My 5 hour review.
Worries, it was gonna be a faff/headache to take on and off. myth busted on that. It's absolutely fine even as a drinker and smoker it's not felt awkward at all. Just sort of casual 10 seconds when getting in the rig.
Worries (motion sickness) I can honestly say I haven't felt any but the caveat being I'm used to fast motorbikes and that whole lay it on the ground thing and the peripheral speed is ok for me. Other peeps mileage may vary.
Hopes, that it would be's freaking epic there are not words that can describe the feeling in the car.
Hopes that I'd be on the pace, this will fall out in the wash but based on licence times I'm faster in VR than I did them in bumper cam
Caveat to the last point is I was much more experienced before making the jump to VR so pace is all relative.
There is talk about a lot of graphics issues but honestly on normal PS5 I've not seen anything weird other than the slightly narrow FOV and blurring on the edges. Nothing weird but enough to question my eyes. But I think this is a training issue for me to move my head and eyes more.
Last one but this has been said since VR launched....the us is pretty weak, splits and deltas in race would be welcomed. That said it's tricky to move your head to view what we have at the mo, it needs to be glances rather than looks.
Overall im addicted to it. Especially on the licences chasing the ghosts, just a wonderful happy experience