Has anyone bought a wheel after already having PSVR2 and playing on the controller? I don’t have too much space so it would need to be a more compact rig, and I don’t want the learning curve to be too harsh since I’ve never used a wheel and only the controller and I won’t be able to look at the wheel in VR. I would love a wheel that works for both Playstation and Xbox but that is likely impossible from what I’ve read, so just PS5 is fine. My maximum budget is around $800, and I’d like a wheel with a decent number of buttons too. I appreciate any input!
I took delivery of my PS5 and PSVR2 about three weeks ahead of the rest of my rig, so yes, I used a controller before using a wheel. To be fair, once I got used to moving the controller like a wheel i.e. using the gyros to steer, I was quite surprised how accurately I could follow a racing line …it was not a bad experience given that a controller was not something I’d used much before, especially with the PS5 haptic feedback. Then the rest of my kit arrived and for the first time ever, I played GT in a proper racing seat with a proper DD wheel, proper pedals, all kept in place by a proper rig.
The experience was like night and day …suddenly I was in that car; on that track; racing those other drivers. As good as the controller is, using PSVR2 in a complete rig with a DD wheel is, as Kireth correctly said in his recent video: other-worldly.
WRT rigs, I bought the Sim-Lab Evo for its compact size and I was not disappointed. It’s a fabulous bit of well-engineered kit, and I say that as an engineer. Even with my 6’ 2” body, my reclining seat still falls within the frame's footprint, more-or-less. I spent a while justifying the cost of the rig to myself, being a tight git when it comes to spending on myself, but now that I know what I know, I’d do it again in a heartbeat at twice the price if I had to. It’s my new hobby and it’s a stack cheaper than what I used to spend travelling round the country racing for real.
WRT wheels and wheelbases, I bought the Fanatec GT DD Pro 8Nm wheelbase (which gives PS5 compatibility), with the CSL pedals (just the basic two-pedal set but I added the 3D printed brake mod), and the Fanatec McLaren GT3 v2 wheel (which then adds Xbox compatibility if you need it (which I don’t)). I don’t know how that works out cost-wise in USD but I can thoroughly recommend this solution. I did have problems with the wheelbase cutting out, but using the front USB socket on the PS5 seems to have solved this. I also lost all control having just passed the leader on a test that I’d spent two hours to get gold on (extremely frustrating), but then found out it was a known issue that could be fixed by reseating and retightening the collar on the main shaft. These issues are not ideal for an expensive new wheelbase, and you may be able to find a better alternative, but Fanatec have already offered to repair or replace the wheelbase if I have any more issues, and I have to say, it’s a fabulous and relatively inexpensive wheelbase, these other issues aside.
WRT the GT3 wheel, I was going to go for the GT Pro wheel, being a car driver and racer used to a full wheel, but got enticed by the fact that the McLaren GT3 wheel is an exact replica of the real thing, and I have large hands. And now I look at the GT Pro wheel and I’m glad I did not buy what looks like a toy in comparison. One can assign the wheel buttons to whatever one likes (which takes a bit of experimentation given that one uses them blind in VR), and one can use the PS5 button caps provided with the GT Pro wheelbase (not that you can see them in VR). I love the aluminium shifter paddles which can be operated one-handed if needed, I like the fact that the handbrake is (if so configured), a progressive paddle (which I’ve found is handy when you need to learn drifting for some of the missions), and although the top two dials are not useable in GT7, the top red toggles operate the MFD just fine (once you get used to finding them blind).
If your maximum budget for everything is less than a thousand dollars, I suspect that what I’ve described above is going to be well out of reach unless you find a second-hand bargain, but what I would say is that the whole PSVR2 experience is heightened exponentially by sitting in a decent rig. I'm also in the process of adding haptics without breaking the bank, and a comfortable harness experience without the cumbersome harness (i.e. cheaply), both of which I will document and link to when I get everything sorted.