GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
The Burrito unlocks from the hacking one, I found someone needed someone on r/heistteams and I joined thinking it may unlock it like that, but I got the Lectro and that's kinda cool.
Hey there everyone - me and two of my friends are on PS3, and we're looking for someone to be a 4th member for the infuriating death-fest that is the heists update! Due to timezones, someone from the UK is preferred - we're on weekday evenings and Sunday evenings - we've been through every heist once, and we're planning on re-doing each heist with the same team without dying yada-yada - for the cash bonuses. Anyone interested, please PM me or message me via PSN.
Heists seem to be disappointingly easy, too bad most people you can find in pubs simply have no clue what they're doing and end up dying in stupid ways.

Whatevs. If you need a good pilot/driver and/or decent shooter on Xbox One, feel free to add and invite me. GT's ClydeYellow. I will also be hosting jobs if I can get a crew of hard-*** mother******* assembled, I'm currently trying to get the Prison Break Heist prepped at the very least.
Heists seem to be disappointingly easy, too bad most people you can find in pubs simply have no clue what they're doing and end up dying in stupid ways.

Whatevs. If you need a good pilot/driver and/or decent shooter on Xbox One, feel free to add and invite me. GT's ClydeYellow. I will also be hosting jobs if I can get a crew of hard-*** mother******* assembled, I'm currently trying to get the Prison Break Heist prepped at the very least.

If you did the very last finale and say it's easy, then you must be incredibly skilled. The last finale is no walk in the park. Try it on Hard Mode with Free Aim.
Best way to do the finale is to ditch the bikes at the first road block and grab the police car. So much easier.

Which was my idea. :sly: But yeah, take the police car at the first roadblock (the one with the jump ramp). It seems to be the perfect time to switch vehicles as not many police are coming at you yet.
If you did the very last finale and say it's easy, then you must be incredibly skilled. The last finale is no walk in the park. Try it on Hard Mode with Free Aim.
I joined a random person to do this finale and absolutely blitzed it, although it was on normal but I made it to the boat way before they did using the bike.
Going to be doing the Prison finale today. I'll need 2, perhaps 3, people for the job. 25% split all round (100K each). Rank 25+ Required - Rank 50+ Recommended - Rank 100+ Desired.
Going to be doing the Prison finale today. I'll need 2, perhaps 3, people for the job. 25% split all round (100K each). Rank 25+ Required - Rank 50+ Recommended - Rank 100+ Desired.
I will be on about 2/3ish UK if you still haven't played it through (lvl 124)
I will be on about 2/3ish UK if you still haven't played it through (lvl 124)
Oh, probably should have put times. It'll be about 6PM-11PM UK time. I'll be playing the heist about 7-7:30PM (All setups are done so don't worry about that). A guy (Called Panto0711 or something) helped me with the setups and he was pretty good. We attempted the finale but the pilot left so we abandoned it.
I wish chrome wheels and new vehicles were available in SP.
Agreed. I use the story mode to tune cars I'm considering getting online, so I don't blow half a million on a car only to find that the mods are rubbish. The chrome wheels are ridiculously overpriced, and I'm not going to waster hours upon hours trying to win 50 captures to make only the chrome sports wheels free...
Agreed. I use the story mode to tune cars I'm considering getting online, so I don't blow half a million on a car only to find that the mods are rubbish. The chrome wheels are ridiculously overpriced, and I'm not going to waster hours upon hours trying to win 50 captures to make only the chrome sports wheels free...
50 captures to make them free? Not that bad. It'd be nice though if R* made the heist vehicles available offline though.
50 captures to make them free? Not that bad. It'd be nice though if R* made the heist vehicles available offline though.
It's a different challenge for every wheel type;
Win 50 captures for sports rims
Drop off 100 packages for lowrider rims
Kill 100 package carriers for offroad rims
Complete 50 heist finales for high end rims
Complete 50 heist setups for tuner rims
Get 100 kills in night vision for bike rims
Win 50 LTS matches for SUV rims
Be the last player alive in 50 LTS matches for muscle rims

Thankfully, R* made SUV chrome rims cheap - for now anyway.