GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Reading through various posts over on GTAF whenever some sort of wipe or bam occurs always amuses me.

"...I duped and sold 800 elegy retros and made hundreds of millions but that was ages ago. Like at least 4 months ago!"

That sounds familiar to me regarding the Elegy retros.. :P

And it single handily saved the game for me because I was way behind on everything at the start of the year, the guy who helped me (who shall remain nameless.) told me how he got his riches when I was working as his bodyguard and offered to help me.

He supposedly had a "friend" who knew when and how to avoid been picked up by any cheat detectors both automated and manual and it worked wonders for me.

I ended up blowing the last of it buying the gunrunning vehicles and such and now I'm at a point where I can be financially stable in GTA Online. :)

Does giving in to such temptation make me a bad guy? If so, I believe i've done well to offset some of it by helping others make their money legitimately and by also making the Romero Hearse that little less rare online by helping others get one. :D

Do I regret doing it??

Not really, some great stories I've told here were made possible because of that and despite downtown LS turning into Syria and only getting worse, Its brought the game back to life for me. 👍

Some of the stuff I bought when Gunrunning came out was with "dirty" money, everything afterwards was with clean money.

TLDR, I sold duped Elergys and it saved GTA for me and now I pay it forward by helping others grind for their riches. :lol:
That sounds familiar to me regarding the Elegy retros.. :P

And it single handily saved the game for me because I was way behind on everything at the start of the year, the guy who helped me (who shall remain nameless.) told me how he got his riches when I was working as his bodyguard and offered to help me.

He supposedly had a "friend" who knew when and how to avoid been picked up by any cheat detectors both automated and manual and it worked wonders for me.

I ended up blowing the last of it buying the gunrunning vehicles and such and now I'm at a point where I can be financially stable in GTA Online. :)

Does giving in to such temptation make me a bad guy? If so, I believe i've done well to offset some of it by helping others make their money legitimately and by also making the Romero Hearse that little less rare online by helping others get one. :D

Do I regret doing it??

Not really, some great stories I've told here were made possible because of that and despite downtown LS turning into Syria and only getting worse, Its brought the game back to life for me. 👍

Some of the stuff I bought when Gunrunning came out was with "dirty" money, everything afterwards was with clean money.

TLDR, I sold duped Elergys and it saved GTA for me and now I pay it forward by helping others grind for their riches. :lol:
I don't mind people who dupe cars for money. I've done it. They only time I SMH is when they complain if they get banned or have their money wiped.

Dupe away, earn as much as you can. Just don't complain if you get caught.
I don't mind people who dupe cars for money. I've done it. They only time I SMH is when they complain if they get banned or have their money wiped.

Dupe away, earn as much as you can. Just don't complain if you get caught.

Hit the nail on the head.
I don't mind people who dupe cars for money. I've done it. They only time I SMH is when they complain if they get banned or have their money wiped.

Dupe away, earn as much as you can. Just don't complain if you get caught.


As much as I would like to say otherwise, I can't say every single dollar I have to my name in GTA is "clean". I'd guestimate the balance is somewhere around 50 clean to 1 dirty, mainly thanks to the betting glitch on the superior system (get triggered), and I'm generally not against making some tiny side profits, but it is, always has been and always will be a risky game to play.

It's surprisingly much like a casino - sometimes you play big and win big. Other times you play big and lose it all. And then there's people like me. Sometimes, yes, I will take advantage of glitches, get a few million here and there and stop while the going is good.

Granted, that doesn't happen as often anymore because I've got stuff like the Vehicle Warehouse and Bunker virtually stuffing money in my face, but the point stands - whenever a new money glitch comes around and you intent on gaining from that, think of the mission N.O.E. from San Andreas. Or about whether or not selling those 111 Crates is a good idea in a 30-strong lobby.
Some people really throw money at this!
I think the secret is don't get greedy. Dupe/glitch enough so you're comfortable for a DLC or two and that's it.

Some people go way over the top and make hundreds of millions. I couldn't do that as I find a dupe glitch becomes boring. It's just another grind to me like I/E or whatever.

People who get enough to enjoy the game is ok with me. I know some people who have had no money and were on the verge of quitting the game but a new dupe came along and they made a few million to enjoy the game again.
The only time I've really exploited was the betting one. I did about 1-1.5 million worth which bought the I/E garage. That's all. Rest is pretty legit from there on out.
I won't be shocked if I don't have any money on the 4. Most of my money was given to me by a modder when I transferred, but I really won't care since I haven't bothered to touch the game on the 4 since I transferred anyway.
Our best friends, the leakers, have some gifts for us, as we await the release of Smuggler's Run:















And ze automobiles:






..yeah, the Visione *will* have to wait. Escort, Classic Rapid GT, Batmobile, even the new Coil all appeal infinitely more to me.

And then there's all the aircraft. I fear not much is going to be left of my 43 million by this time next hour.
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Not too bothered with the planes. I'll see what takes my fancy when they are released. However........The batmobile, Escort and the Ford Capri are musts for me.

The visione looks pretty ugly from that image.
Ford Capri

I'd beg to differ and say all things point to it being the original V8 Vantage but hey, it's GTA - whatever floats your boat.

Also the update has just landed on PS4 over here.

Edit: watching a very laggy (on my end) Broughy stream as I await to get online, the Escort is 615k and the Visione is 2,250,000. That's what we've got for cars as of right now.

In terms of planes, it's Tula, Rogue, Molotok and Starling on Warstock. Must have a personal hangar for those. Didn't catch what was on Elitas.

So yes. The Hunter is subject to dRIPfeeding. Half the update is dRIPfeeding.

Edit: oooooh the not-Escort has a proper Rothmans Redwood livery option,
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New update and I'm more hyped on the leaked cars, people.

There's a Batmobile in the game (Vigilante).

And a Rimac Concept_One (Cyclone).

And an 80s Aston Vantage (Rapid GT3)

Damn, and I've already kinda quit the game.
Totally haven't just dished out 5.4 million on the biggest hangar in Zancudo.

It's a special feeling to be within 10 feet of a tank and it not trying to blow you up.

Also if we go by the Online-is-actually-set-in-2017-and-after-story, Ron basically confirms Trevor is still alive. So that's not the canonical option.
If you're not rich (and has been hit by the terrible money adjustments), consider not buying anything instantly. I'm personally waiting for GTASeriesVideo's guide on the money making aspect.

That and ScriptHookV update for my shopping list and SPD sneaks.

Also: along the Hunter, the LAZER will also be dripfed
I'd beg to differ and say all things point to it being the original V8 Vantage but hey, it's GTA - whatever floats your boat.

Also the update has just landed on PS4 over here.

Edit: watching a very laggy (on my end) Broughy stream as I await to get online, the Escort is 615k and the Visione is 2,250,000. That's what we've got for cars as of right now.

In terms of planes, it's Tula, Rogue, Molotok and Starling on Warstock. Must have a personal hangar for those. Didn't catch what was on Elitas.

So yes. The Hunter is subject to dRIPfeeding. Half the update is dRIPfeeding.

Edit: oooooh the not-Escort has a proper Rothmans Redwood livery option,
I stand corrected
So yeah, this is basically Crates 3.0 - source crates, sell crates - except here you've got 8 different types of cargo (apparently with varying difficulties and, presumably, payouts) and the more of a type you sell, the bigger a bonus you're apparently getting.

It's about 10k per crate for the start at least, but I'll investigate this whole thing further.

Also the Pyro is.. interesting, to say the least. Yes, it's featured in a Source mission, but not buyable.

Also, if you have your hangar in Zancudo, stealing a Lazer will only ever give you two stars.

Also the CEO Buzzard has tinted windows and the Hydra can be stored in your hangar. Only modification for that is a respray and.. yeah, I can see where that's going..
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So, I just went into GTA Online for the first time in a few weeks...please don't tell me R* patched the "start a playlist, finish it, restart it and quit to get an empty lobby" glitch. :(
"Who doesn't remember their first time? It seems just like yesterday: stealing a delicate hypercar, hitting the freeway going north, taking the dirt ramp with enough speed to somersault 200ft over the rear fence of Fort Zancudo, dodging the small arms fire, stealing a P-996, getting a 120mm shell inserted firmly up your intake, and enjoying your ringside seat at the fireworks. But now you're older and wiser, you're ready for a tactical fighter to call your own. Time to come of age."

~ Warstock description of the P-996 LAZER

*slow clapping*
I'd say hangar choice is a matter of preference. Some missions take place in the city, others take place in Blaine County, and regardless of where you go, it's a congestion zone.

I've gone for Zancudo just because that allows you access and all that jazz.