GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Dataminers usually work pretty quickly. Dripfeed vehicles should be up in the morning and the Hangar payouts, capacity, etc. should be within a few days.
Dataminers usually work pretty quickly. Dripfeed vehicles should be up in the morning and the Hangar payouts, capacity, etc. should be within a few days.

IIRC, one of the most notable leakers (Funmw2) took a break from revealing information right around Gunrunning. Maybe they're fed up with the community behaving so poorly.
I have a few friends through friends that have both legit accounts with a fair amount of money and a few not so legit accounts. They usually use the not so legit to see if it's worth investing with their legit ones. Only problem is the feedback isn't so informative, more along the lines of " it's good, or it's 🤬".

On the other hand if you have a spare evening we can read all about it from @Marcus Garvey :lol:
I'm curious is the new racing stuff is gonna be dripfed through the Smuggling update, or be released as a seperate update later on. It's not often they tease stuff this far ahead.
I tried to...
Regular Car Review Screenshot 2017-08-25 21-10-29.png

...but the Character Creator sucks ***.

Regular Games Review
Based on a few days of.. extensive research, I think there's been a change to the cooldown timer for I/E:

If I'm not much mistaken, for a single car, it used to be 20 minutes from the moment you click the "sell" button.

Now, however, it seems to be 20 minutes from the moment the sale is completed.

Which essentially means the 4K/minute isn't 100% correct anymore.

While reading this, keep in mind that filling up a 111 crates warehouse gives somewhere in the general region of 3-3.4k/minute.

All of this is based on selling from the La Mesa warehouse. All Cargobob related ones include going above the spawn height for the Sultans as well.

For starters, you've got to be lucky that the game doesn't 🤬 you and blow it up for no apparent reason. Seriously. Even in the most convenient space for miles, the game randomly decides whether to blow it up or not.

Nice and easy, this one. Just get out, hook onto the chopper and go.

$160,000 vehicle profits / (20 minute cooldown + average selling time ~3 minutes) = ~7k per minute, or about 3.5k when not on 2x cash
This is an arsy one.

$160,000 vehicle profits - $200 Cargobob costs / (20 minute cooldown + average selling time ~5 minutes) = ~6.4 k/min - ~3.2 without bonus

Expect more repair bills, but faster sales.

$160,000 / (20 + ~3 minutes average) = ~7k/min - ~3.5k without bonus

Let's assume they really 🤬 you up and you lose 10k in value:

$150,000 / (20 + 3) = ~6.5k/min - ~3.3k without bonus

TL;DR all things combined, yes, the Cargobob is still quite useful for sourcing vehicles, but if it explodes the moment you enter the warehouse, don't bother getting another one - even taking the loss of value from the blue Sultans will, more often than not, result in a better $/min in the end.

Best option is still to have a friend in the lobby with you and never have to worry about them, but that shouldn't come as a surprise.
The one guy playing on PC who spawns them in and tests them after they're released. :lol:
In other words, SomePlayaDude

I will be testing the vehicles, just not on day 1. It depends when Script Hook gets updated, which is maybe 4-7 days after update.

Besides, it's just planes, and maybe more off roading pedigree.
Last time I done some I/E grinding I had sold all my top range cars.

Well, somehow my top range I/E inventory is full. I certainly didn't fill it up. Odd but handy
I've found a new method of dealing with the blue Sultans.

I call it "Exit The Vehicle As Soon As The First Set Spawns And Make Sure You Have A Fully Upgraded Weaponised Tampa Nearby And Make It Rain Lead On Them Monkey Fighting Sultans", or ETVASATFSSAMSYHAFUWTNAMIRLOTMFS for short.

Grand Theft Auto V_20170826182444.jpg

It may not be the most time-efficient way out there, but it works. And you get the satisfaction of more explosions than a below-standards Michael Bay movie.
I've found a new method of dealing with the blue Sultans.

I call it "Exit The Vehicle As Soon As The First Set Spawns And Make Sure You Have A Fully Upgraded Weaponised Tampa Nearby And Make It Rain Lead On Them Monkey Fighting Sultans", or ETVASATFSSAMSYHAFUWTNAMIRLOTMFS for short.

View attachment 669267

It may not be the most time-efficient way out there, but it works. And you get the satisfaction of more explosions than a below-standards Michael Bay movie.

I made a video with R* Editor too
GTAV Video Thread

R* are dropping photos on their Facebook page

The lightning quick Alpha Z-1 is a Smuggler’s getaway dream with a four cylinder engine, fixed pitch propeller, 66 square feet of wing area and routinely fatal top speeds.


This quad-prop monster is the ultimate multi-purpose aircraft for high volume Smugglers. The Tula features a mounted turret, VTOL and aquatic landing capabilities and has a myriad of upgrades from bombs to JATO thrust.


Deploy countermeasures to evade incoming enemy fire. The Hanger’s Aircraft Workshop offers a variety of countermeasure types and colors.
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So, I've been looking through some old GTA IV videos and I found something that I thought would be fun to recreate in GTAO.

Language Warning

Basically a bunch of players in police cars will chase down a crook driving a random traffic car. The cops will have to immobilize the crook, either by boxing them in, flipping them, or just smashing into it until it explodes.

This shouldn't be hard to set up in a private lobby. LSPD Staniers would probably work best since you can spawn large amounts of them at police stations. The La Mesa station usually has around 8-12 cars, and Biker MCs can spawn in a donor car via Criminal Mischief. The crook will just need to steal a random car off the street. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to get everyone ready.

If enough people are interested, I'll see if I can get something like this going.
If enough people are interested, I'll see if I can get something like this going.

I've been wanting to put something like that (or just any kind of freemode shenanigans, really - would still recommend The Hunt (which can also easily be done with police vehicles) or the not-Heists) together for about as long as I can remember.

The times I've presented those ideas they've.. not quite gotten the reaction I'd hoped for.

Also, La Mesa has eight Staniers once you get the first one? That's.. a bit too generous if you ask me.
Can't wait to see how the Alpha Z-1 performs. It's like a microscopic Mallard. :D

So, I've been looking through some old GTA IV videos and I found something that I thought would be fun to recreate in GTAO.

Language Warning

Basically a bunch of players in police cars will chase down a crook driving a random traffic car. The cops will have to immobilize the crook, either by boxing them in, flipping them, or just smashing into it until it explodes.

This shouldn't be hard to set up in a private lobby. LSPD Staniers would probably work best since you can spawn large amounts of them at police stations. The La Mesa station usually has around 8-12 cars, and Biker MCs can spawn in a donor car via Criminal Mischief. The crook will just need to steal a random car off the street. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to get everyone ready.

If enough people are interested, I'll see if I can get something like this going.

Thanks for the nostalgia trip. :P We've tried it before, but you need a ton of people for it to work properly since half the cars will get destroyed in the first three minutes of a chase. :lol:
I've been wanting to put something like that (or just any kind of freemode shenanigans, really - would still recommend The Hunt (which can also easily be done with police vehicles) or the not-Heists) together for about as long as I can remember.

The times I've presented those ideas they've.. not quite gotten the reaction I'd hoped for.
All I really need to get this working is a decent amount of people and maybe someone with a mic. I'd love to see something like this in action.

Also, La Mesa has eight Staniers once you get the first one? That's.. a bit too generous if you ask me.
Guestimate. There's a parking lot in the back that usually has a bunch of Staniers that are out of view from the cops. If anything, you can just drive away and drive back.
So, I've been looking through some old GTA IV videos and I found something that I thought would be fun to recreate in GTAO.

Language Warning

Basically a bunch of players in police cars will chase down a crook driving a random traffic car. The cops will have to immobilize the crook, either by boxing them in, flipping them, or just smashing into it until it explodes.

This shouldn't be hard to set up in a private lobby. LSPD Staniers would probably work best since you can spawn large amounts of them at police stations. The La Mesa station usually has around 8-12 cars, and Biker MCs can spawn in a donor car via Criminal Mischief. The crook will just need to steal a random car off the street. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to get everyone ready.

If enough people are interested, I'll see if I can get something like this going.
I'd be up for that. Looks great fun
I'm just going to throw out here that there's actually a good amount of variety possible for the chasers.

An MC or two can spawn Staniers, A few CEOs can spawn FIB Buffalos (Hostile Takeover - LSIA), anyone with.. well, any air transport that can make wanted levels can source one or two police choppers (can be repaired by entering an office through the roof), and the rest can either steal the nearest Interceptor, get one of the Staniers or go on a hunt for either the Transporter, the Riot or one of the billion different Grangers.

The ground vehicles can still be repaired by the good ol' enter-a-job-trigger-back-out-and-turn-the-camera-around glitch, so the condition of the vehicle when acquired isn't really important at all.
The ground vehicles can still be repaired by the good ol' enter-a-job-trigger-back-out-and-turn-the-camera-around glitch, so the condition of the vehicle when acquired isn't really important at all.
I hope that still works. I know some of the police vehicles despawn pretty easily.
I hope that still works. I know some of the police vehicles despawn pretty easily.

..yeah, some do work better than others.

There's one on a corner next to Legion Square that's quite reliable, I've got a custom job myself just as the GOH enters the city that should work as well. Couple of good ones dotted around the rest of LS too.

Can probably go through them all at some point when there's neither a good 2x Money or a new update out.
If I were to set this up, what time would you guys be available for?

Sunday: Unavailable
Monday: After 3:30 PM EST
Tuesday: Unavailable
Wednesday: Unavailable
Thursday: Available all day
Friday: Available all day until 10:00 PM EST
Saturday: Between 7:30 - 10:00 PM EST.
Yeah, I'm fairly certain it doesn't allow any major changes at all - gender, family tree/resemblance etc.

A waste of 100k if you ask me.