GTA Online Heist Thread

  • Thread starter Jahgee
It's a different challenge for every wheel type;
Win 50 captures for sports rims
Drop off 100 packages for lowrider rims
Kill 100 package carriers for offroad rims
Complete 50 heist finales for high end rims
Complete 50 heist setups for tuner rims
Get 100 kills in night vision for bike rims
Win 50 LTS matches for SUV rims
Be the last player alive in 50 LTS matches for muscle rims

Thankfully, R* made SUV chrome rims cheap - for now anyway.
Holy good god! Wait, packages and package carriers? What's this for, this in Capture matches or something?
I did the Prison break finale twice last night. The first time I did it, some random idiot wound up making us have to restart 7 times due to dying. The second time (with another group), I had no issues whatsoever because I was playing with friends.

Also for the Pacific Standard finale, last I knew, you DO NOT have to follow the route and go to the jumping point. You can just go straight to the dinghy and pass the finale. That might have been patched, but last I knew, it still worked.
The last finale is no walk in the park.

It's no walk in hell either. That being said, I'm yet to complete it - it seems that I can't find a crew without a tendency to die in utterly stupid ways.

As for using free aim, why make things more complicated that they need to be? GTA is clearly not a game designed with free aim in mind.
It's no walk in hell either. That being said, I'm yet to complete it - it seems that I can't find a crew without a tendency to die in utterly stupid ways.

As for using free aim, why make things more complicated that they need to be? GTA is clearly not a game designed with free aim in mind.

I joined some other people that had it in free aim. I didn't die at all, but the others were getting slaughtered.
It involves killing in pairs so really you need a mic, and also wait till the enemy insurgent drives off - do not engage it just hide.
It involves killing in pairs so really you need a mic, and also wait till the enemy insurgent drives off - do not engage it just hide.
I'm sure a minigun could convince it otherwise ;)
Detection results in mission failure. If a guard spots a dead body its a fail. Or if you alert a scientist...FAIL.
Good thing I silenced every weapon. Well, apart from my MG and RPG. A silenced RPG would be awesome but literally impossible. Explosions aren't very, well, silent.