GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Quick question, Does the change your appearance option allow you to change gender too or is the gender locked?

No you can't change gender.

If you think about it, I wouldn't want to change gender, because if I had to rebuy all my clothes while doing so, I'd be missing about a nice car's worth.
I've just noticed there are three nice new interior decor options for my Maze Bank Tower office......

Now I'm over 700k worse off. Damn my love of matching high gloss, minimalist furniture.
Yeah, the only Ardent modification that isn't available in LSC is liveries. Given the liveries available.. your call.

Also not quite sure how I feel about the Visione. Partly because it means getting rid of more cars than I was expecting (though I do have some cheap-and-easy-to-reacquire ones in mind), but I'm not sold on the looks yet.

Then again, I've said that about pretty much every Super car released with an update, and guess who owns at least one of all but the ETR1 and Itali GTB Custom?
Yeah, the only Ardent modification that isn't available in LSC is liveries. Given the liveries available.. your call.

Easy choice then. Not sure what to remove from the office garage yet, though... DoD or armored Baller LE is a possibility, but I could just shove the Warrener back into another garage again.
Nothing so far is selling for me. These new planes and cars are just extra for me to play with under mod menus. We all know it's another "huge investment to break even", and I'm pretty positive nothing can beat Import/Export for solid cash.
What's the worst that could happen? Female avatars that look manly? That's already the default look for most. :lol:
So, I've been looking through some old GTA IV videos and I found something that I thought would be fun to recreate in GTAO.

Language Warning

Basically a bunch of players in police cars will chase down a crook driving a random traffic car. The cops will have to immobilize the crook, either by boxing them in, flipping them, or just smashing into it until it explodes.

This shouldn't be hard to set up in a private lobby. LSPD Staniers would probably work best since you can spawn large amounts of them at police stations. The La Mesa station usually has around 8-12 cars, and Biker MCs can spawn in a donor car via Criminal Mischief. The crook will just need to steal a random car off the street. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes to get everyone ready.

If enough people are interested, I'll see if I can get something like this going.

You know my schedule and that I have a mic, so I'm in.
Has anyone here gotten their money wiped? I haven't, but there has been a lot of fuss about a purge on GTAF.

It's that time again where everyone wheels out their "banned for no reason" or "never done any glitches", "why has my bank account been reset" whinging.
It's that time again where everyone wheels out their "banned for no reason" or "never done any glitches", "why has my bank account been reset" whinging.

Take it with a grain of salt if you wish, but a lot of the reports I've seen were from people who legitimately gained money from the most recent double cash/RP events.
Seems to only/mostly affect PC, which isn't exactly new either.

Of course, I don't know how the internal systems for calculating ill-gotten gains (pun intended) work, but ideally it works sort of like regular accounting, where, to put it as short as possible, everything is posted on "both sides". If there's a discrepancy, that's likely the sum of money you're not supposed to have. That, I can agree with and, if done correctly, cannot be argued with.
Yeah, I've been monitoring this weird money loss and am staying offline till the first few hours of pubbing Smuggler's Run (where there's likely no modders rampant).

The amount of money lost is, as told by the victims, equal to the money made by the double money Import/Export, which is probably saying that we're never intended a double money event at all, I guess?
..but even that doesn't make sense - surely they'd either have hit on the other systems as well or waited for the week to be over. Unless the recent tunables update has something to do with it and there's no more 2x money on PC. Even then, that's less than 24 hours ago, and reports about lost money seemingly came in a lot earlier than that.

EVEN THEN they put this 2x money thing IN THEIR NEWSWIRE ARTICLE AND ALL.

TL;DR unless this comes to consoles as well, I'm not buying the explanation that R* is taking the bonus money away. *IF* that turns out to be the case, however, this is the single douchiest move ever and I'm not sure how much less interested I can become in a R*/T2 title, all their 2017 🤬 considered.
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Today I started with 608k and bagged 2.4 million after a lot of I/E grinding. Sitting at $3022912 right now. Since I don't know if PS4 players are actually in the clear, I'll probably splurge on the first thing that I think is worth it before R*'s trigger happy anti-cheat does it for me...
PC has had a lot of wipes lately, some from folks who have not ever cheated online, but rather those who even only had SP mods in place and for a short amount of time. I don't play on PC, but I have yet to hear of a console player being wiped in these recent waves. I would imagine if it were related to bonus money or something legitimately earned through an event like the double pay I/E, it would have been applied to all platforms that had such bonuses. Logic leads me to believe there is at least something in the anti-cheat mechanism that is causing these wipes, valid or not, as it appears to be exclusive to PC. One of the differences between the consoles and PC is that the consoles inherently prevent many of the parameters that the anti-cheat mechanism can detect. This leads me to conclude that the wipe is somehow in relation to these uhhhh.....options...that exist on PC and not on console. That doesn't mean the wipe wasn't in error, and it could be a major programming or other software error.

I cannot comment on how many wiped players were 100% legit, although there does seem to be some correlation between "I only did this SP mod this once back in 1957 and now they're taking everything!" Correlation, however, does not identify any causation. The fact that some players have had funds removed that they purchased in shark cards does contribute some question to the reports, as in past wipes R* left shark card funds in place. Even the Feb 2014 wipe that sent many players back to $47,500; those who purchased shark cards kept those funds and some were reset to 8,047,500 for example. Either R* is wiping purchased funds, which has been proven legally actionable and why they didn't in previous wipes, this was a network error/mistake, or some of the stories aren't entirely accurate. I do suggest folks take most of what is on that forum with a grain of salt, because that place is a cesspool of the highest order.

In short, I don't know; but I have some ideas.
"...I duped and sold 800 elegy retros and made hundreds of millions but that was ages ago. Like at least 4 months ago!"

You forgot how they are the wronged party, how "it's GTA so that should be allowed" and how R* is the worst developer in history for taking their glitched-or-otherwise-illicit money away.