GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh

While we all know Gay Tony's back, what took me in is how they give a little extra TLC to the Jester Classic, that is, putting custom liveries for it. I know what they have so far for this car, so here's hoping better things for that.

And from the looks of the garage (that's going to be multiple floors of it ala Office Garages), a first sighting of the Swinger is spotted, and that looks like a D-Type.
R* are so predictable when it comes to stuff like this, aren't they?

..I will admit, I wasn't expecting the Swinger to take *that many* cues from the XJ13. Then again, this is R* we're talking about, so that actually makes perfect sense.

Unless there's a backstory to it, I'm not quite sold on Tony's retcon.

Also AT LEAST 10 MORE GARAGE SPACES CONFIRMED that's gonna last me about 'till the dripfeed begins.

Also also, given that they've added liveries to the Jester Classic and there seemingly being no stupid exhausts on the red one, that suggests they've realised it was as broken and useless in every single way as FlatOut 3 and maybe, just maybe, have fixed their 🤬. So, any JC fans out there, start stocking up on fresh underwear.

The rest of it, however, is looking alright.
There's a lot of cinematic scenes there; could possibly be more focused on missions than business work. This is a trailer that shows a lot of nightclub hype, but very little on the actual content we'll be using. Good hype trailer that's doing its job judging by YouTube, Twitter, and GTAF.

I mean, I am excited. This will be a good excuse to get back into GTA.
With that massive wedge on the front, I do wonder if the new Pounder Custom can take it to the Phantom Custom. Hopefully it’s plenty of Armor to back up those menacing looks.
I only hope the mechanics/gameplay for the nightclubs are something we haven't seen before...meaning not a reskinned ceo/biker//hangar/bunker business.


..hang on a second..


Zoom and enhance cliché, please.


That, to me, looks like a Mamba. A car that famously doesn't come with any form of stripes.

Have R* been adding stuff to certain forgotten cars to give them a second lease of life or did they simply forget the Mamba is a thing and have made a new one? I mean, technically it could be a GTA version of the Shelby Cobra Concept, but the question stands.

Also given that there's quite clearly a "B2" written on the back wall, that suggests Office Garages 2.0. Which means I HAVE ENOUGH GARAGE SPACES FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER.
The B2 could certainly multiple levels, but I'm betting the B means Basement and, at best personally, only 10-30 new spots which wouldn't be bad. Others on GTAF, are really building too far into the hype thinking it means another, A1-3, B1-3, C1-3 like the offices....
Embarrassingly I didn't even recognize the orange Comet Retro at first

EDIT: Comet Safari, no wonder I didn't recognize it
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Did they fix the horrendous looking exhaust setup on the Jester Classic? I can't tell from the screenshots.
Does anyone know what was actually wrong with the original Jester, besides it being a little ugly?
Lots of half-ass design. The taillights looked like bad textures, and if you opened the hatch, the rear taillight would float through it.
Hopefully the employee responsible for the original Jester classic was punished
I wouldn't get much hope until we see up close. The car looks like they just added a new spoiler & liveries. It could still look just as bad.
Did they fix the horrendous looking exhaust setup on the Jester Classic? I can't tell from the screenshots.
Yes, it still has the obnoxious dual exhausts.
what was actually wrong with the original Jester

This was the least clickbait-y/nonsense-y I could find, so knock yourself out.

TL;DR they lifted the model straight out of San Andreas, rendered it on a Nintendo 64 and then flipped half the textures.

There was basically nothing on the car that *wasn't* wrong, and that's before we get into the "hurr durr rspect teh surpa so i cn uglify it ferther m'self" arguments like the engine model being wrong (who cares?) or the exhausts being the single most stupid thing ever. Apart from lootboxes and Battle Royale, that is. Still, I think it says a lot when it takes lootboxes and battle royale to beat just how moronic whoever greenlit those exhausts being the ones the car comes with and you can't change them to something that doesn't look like they belong to someone you want to punch in the face.
I'm sort of meh on the whole thing at this point. Haven't played much at all in several weeks(months) and I've lost a lot of interest. Even the newer cars that I wanted the extra garage space for have aged and there is nothing I want to buy anymore. Therefore I have nothing to spend my money on, and thus no motivation to earn more. So I've been doing just about nothing in the little time I'm on anymore. This looks to me like much of the same. I expect our new fangled HQ and essentially new contact missions. Like we got the facility and essentially new Lester contact missions last time, I imagine we will get yet another Dr. Evil-type lair and Gay Tony contact missions. The teaser is rather ambiguous, so who knows.
I can get over the meh looking design but some of those modeling errors are atrocious. There's a good amount of sloppy cars in the game (some of which have since been fixed) but this is the of the worse ones out there.
Could be a Mamba Custom, or a new car that looks very similar to it.
It is sitting next to a sabre turbo custom so I could see it being obtainable by taking a mamba to Benny's or Rockstar will make the new updated version a separate purchase like the Roosevelt Valor.
Well I will be back to GTA Online from Tuesday next week. 👍

The trailer, new cars and the nightclub garage and a better looking Jester Classic and the Vapid Speedo Custom are all the incentives for me to start enjoying the new update so roll on Tuesday when I finish work.

Good to be getting back to Los Santos as aside from The Doomsday Heist DLC the other DLC's were starting to drag me away from the game.
It is sitting next to a sabre turbo custom so I could see it being obtainable by taking a mamba to Benny's or Rockstar will make the new updated version a separate purchase like the Roosevelt Valor.

Here's hoping it's the former. The latter would be a barnaclehead move from R*, coming from a guy who bought a Mamba the day it came out.
I'm hoping it's a sign Rockstar fixed whatever was wrong with Benny's. I remember reading on Reddit that Rockstar had to abandon updating Benny's because people were finding exploits with it.
I'm hoping it's a sign Rockstar fixed whatever was wrong with Benny's. I remember reading on Reddit that Rockstar had to abandon updating Benny's because people were finding exploits with it.
It’s probably because literally every car duping glitch since has basically been done with the Elegy Retro Custom. Because duped cars don’t count the purchasing price when selling, everyone uses the Elegy Retro since it has the best resale value solely from custom parts (950k IIRC)