GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Just looked at that list... I find it funny that Paypal went down hours after i had received a email from telling me to pay off that negative balance I have (cause psplus shenanigans).
Shamelessly copied from SevenSins - GET ALMOST EVERY CAR FROM CREATOR FOR (almost) FREE + MONEY GLITCH

Confirmed working on PS4
Please don't share on YT :rolleyes: Let everyone have fun wih this glitch for a while

First of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm from Germany :)

I was playing around with the Semi-Creator glitch to get teleport online and found this glitch by an accident. It allows you to bring almost any car from creator online and save it or sell it.

But, before you try this with your favourite car, I have to say that in my opinion not EVERY vehicle works! Sometimes they can work, sometimes they don't work :frown:
For example: I was try to get the armored Kuruma and it has only worked once after 10 attempts. Then I try the Sultan RS and it works every time. And after testing few cars I think that we can't do this with every swing door vehicle... I try RE7B and X80 many times but they kicked me out every time...

But if anyone find a way to get the swing door vehicles to work, please share your finds :smile:

  • Like I said at begining: "I have to say that in my opinion not EVERY vehicle works! Sometimes they can work, sometimes they don't work"
If a vehicle don't work, don't give up. Keep tryin' :smile:
  • If you want do money with this, make sure that the costs of the vehicle that you are using are under 50000$ (Spoiler Money Glitch + Bypass at the end of post ;) )
  • Make sure that every vehicle that costs more than 50000$ CAN'T SELL
  • The most money you (can) spend is the money for insurance. It's ~10% of the main price of the vehicle
  • If you are using vehicles with hydraulics, don't use the hydraulics until you put a tracker on it!!

You can only sell cars under 50000$

I notice that the Sultan RS brings the most money.
Use the same steps. Accept the Sultan RS on Step 2.
When done the steps you can sell the Sultan RS for 478000$ without wait (bypass)

  • Have a publish instant win GTA landrace (It must be a GTA landrace, it's not work with stuntrace or other race types, not sure about boat and plane race)
  • Have enough cash to apply a tracker (2000 - 15000$)
  • Have a friend in a public session or be a member of a community where you can join someone in public lobby
  • A cargobob in Pegasus - you can also steal a cargobob from Merrywheater (Step )

Let's come to the steps:

I use the methods from jbtw1 and TutoFacileFrance for the first 7 Steps (glitched Creator)

1. Start creator and load your instant win race

2. Once loaded in, select ONLY this car that you want to save

3. Make sure that your target mode is different from the one in the session where you want to join

4. Start 'test'

5. Directly after start test, go to your friends or community and join friend / member.

6. Accept the alert to join but don't accept the alert that say 'you need to change your aim settings'

7. Hit circle to cancel the alert to change your aim settings once you believe you have completed the race
If done correct, you sit in you car without creator menu, only your map is showing up. If the creator menu is still there, close GTA, go to your recent activities, find a playlist or played or published job and restart GTA by hit start playlist / start race and repeat from step 1
8. If you are in glitched crator, join a friend or member of community again. This time you accept the two alert screens!

9. Once loading in the clouds start netflix, hulu, amazon or youtube to suspend GTA. Go back to GTA, it should start loading you into a new session after accept the alert screen.

10. You will load into a new session. It's very important that you don't die in this session!!! Now go to the location where you join your friend (step 8). You will see your vehicle that you was using in creator.

11. Try to get in the vehicle. If you can stay in the vehicle but can't drive you can skip to the next step. If you kicked out of the vehicle, 1) repeat from step 1 or 2) the vehicle is not working (Spoiler "note")

12. Call or find a cargobob. Get it and fly to your vehicle from creator. (Don't worry about despawn, it don't despawn until you die. It's also invincible and invisible for other players no one can destroy it)

13. Pick up the vehicle with the cargobob. You don't need to fly very high, It is enuogh when the tyres are in the air.

14. Get out of your cargobob and get in the car, you will notice that you can now drive

15. Drive the car to any Los Santos and apply ONLY a tracker! Don't press O before you apply the tracker. Once apply the tracker you can back out.

16. You will kicked out of LSC and vehicle but you have a personal vehicle icon on your map. Go to it and you will notice that it is the exact same car.
You're done :) Now you can upgrade it

I hope that I don't forget anything... Happy glitching 👍

I have no idea if this works, I'm only posting it here so you guys can try it before the YouTubers make videos and it gets patched
Jesus. It doesn't seem worth the effort to go through all of these steps when it'll be hotfixed in 24 hours.
Well if I'm interpreting it correctly, it's 470K every time for as many times as you can do it, so depending on your bank account balance it may be worth it
I have trust issues when it comes to these now. It's like that episode of Spongebob when he's trying to pick up the chocolate from the vending machine but the bus keeps threatening to leave. Every time I go to do a glitch, Rockstar goes to fix it.
I have trust issues when it comes to these now. It's like that episode of Spongebob when he's trying to pick up the chocolate from the vending machine but the bus keeps threatening to leave. Every time I go to do a glitch, Rockstar goes to fix it.
Usually they get to it about 24 hours after Se7en Sins finds it, this was found 4 hours ago, I think you've got time to get it down, and potentially this is the kind of one that allows you to avoid the hotfix by putting the PS4 into rest mode and not closing the app
I'm all for glitches and getting some free money but sometimes they're like:
  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
  • enjoy your duped car!
Well if I'm interpreting it correctly, it's 470K every time for as many times as you can do it, so depending on your bank account balance it may be worth it

If it wasn't so complicated and didn't require the use of a partner and/or a public lobby, then I would do this to fill up a garage. Additionally, I never have enough time to play on most weekdays.
I'm all for glitches and getting some free money but sometimes they're like:
  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
  • enjoy your duped car!

I tried that one 3 times before realising it had been patched :(
I'm all for glitches and getting some free money but sometimes they're like:
  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
  • enjoy your duped car!

"Hey what is up you guys! It's ya boy xXx-_-CallmeDan69420-_-xXx here with another GTA 5 Online glitch tutorial that I totally found on my own and didn't steal from GTAforums and Se7ensins! But before we get into the video be sure to smash that like button! Alright here's how you do the glitch:

  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
It's that simple! Enjoy your money and hideously modified cars! Don't forget to smash that like button, subscribe to me on YouTube, subscribe to my Twitch, donate to my Twitch, Patreon, and PayPal, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and also share this video on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Alright guys, hope you have a good day (I really don't; I hate you all and use your gullibility for money)!"
Seriously, I usually don't bother with them because there are often so many steps and require a second person and/or a garage space or something else to buy. There was another character switch glitch last weekend where you just had to bring up the internet on your phone then switch characters which was amazing. They're usually not that good though.

I'm all for glitches and getting some free money but sometimes they're like:
  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
  • enjoy your duped car!
Off road bikes are in for a treat.

Like the supercars being better off road than most off road vehicles, the Shotaro's AWD allows it to climb nearly 90 degrees walls. Heck I even managed to climb Chilliad from Paleto straight from the trainyard.
Off road bikes are in for a treat.

Like the supercars being better off road than most off road vehicles, the Shotaro's AWD allows it to climb nearly 90 degrees walls. Heck I even managed to climb Chilliad from Paleto straight from the trainyard.

Oh look. My jaw is on the floor.
I'm not sure if I'm getting less and less interested the more I know what the Shotaro can break do, but at least it isn't armored or able to be taken advantage of in a scrubby way aside from being faster than anything else on the road, but it's a bike, and stupid mindless scrubs tend to fall off anyways, if stories of Pantos outrunning Zentornos deem to be true..

Though, I need to see how good it is at dodging missiles, which testing can be done in a similar vein to Saints Row's cat and mouse minigame.

And maybe see if other bikes can climb said mountain from the side. I have a feeling it's easier than I expect. *preps Faggio*
Another of those Bike Club glitches, but needing a friend and the club at Vespucci. Here's the copy paste.

STEP 1. MUST OWN Vespucci beach clubhouse (with spray shop)

STEP 2. Fill with faggios

STEP 3. You will need a friend

STEP 4. Take faggio from slot 10

STEP 5. Have a 6 car garage full with the car you want to dup (sultan rs obviously)

STEP 6. Replace that faggio from slot 10 with the car you want to dup in the 6 car garage

STEP 7. Now your car will be in slot 10 in your clubhouse (the sultan rs).

STEP 8. (Head back to your clubhouse) and your friend stands in front of the faggio in slot 9

STEP 9. Go to vehicle management and swap slot 10 (car) with slot 9(faggio). Keep swapping until you have a car in slot 9 and slot 10 (it will start to lag, and if you dup the faggio just keep swapping it will turn back in the car)

STEP 10. Paint or change licence plate on the car in slot 10 and back out spray shop (always slot 10 every time remeber this!)

STEP 11. Swap the car in slot 9 with any other faggio in the garage and repeat..

1. You will need the biker club IN VESPUCCI BEACH, and obviously with the mod shop inside. You will also need a 6 car garage with the car to dupe (Sultan RS, 140k valued ride for PC)

2. Fill all of them with Faggios/Rat Bikes (PC).

3. Bring in a friend

4. Take the Faggio from slot 10.

5. Make sure the 6 car garage is full, and has the car to dupe.

6. Bring in the 10th slot Faggio to the garage and replace it with the car to dupe.

7. Your car should be in slot 10 of your clubhouse

8. Go back to the clubhouse, and have your friend stand in front of the Faggio in slot 9

9. Go to the vehicle management blip and swap slot 10 (dupe) with slot 9(Faggio). Keep swapping until you have a car in slot 9 and slot 10 (it will start to lag, and if you dupe the Faggio, just keep swapping it; it will turn back in the car)

10. Do something to the vehicle in slot 10 in the in house mod shop.

11. Swap the car in slot 9 with any other Faggio in the garage, and repeat.

Now, before you get hit by another rock bottom bus trip, get to it!
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I've said it before and I'll say it's perfectly understandable and acceptable that the protagonist wouldn't talk in the online half of a game, but Rockstar went above and beyond by filling interactions with jokes that emphasize it: "Your weird friend that doesn't speak," "Keep your mouth shut, you hear," "Maybe I'll do something with your tongue, not that you use your tongue," etc. Cleverly done, Rockstar.
I've said it before and I'll say it's perfectly understandable and acceptable that the protagonist wouldn't talk in the online half of a game, but Rockstar went above and beyond by filling interactions with jokes that emphasize it: "Your weird friend that doesn't speak," "Keep your mouth shut, you hear," "Maybe I'll do something with your tongue, not that you use your tongue," etc. Cleverly done, Rockstar.

If only those interactions weren't so painfully awkward and annoying to listen to for the hundredth time.
Thanks to the 6th garage, I'm in the mood to go get a storeable van collection.


Hey, the Slamvan wasn't pleased when I told him he really isn't a van and all.. (cough R* placeable ridable rear cab cover please cough)

Something's missing, though.


Subject to change. Themed after a school bus (of course).