Biker DLC:
(Bikes,clothes,free roam missions)
*purchase clubhouse to activate biker free roam missions)
If this means that biker crews (Lost MC - style) will become even more popular and run rampant in lobbies, well... no thank you. It would be an interesting DLC though.
Law and order DLC
(Police free roam and vehicles)
*Purchase police vehicles to activate free roam mission
Honestly, I already see players using police vehicles to make newbies' lives hell, unless I haven't approached this update as I should have.
The Luxury Living DLC
(Mansions & Pets)
*Purchase Mansion to *purchase exotic pets (Mansion grounds only)
Mansions? Even though the community has been asking for such an update since the very beginning of the game, I still have difficulties believing that they will actually add them, especially since they haven't done so all this time. Pets make this even harder to believe.
The Blaine County and Paleto DLC
(Animals in free roam)
New warehouses and properties to *Purchase!
Don't they dare ruin the peacefulness of Paleto Bay. Put a single high end house there and the squeakers in chromed-out supercars will start flooding in... The Bay will never be the same
North Yankton and Liberty City (Online Map expansion)
$£ Paid DLC 1 2017 sept
This seems big... but there's more than a year left until then so how could anyone know already? Also, the fact that it's paid stinks for me.
San Fierro and Las ventures
(Online Map expansion)
$£ Paid DLC 2 2018 oct
Same as above, although in my opinion it would be more logical to reverse the order of these two...
It's intriguing how every one of those DLCs caters to the expectations of at least a part of the community. I would expect more "irrelevant" DLCs from R*, so I agree that we should take this with a grain of salt.