GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Now that I think of it, I'm probably going to test the real performance of the 2nd caddy the next time I go playing with mods.

Or even drag race it with the OG caddy.
Does anybody have any screenshots compairing the new sights and scopes for the Mk II weapons? The large scope appears to be the same as the normal scopes for the standard weapons, but I'm mainly curious about the smaller scopes as well as the holographic sights.
The holo sight is the only "new" sight out of all of them. The other three sights were already in the game but only on certain weapons.

However, those scopes on Mk2 will have aditional magnification when viewed in first person, instead of functioning like a 1x red dot. I believe the Holo doesn't have magnification, but I haven't checked.
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So, I was just checking out the GTAO subreddit a few minutes ago, and people brought up some interesting things.

• We can't have the Railgun online "because it would be overpowered." Yet, we have the Heavy Sniper with explosive rounds and thermal scopes. Hmm.

• The Canis Crusader can't be stored in garages and the JB700's shotguns are disabled, yet we have the Ruiner 2000 in our SVGs and soon the Technical and Insurgent pickup (both with mounted machine guns) can be stored in our regular garages. Hmm.

• There's so many heavily armored and military vehicles we can own, but it's just too outrageous to be able to store cop cars in our garages. Something that just about every GTA player has done at one point in every single GTA game previously. Also, there are minor customization options for the Taurus-based cruiser, which would be a shame for them to go to waste. HMMMMMMMM.
We can't have the Railgun online "because it would be overpowered." Yet, we have the Heavy Sniper with explosive rounds and thermal scopes. Hmm.
As similar as those weapons are, I feel like the railgun has the edge as far as useability. It hits harder than the explosive sniper, and it's less clumsy to use in close quarters.

On the other hand, the thermal scope is just plain stupid.

and soon the Technical and Insurgent pickup (both with mounted machine guns) can be stored in our regular garages.
And they're gonna have insurance costs for destroying them, which is just stupid. Should've had them work like the special vehicles. :irked:
So, I was just checking out the GTAO subreddit a few minutes ago, and people brought up some interesting things.

• We can't have the Railgun online "because it would be overpowered." Yet, we have the Heavy Sniper with explosive rounds and thermal scopes. Hmm.

• The Canis Crusader can't be stored in garages and the JB700's shotguns are disabled, yet we have the Ruiner 2000 in our SVGs and soon the Technical and Insurgent pickup (both with mounted machine guns) can be stored in our regular garages. Hmm.

• There's so many heavily armored and military vehicles we can own, but it's just too outrageous to be able to store cop cars in our garages. Something that just about every GTA player has done at one point in every single GTA game previously. Also, there are minor customization options for the Taurus-based cruiser, which would be a shame for them to go to waste. HMMMMMMMM.

You know how some people on Reddit are. They just wanna find something to complain about. They can't help themselves...
Two quick questions:

  • Is there a way to remain AFK in my bunker without being kicked without rubber banding?
  • Can the livery on the independence day western bagger be removed on LSC?
Two quick questions:

  • Is there a way to remain AFK in my bunker without being kicked without rubber banding?
  • Can the livery on the independence day western bagger be removed on LSC?

To answer the first question, it was mentioned by someone else in this thread a short while back is that if you have the security upgrade and have the security cameras, you can look through the cameras and leave it there.

Tried it myself and it works a treat. :D

As for the second question, you mean the Western Sovereign?

If so then no it can't be painted at all, I check a few recent videos and sure enough no options for liverys or paint.

Brourghy1322's testing also puts the bike at 27th (28th as soon as he can put the Oppressor round the track.) on the bike leaderboards.

So unless it's 2 wheeled patriotism you want I can't recommend it on any other basis.

Edit: It was @Custom878 who mentioned the Bunker security trick. :P
Here's what it used to look like. The Stars and Stripes livery was still seen under the paint.
Whatever color you pick, the Sovereign and the Liberator's livery is going to show. Matte black and chrome are kinda exceptions, but it's more effective on the Liberator.


You know, I would kill if we can modify the monster trucks. It actually has options for engine and transmission upgrades etc.
Whatever color you pick, the Sovereign and the Liberator's livery is going to show. Matte black and chrome are kinda exceptions, but it's more effective on the Liberator.


You know, I would kill if we can modify the monster trucks. It actually has options for engine and transmission upgrades etc.

Oh man. If I could fix the transmission on the monster trucks...

Logged into another character I haven't in a couple years or more looking to find any placeable fireworks, and while I found none I did find another bonus.

To everyone out there who wishes to try that special supply mission yourselves: be ready to invest some hours. More precisely, assuming you're selling one "crate" at a time and has all upgrades, that's:

600 total sales required
multiplied by
7 minutes per "crate"
4200 minutes, or 70 hours.

And that, as I said, is "best case scenario".
In simpler terms, 600 crates is equal to 6 full bunkers.

Nevermind I'm dumb. Just realized it was 600 sales, not crates.
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To everyone out there who wishes to try that special supply mission yourselves: be ready to invest some hours. More precisely, assuming you're selling one "crate" at a time and has all upgrades, that's:

600 total sales required
multiplied by
7 minutes per "crate"
4200 minutes, or 70 hours.

And that, as I said, is "best case scenario".

I saw gameplay of that mission and it's absolutely not worth the grind. Just a crashed UFO prop, some military equipment, FIB Grangers, Merryweather Mesas, lightning, and aliens that appear for a grand total of five seconds.
You're obviously not a fan of hidden lore, which is the one thing mr. Cawthon's made sure I'll forever pay extra attention to :P
  • GTA Online is, supposedly, set a few months before GTA V, though, of course, that timeline's been torn apart and put back together again at least a billion times by now.
  • The crashed UFO is a damaged model of the most common one, seen in the skies above Sandy Shores and, crucially, Mt. Chiliad as well as below sea at the northern end of the map.
  • Here's the funny thing: the ones mentioned above all feature FIB markings, whereas this one does not.
So let's play with the thought that Online, even at this stage, is still pre-Story. A UFO crashes just short of the Zancudo base. One could question why it's such a specific location, but that's speculation on a whole other level.

First on scene will be, of course, the military. I imagine either they contacted the FIB when things didn't turn out so well for them or the whoever watches the skies for a living actually paid attention for once, before it went even more wrong for the FIB team and their scientists. This is where you come in, grab the egg and make guns from that (which, again, you can make a complete conspiracy theory of, including why you don't die there and how you always come back to life).

What happens next, again, nobody knows. A logical answer is that the FIB somehow got the whole dying-when-within-a-certain-range thing under control (maybe caused by the egg?) and decided to copy the technology. Logic would dictate that the first test run ended in the waters north of Paleto Bay (since that's also the only UFO that doesn't require 100% completion), after which they got it all together, got two working UFOs of their own and have subsequently been visited by a completely different UFO (recovery team, maybe? Or maybe the first one was a recon/this-planet-is-suitable-for-alien-eggs-so-put-it-there-somewhere team and this is their battleship as they now see Zancudo as a potential threat?), which, as I'm sure many of you know, sits right on top of that little locked, bunker-esque building in the base. Conspiracy theorists would say that's where they've hid what they have, but again, insufficient evidence.

This is what happens when my brain has nothing more important to do.
^ Heists themselves are pre-story as well (unless you already implied that) as Lester references the online character in the jewel store heist. I'd say everything from Lowriders 1 onwards takes place after GTA V.
As far as I can tell, everything up to the heists update is pre-story.

I've already agreed with that, which is why I also said this:

So let's play with the thought that Online, even at this stage, is still pre-Story.

As for Agent 14:

GTA Online is, supposedly, set a few months before GTA V, though, of course, that timeline's been torn apart and put back together again at least a billion times by now.

Either I'm overthinking it again, R* themselves don't know how this timeline plays out or we're in a time paradox the proportion of which makes Terminator look like something a five-year old came up with.

Or maybe it's just not supposed to make sense and some people spend too much time trying to make it.
Okay so the most efficient grinding method is the cocaine business and import-export? Is it worth buying the business upgrades? Are the export collections worth it? All of my top range cars are part of collections so I've been selling the mid range stuff (which is definitely not efficient),
Okay so the most efficient grinding method is the cocaine business and import-export?
Pretty much. If you're playing solo, I would just buy the business supplies since you can make the money back quicker, but if you're playing with friends you might as well just steal them.

Is it worth buying the business upgrades?
I wouldn't bother with security unless you spend a lot of time as MC president. Otherwise, yes.

All of my top range cars are part of collections so I've been selling the mid range stuff (which is definitely not efficient),
Don't bother with any of the collections except for the ones that are completely high-end cars.

I've been selling the mid range stuff
Don't do this. Like, ever.
Okay so the most efficient grinding method is the cocaine business and import-export? Is it worth buying the business upgrades? Are the export collections worth it? All of my top range cars are part of collections so I've been selling the mid range stuff (which is definitely not efficient),

Being that I do most of my work solo, I don't bother much with the collections. I have sold the 2-car high end collection with the Roosevelt and Z-Type, and it paid a $20k bonus over the individual value(so each car sold for ~$90k net rather than $ always assuming zero damage.) The $20k bonus for the 2-car(admittedly hadn't looked at the others as it is very rare I'd have other players available) wasn't worth the effort of sourcing out some assistance to me nor was it worth sitting on them so I tend to treat them like any other car. I can't imagine it would pay to sell any collection that wasn't all high end cars, as even with a bonus you'll make more selling a high end car on its own than a mid-range car with bonus. Perhaps the larger collections carry larger bonuses; I don't have the numbers in front of me but I would wager it unlikely beats the $80k per car if it involves mid or low range cars.

The efficiency upgrades, including the staff and equipment upgrades, are beneficial. The security upgrade does not prevent raids, but simply reduces the frequency of raids. As such, if you are certain to disband your club before leaving the business and after sales are complete you can prevent any opportunity for raids to occur and will not benefit from the security upgrade.

I have now completed all research, and let the bunker run down the rest of the supplies into stock and sold it. I have resupplied once and will probably make another couple of sales before I do another closedown and let it ride. So far one of the sale missions was entertaining, and one was annoying. I may restart it at some point in the future to replace or add to my grind routine, but I tend to have on and off periods where I earn money and some where I don't and won't have a use for it.