps maybe someone on youtube has one.
So, I just purchased the psvr2 to play with this game, and I need help determining if I’m seeing what I should be seeing. I am surprised by how blurry this game is. It looks like I’m playing a game on the N64. I have adjusted and readjusted the headset. I have redone eye tracking. I can find the nickel sized sweet spot, but nothing really changes how blurry everything is. Should the billboards be blurry? Should the cars be blurry? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Everybody talks about how gorgeous the visuals are, but that is not my experience at all. Could I have a faulty headset?
So, I just purchased the psvr2 to play with this game, and I need help determining if I’m seeing what I should be seeing. I am surprised by how blurry this game is. It looks like I’m playing a game on the N64. I have adjusted and readjusted the headset. I have redone eye tracking. I can find the nickel sized sweet spot, but nothing really changes how blurry everything is. Should the billboards be blurry? Should the cars be blurry? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Everybody talks about how gorgeous the visuals are, but that is not my experience at all. Could I have a faulty headset?
There are several posts in here about how to get the best results. I would search youtube also as there are several videos addressing this. Everyone's eyesight is different so what one person sees may be different than another. Some people even remarked how they thought that after the latest PSVR2 update things looks a little better. It won't look as good as what you see on the tv, but it also shouldn't be really blurry either.
So, I just purchased the psvr2 to play with this game, and I need help determining if I’m seeing what I should be seeing. I am surprised by how blurry this game is. It looks like I’m playing a game on the N64. I have adjusted and readjusted the headset. I have redone eye tracking. I can find the nickel sized sweet spot, but nothing really changes how blurry everything is. Should the billboards be blurry? Should the cars be blurry? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Everybody talks about how gorgeous the visuals are, but that is not my experience at all. Could I have a faulty headset?

I suspect this is all about expectations.

I was similarly disappointed at the start, having read and watched reviews talking about the amazing visuals.

But I think that was a case of the reviewers having previous experience with other VR headsets, and whether they consciously realised it or not their expectations were understandably based on that background.

For example a couple of days ago I watched Linus Tech Tips real-time reaction/review of the PSVR2 and he was clearly really impressed by specific aspects of the headset (eg. the blacks of the OLEDs, the foveated rendering), and explicitly referenced other headsets when discussing these. I don’t think I’ve ever watched that channel before, but I know it has a massive subscriber base so no doubt it features the latest and greatest tech.

By contrast I had no VR background, the PS5 is my first console, it’s always been plugged in to my LG OLED TV. And judged against that the visuals don’t come close.

But once I got over that disappointment the overall experience has completely won me over. I did one back-to-back comparison playing on the TV, and I doubt I’ll ever play a driving sim on a flatscreen ever again (I certainly haven’t even considered firing up ACC or DR2 since I got my headset – it just seems silly now even contemplating it)

Disclaimer: I’ve only got one headset, so this is purely a guess. But I suspect that’s true of nearly everybody on this forum.
Hi all,
Not sure if this has already been addressed (I guess so). I always feel that my screen in VR is a little bit tilted. And when I get to the race track it feels also like my ingame head position is slightly tilted which can make it feel odd. So I end up trying to reset my position until it feels more or less okay. But for this I need to tilt my head an reset several times.
Same happens when I activate passthrough. The image looks a bit off.
I assume it's caused by tracking.
Does any of you experienced the same?

Btw despite the problems I'm addicted to GT7 in VR. I can play for hours without having any issues with motion sickness. With VR1 I couldn't do more than 1-2 laps.
Yes, I get this too. Relative seating position, high and low, forward and back, is one issue that has been discussed. Recentering the screen and/or recentering the drivers view, on the field of view plane is another issue that has been discussed. I think these two separate issues sometimes get lumped into the same discussion and confused. A third issue, which you bring up, is tilting. It's more noticeable when viewing the screen than drivers view; it's not level and there doesn't seem to be anything to do about it. I can tilt my head and recenter and it recenters the screen, or recenters the drivers view, (depending on what you are on at the time) but no matter how much you tilt your head, the levelness doesn't change.
I wonder what PSVR2 would be like in a motion rig. I haven't seen anybody mention if they had one. It would be interesting to hear what that dynamic adds to the experience. Perhaps maybe someone on youtube has one.
There's a motion rig thread here somewhere I saw where it was tried, but didn't work. As the motion kicks in it moves you around, so basically you end up looking at floor boards, the sky, etc. The PSVR2 reacts as if you are moving your head around. Not compatible at all.

EDIT: this thread
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So, I just purchased the psvr2 to play with this game, and I need help determining if I’m seeing what I should be seeing. I am surprised by how blurry this game is. It looks like I’m playing a game on the N64. I have adjusted and readjusted the headset. I have redone eye tracking. I can find the nickel sized sweet spot, but nothing really changes how blurry everything is. Should the billboards be blurry? Should the cars be blurry? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Everybody talks about how gorgeous the visuals are, but that is not my experience at all. Could I have a faulty headset?
Have you ever had your eyes tested?

I'm slightly short-sighted, and I can go without them for many activities but VR is borderline unusable without them, like a blurry mess. I never realised how sensitive VR would be to natural eyesight quality.

Granted, in VR it's not as crisp as flat mode but I think your experience sounds extreme.