I’ve just made and fitted my VR-harness (as in you can still lean forward to set your head position - details to follow) and isolated bass shakers, and have only completed an initial configuration of the SimHub effects menu from which you assign the degree of tactile feedback required (if any) to each transducer. Whilst testing with a flat-screen I was unimpressed and annoyed with myself for spending so much time on a set of glorified buzzers. But then I got the kerbs feeling just right and removed the slight effects lag by disabling everything in SimHub except for the shakers and GT7. I put my PSVR2 and headphones on, and took my 911 GT3 for a few kerb-hugging laps of Dragons Tail.
Wow. Just WOW. Holy ******* **** this is just so real! …and I haven’t even started to enable wheel slip yet (not sure what this can give me that my DD wheel doesn’t already provide). Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the budget solution of a Nobsound amp and two BST-1 transducers with SimHub meets and even exceeds all my immersion expectations in VR. I'll post more details of how I’ve put it all together when I get chance (I’m not off work ill any more), but my initial impressions are a big thumbs up. And yes, I realise that this is nothing new to the many who‘ve been racing with transducers for ages already.