GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
No problem :cheers: I don’t mind helping crewmembers. Best part was making the tryhard leave though. I guess he didn’t like my Akula :confused::(:lol:
yeah I got lucky and he left with a 2:0 in my favour :lol: that doesn‘t happen very often unless I really go after some level 20 moron who attacks me :dunce:
I also had a good laugh when you took your Opressor back to the coke lab instead of the van :D
yeah I got lucky and he left with a 2:0 in my favour :lol: that doesn‘t happen very often unless I really go after some level 20 moron who attacks me :dunce:
I also had a good laugh when you took your Opressor back to the coke lab instead of the van :D
It’s been so long since I last did that mission, so I thought it was only one van:dunce::lol: I also misread the “get the van” as “help get the van” :dunce::lol: It worked out ok though :):cheers:
Had a near miss yesterday with someone who’s found a even worse vehicle to use for under the map free kills, the Avenger. :rolleyes:

I went through the motions to report him, plus a few others who were exploiting the Orbital Cannon on some poor saps and then joining back via a friend.

Hopefully something good comes from it, but the real issue needs solving.

If it were me, If someone’s caught trying to dodge paying for a shot, I’d have the original 750k deducted from their account, plus another 750k for trying to dodge it to begin with.

Caught doing it again? The original amount plus 1.5mil and so on and so forth for every attempt afterwards.

Don’t have enough to cover one of the taxed shots? 1 week in Badsport for every shot you can’t pay for. :mischievous:

Somehow keep doing it in badsport? R* start doing stat resets or outright bans.

Of course a simple option would be for the game to take the money and save it before shooting and ONLY refund the player if the intended victim leaves the lobby before the shot is made.

The player can then choose to either pick another target and get their moneys worth or back out of the cannon and then have the 48min cooldown kick in while he’s refunded his money.

This way the user can either waste money on someone he didn’t intend to kill or get his money back but be unable to use the cannon immediately if said target decides to return to the lobby.

Combine that with the punishment for trying to dodge paying for and the Orbital cannon now becomes a much less effective griefing tool.

Want to ruin someone’s day from the comfort of your facility? better bring the money and don’t even try to weasel out of paying for it. :P
In my opinion, the Orbital Cannon should just be removed from the game. It serves no good in the game, and only contributes to the toxicity in public lobbies. It’s a griefing tool and nothing more.
I don't mind it staying but it needs to be rebalanced. You can't just balance things by making them super expensive anymore with the kind of money people are putting out these days.
He was, until one update removed him personally delivering your car due to him somehow driving away with it sometimes.. or something, it never happened to me before.
Thanks! And here I thought he may have been removed (had he been present at one point) due to disgruntled recipients of his appalling vehicle delivery services.

I was making a post about how the mechanic wouldn't really work in the game these days, but then I remembered the spawn logic for personal vehicles ordered through him is still wonky.

Even in the afterlife, Johnny Onthespot misses the spot.
That fact that the mechanic has been gone for over 4 years now just makes me feel old. I'm surprised this game is still as active as it is, both from the player-base and Rockstar themselves.
I was making a post about how the mechanic wouldn't really work in the game these days, but then I remembered the spawn logic for personal vehicles ordered through him is still wonky.

Even in the afterlife, Johnny Onthespot misses the spot.

The spawn logic in general is wonky. Sometimes when you start a mission you need to spend a minute doing parkour just to get to your car.

The spawn logic for vehicle delivery is pretty sane in comparison. Just don’t look in the direction where you want your car to show up, and that’s where it will be.
Or if you want to give Johnny on the spot a run for his money, there's always SecuroServ's iffy Buzzard deployment.

Nice to see wonky spawns are still a thing in GTA Online.

Just to add a little bit of info re the mechanic, he was removed for his bad spawns and driving off with your cars but he was also a part of a
big money glitch at one time so that was actually the real reason he was removed altogether.

Haven't touched the game since March due to loosing interest in it and the constant grind for getting new stuff but I'll be checking
it out again when the new DLC for Nightclubs comes on the scene as hopefully that will get me back into the game again.
I could swear a few months ago when I spawned a car it spawned and moved, even left tracks on the grass. I couldn‘t recreate that tho and haven‘t saved any clip of it unfortunately :boggled:
Apparently if you pre-order RDR2 you get $1,000,000 in GTAV online money. I'm not going to use it so if anyone plays on the XB1 and wants it send me a PM.

Edit: It's been claimed
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Today I found out that getting a personal quarters for your property allows you to access the ability to spawn there when you change sessions.

So I spent some money for a nice bedroom in my hangar. It allows me a brief ten second run to my Seabreeze, so it works out swimmingly.
So I've had an unfortunate taste of a typical Easy Way Out tryhard for a while now.

He was out and about terrorizing in a Hydra while I decided to use the Explosive Sniper to give him a pat on the back. First response is easy way out. Such is the way of the tryhard!

While I usually have my own methods like teleportation and certain access to certain overpowered vehicles, I was on nabbing some crates since it's still 2X money with them, and my Akula wasn't at the best of spots. So while he's on to me in a Buzzard, I decided to just poke him with the Explosive Sniper on first sight, and he took his own life.

But what surprised me more is what happens after. I expected a grand fight on foot, with my shiny new roster of MK2 weapons. But like I said earlier, I was nabbing crates, and he spawned just by some of the hostiles guarding my supplies. To my surprise, a tryhard who lives under the name of imaginary K/D ratio gods is getting rekt by some Vagos with little pistols and SMGs.

He probably was focusing his attention on me, until I turned on Ghost Organization and the feed registered that these Vagos killed him 4 more times.

I felt embarrassed and got into a solo public lobby straight before he could get to me.
This week's event week is the Independence Day Special which means you can get all the July 4th clothing and stuff (or my blessed musket :D). Hangar cargo, special cargo, and MC business sales are still 2x money and rp for another week.
Just in case you're on the Guest List and desire either a Nightshark or Revolter:

So.. if R* starts giving away vehicles free-of-charge.. could that mean those vehicles get a permanent spot at the 'club, much like the Special Vehicles and larger Doomsday Heist vehicles have in the Vehicle Warehouse and Facility respectively? Or is there a significant-enough increase in storage space that you're basically never going to run out? I know which one I'd say is most likely and which one I'm hoping it is.

Rumors also have it that there'll be one more week of something-or-others (please let it be something ridiculous, like 3x bonus on Import/Export) to go. There's apparently also a new Enus in it somewhere, for anyone interested.

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