GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Aha. I must've missed that. Oh well. It's still funny enough for me to buy. I'm not in a hurry to do get it though, since I'm not one of those "I-have-to-get-everything-that's-in-the-game-because-it's in-the-game"-kind of guys

Totally understandable. The only vehicles that interest me are the Ramp Buggy, Phantom Wedge, Ruiner 2000 (I doubt that car will ever become boring for me if I get one), and the new regular cars... if you can call million-dollar supercars "regular."
So, how do you get the 20 car garage? I feel like I'm missing something that should be otherwise obvious...
Go to where you buy the offices, click on yours, and a side bubble will pop up beside the office bubble.
So, how do you get the 20 car garage? I feel like I'm missing something that should be otherwise obvious...

If you meant the 60 car garage, you have to go into Dynasty8's Executive site, click on the building your office is located at, and then click the garage door icon.

EDIT: Tree'd.
Ah! Thank you both; I see it now.

EDIT: Christ Almighty... I just looked at the prices for my perfect 60 car garage set + Auto Shop... Those Christmas gifts are going to have to wait.
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Totally understandable. The only vehicles that interest me are the Ramp Buggy, Phantom Wedge, Ruiner 2000 (I doubt that car will ever become boring for me if I get one), and the new regular cars... if you can call million-dollar supercars "regular."
Yup. Same here. Except the super cars. But I will get the Classic Elegy and the Classic Comet. All of that and the 60-car garage with modshop will be enough for me.
Ah! Thank you both; I see it now.

EDIT: Christ Almighty... I just looked at the prices for my perfect 60 car garage set + Auto Shop... Those Christmas gifts are going to have to wait.

Hop in line with me and @leeislee. Spent the better part of yesterday just trying to figure out how to get them. Even hopped in a public session to see if some random would let me in there garage. Made i into an office before the person left, and I ws kicked out. :dunce: (This thing needs a Christmas dunce cap)

I've got exactly 50 cars ATM, and I think I'll be buying some of the unreleased ones. Should have some time to grind for the 60 car slots before I actually need them.
Well, you could start with the first 10 spots. And buy the rest later. Because you know that they will be on sale sooner or later.
That's what I'm planning on doing anyway. Just start with 10 spots and the modshop
I know ya'll want to see my Elegy...

McLaren 570S

Are you serious? How/why on earth would the ramp car explode for just sliding underneath cars? The Cheetah, Turismo R, etc never had any issues like that. Why would an armored car behave in such a strange manner?

Tommykaira ZZII?

View attachment 614047

Did a bit more hunting. I suppose it is a McLaren, which may explain why I had a specific image burned into my head. I'm subscribed to a channel on Youtube, Shmee150, who happens to drive a lot of McLarens. He recently drove a 540C, and I think it matches up closely enough. That's my guess. All McLarens are pretty close in resemblence anyway, with the 570 and 540. My guess is that they're the same chassis, but I'll have that discussion in the car section, not here.

Ah! Thank you both; I see it now.

EDIT: Christ Almighty... I just looked at the prices for my perfect 60 car garage set + Auto Shop... Those Christmas gifts are going to have to wait.

Yeap. I would be more inclined to buy the huge garage if I could sell all of my other properties... but we all know that's not going to happen any time soon. :grumpy:

Honestly, this is one of the most realistic looking cars R* has made, since it looks so much like the real-life models. With JDM part swaps, I have to imagine some tuner has blended an R32 and R33 together.
I have a question about the glitch.

What if you place a $10k bet on another player as well as yourself?
You will lose the money placed on the other player as you win the race. Bet on yourself only :)

On a separate note, could anyone tell me if I buy a buzzard will it spawn near me if I'm doing CEO work for free or will it always cost 25k?

Thinking of buying one but I'd kinda hope it spawns for free if I already own it.
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Yeap. I would be more inclined to buy the huge garage if I could sell all of my other properties... but we all know that's not going to happen any time soon. :grumpy:

Honestly, this is one of the most realistic looking cars R* has made, since it looks so much like the real-life models. With JDM part swaps, I have to imagine some tuner has blended an R32 and R33 together.

You could always trade in your current garages for 2-car garages around the map. You'd get a return on them, and you can hide them off the map if you really wanted to. Probably the closest thing to selling them.

You will lose the money placed on the other player as you win the race. Bet on yourself only :)

On a separate note, could anyone tell me if I buy a buzzard will it spawn near me if I'm doing CEO work for free or will it always cost 25k?

Thinking of buying one but I'd kinda hope it spawns for free if I already own it.

If you own the Buzzard, you can call it in as a CEO vehicle for free. It will spawn close to you, mainly on roadways. Be weary, I've heard stories of them spawning under bridges and inside toll booths.
The spawn isn't great on the Buzzards about 25% of the time I spawn one. It's always in an awkward place if the road isn't very wide and they don't take a lot of notice of light poles.
Out of curiosity, does the Executive mod shop allow you to do Benny's stuff as well as the normal mod shop upgrades?
I've heard stories of them spawning under bridges and inside toll booths.
It not that difficult to fly helicopters in tunnels and under bridges. I do it all the time when I'm bored. You just have to modulate the throttle and joystick really well.
Well I buckled and purchased an Aqua Blazer (the amphibious quad bike) and I gotta!!!

Fast on the water and pretty fast on land once it's fully upgraded. Expensive but great fun and the machine guns are great too.
You could always trade in your current garages for 2-car garages around the map. You'd get a return on them, and you can hide them off the map if you really wanted to. Probably the closest thing to selling them.

If I have a $400,000 apartment and trade it in for a $30,000 garage, do I get $370,000? I don't swap properties very often.

It not that difficult to fly helicopters in tunnels and under bridges. I do it all the time when I'm bored. You just have to modulate the throttle and joystick really well.

... Or watch out for AI Mules under Fort Zancudo. *shudders*

Well I buckled and purchased an Aqua Blazer (the amphibious quad bike) and I gotta!!!

Fast on the water and pretty fast on land once it's fully upgraded. Expensive but great fun and the machine guns are great too.

Any significant drawbacks you've noticed?
I had to check in game, but I believe that's how it works. I don't change properties often either, but from the numbers I've seen in game, I would guess that if you trded in a $400,000 property for $30,000, you'd get $370,000 in return.
Any significant drawbacks you've noticed?
It's has some understeer through the high speed corners on the road and although it's quick it won't be out running and of the faster cars in the game....until you get to the water then the transition is great. Off you go!
It's has some understeer through the high speed corners on the road and although it's quick it won't be out running and of the faster cars in the game....until you get to the water then the transition is great. Off you go!

Yeah, that's to be expected. If GTA V was set on multiple islands and bridges weren't always an option, I can see this ATV being more useful than other modes of transport. A boat only works in water, and cars only work on land. Most players would grab a random traffic car instead of waiting for the mechanic's delivery cooldown after getting off the boat, but they're at the mercy of the traffic spawning algorithm. Of course, a helicopter would solve these problems immediately, but they get shot down so easily. This ATV fills in a very niche role, but it would work so well in a multi-island map.