GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I feel like there's also a point to be made about how the last vehicle to get the Benny's treatment - the Itali GTB Custom - is over a year and a half ago.

Yes, yes, I know, there's been a lack of (new) vehicles it'd make sense for Benny to modify ever since, but then ask youselves why, with quite a few obvious choices of vehicles already in the game begging for bennification - I'm looking at you, Peyote (and Cheetah, I guess) model which has been in the interior since day one - it's been dormant for this long anyway.

Unless this update breaks logic and brings Benny back, as far as I'm concerned, that's a product of its time and something for people to cling onto like a tryhard to his k/d.

Speaking of "product of its time", that scene with Lazlow in the trailer - how does that sit with the "GTA Online is set some time before GTA V and that doesn't change" crowd, huh?
I love how only a few of the vehicles were teased and/or leaked yet I'm already conflicted on waht to buy within budget.
Wouldn't have paid much attention to the Swinger if it was just an E-Type, but now that it's clear it's got an XJ13ish design I want it, but that also means it might just be more expensive
Jester Classic is definitely improved even if I felt like buying the old one to be a contrarian at one point and is definitely a sell if it's got a Castrol-based, or an Esso-Ultraflo-based livery. No idea how similar its price will be to the unused one.
The Stafford may not be based on a Rolls that could have been modified into this of all things but it's still a pretty respectable, if not more respectable Royce, which is probably about as expensive as the Swinger.
The Patriot Stretch....
...Eeeh I'll pass.
The Mule Custom maybe if it's a dekotora for extra :censored:s and giggles with the guest list leak discount.

But the important question is, we've had the Issi Classic and even a not-Lada, so when will we get a non-Baja version of the Beetle? And more importantly the Ford Model T. And forgot the 2CV
Even if i wouldn't buy the latter
I doubt the objective of the nightclub update would be related to Bennys. I could be wrong but I would guess that may be in a future update. As usual, the blurb R* give us on Tuesday will likely hint at a future update.

Buy clothes.


I really want something to go with this new night themed update, and there's bound to be new clothes.

Or new functioning clothes.. like the vision enhanced bulletproof helmets and scuba suits. Who knows what's next?
It’s probably because literally every car duping glitch since has basically been done with the Elegy Retro Custom. Because duped cars don’t count the purchasing price when selling, everyone uses the Elegy Retro since it has the best resale value solely from custom parts (950k IIRC)
It is, but that's been going on long since as well. Unless they introduced a new car to take its place, the Elegy would probably remain the dupe of choice with or without new Benny's cars, imo.
They could just reduce the price of Bennys cars to the point where it wouldn't be worthwhile duping them :rolleyes:
That'd be nice, but you know Rockstar's goal is to grab every dollar imaginable and people would throw a major fit if they decided to keep high prices and knock down the resale values to pennies.
Up to R$5M in cash, which is the most I've ever had on hand, in anticipation for the update. I doubt it will be enough for everything, but hopefully enough for the core gameplay elements.

My GTA life lately:

Source Car
Source Car
Sell Car
Source Car
3ish hours later...
Sell Car ($80k)
Sell Bunker ($187k)
Sell Coke ($93k)
Sell Cash ($72k)
Sell Car ($80k)

The $500k ~45min sell off every 3 hours is pretty fun.
I've got around $1.6m right now with a few hours of grinding over the last couple days. Hopefully not far off enough to buy a base club. Really hope there's some variety in the interior, but probably not. I know there's some videos of Bahama Mama's interior, so wondering if they'll be keeping that (assuming BM is accessible at all).

EDIT* BTW, it's surprising to me to see so many are hoping the car carrier truck in the trailer is related to I/E. Just Cargobob the car if they want to transport it, otherwise I'm sure they're still gonna have to deal with dumb AI traffic and annoying, sharp shooting blue Sultans. The only way it'd be cool imo, is if you could clear out an entire collection by yourself with it but I don't think Rockstar would ever consider that without sending a big, fat message to the lobby, "Hey everybody, blow up this truck full of cars for $10,000!"
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Brace yourselves. You’re in for a long one :lol:

“Public lobbies are hellholes on earth!” “Oppressors and Deluxo’s are ruining lobbies!” That’s the general opinion about GTA Online :confused:

For the last weeks, I’ve been all alone in full public sessions. By “all alone” I mean that my regular group of people hasn’t been on GTA.

So I’ve been sort of a GTA-mercenary. Helping random CEO’s and MC’s with their stuff. Sourcing vehicles, selling coke and protecting their yachts and so on.
And the only times that it has been a true killfest, is when we’ve done Piracy Prevention, Stand your ground or other activities that’s all about attacking/defending. I’ve never lost a car/crate/whatever we’ve been hauling because of other players attacking us.

Even though me and @Nuschel01 got attacked, and I got killed once, after we completed one sale. We quickly made him regret it and leave though :lol: To be honest, I think a made bigger dent in his profit that night, than any random did :lol: Again, sorry about that. :cheers:

In one lobby, I helped a CEO with some stuff, quit working for him to join another CEO/MC (can’t remember right now), and did some work with the new guy. After a while, I quit helping guy #2, and decided to sell my coke in this small (8-10 people) lobby.

And as I should’ve guessed, I get to take the Post-Op van from my coke lab at the Alamo sea to downtown:censored:. I was relatively certain that no one would touch me, since I’ve helped everyone else, but it was a couple of tense minutes, crawling up the mountain in that slow pos. Especially when I saw a chopper-icon closing in:nervous:. As a precaution, I get out and aim at him with my RPG. He just lands his Savage next to me. I see it’s the associate to CEO #1, so I decided to go for it anyways, without killing him. 30 seconds later, CEO#1 shows up in another Savage as I receive a text from him that I don’t have to worry, that they got my back on this delivery. Awesome #1

It has been lots of similar things happening these last ~2-3 weeks, in both small lobbies and full 30-playerlobbies, but that, and the following one, stands out.

I joined an invite from a random. It was the Act II finale. The one with the Avenger and the Russian submarine.

The host starts the finale just ~5 seconds after I’ve joined, making it a 2-player job. Nice, a bigger cut for me. Usually when I join a finale, I just ready up. No point in asking for a bigger cut when you just join the finale. But this time I was busy having a sip of my beer, so I didn’t do it at once. That’s when I see the bar above the players showing more and more red. As in, he makes his cut smaller and a part of the cut isn’t assigned to a player. I was truely amazed to see that he changed the cut from 85-15 (host-me) to 15-85!! :eek: Without me even asking for it.

We then went on with the heist, finishing a nanosecond too slow to get the elitechallenge. But even without that, I made a nice million and some change. Awesome #2!
Between selling gunrunning shipments and like Flash, being a gun for hire for other MC’s,CEO’s etc, I also stepped away from auto aim lobbies by switching to assisted free aim mode.

Small readjustment was needed but now i’m dieing a lot less and killing that bit more.

Currently sat on just over $20 million with plans to grab another mill or 2 before tomorrow and then watching all the good GTA youtubers do all the reasearch and testing on the new goodies so I can make well advised purchases. :P

Expect for any potential optional extra garage spaces, I’ll be swiping those up with no second guessing. :D

And to round things off, here’s two clips of some humorous moments.

GTA 5’s answer to fishing, replace fish with spycar submarine and replace rod, line, sinker and hook with a rail gun mounted to a tank. :lol:

And this one I’m calling ‘Bruce Willis’s Unbreakable’ as I still can’t work out how I was the only one to survive it. :odd:

(Not me flying btw:P)

Buy clothes.


I really want something to go with this new night themed update, and there's bound to be new clothes.

Or new functioning clothes.. like the vision enhanced bulletproof helmets and scuba suits. Who knows what's next?

That's what I will be doing as well!
If people can refrain for even an hour after the update drops and people share the details of the unreleased vehicles it will give you a better idea of what to wait for.

Save your money for an hour, do some research and plan from there. I still regret the day the bunkers update was releasrr and I spent all my money on the bunker and upgrades....

I never use it and I had to grind for weeeeeks to get enough to buy what I actually wanted.

GTAforums is a good place for unreleased drip feed stuff and instant car reviews.

....or just spend like there's no tomorrow!
Eh, since I've dabbled with GTA V mods at one point I've got an OpenIV set up myself, so I'm thinking it'd be more fun to see the unreleased vehicle models myself this time, keep the anticipation going for a bit more that way.

Of course, not everybody has a PC version of GTA V so those players have to rely on GTAForums or FoxySnaps.
I've currently got $3.9 million in my GTA bank account and I'm struggling to motivate myself to earn more. Last time I went on I sold a shipment of weed and got bored. Really hoping this new update breathes new life into the game, as I'm really looking forward to the idea of running nightclubs.
I'm not sure. Only a few have interested me (Tyrus, GP1) but none of them have really been "MUST HAVE" for me, especially considering their prices and that they aren't really faster than my upgraded sports fleet.
Wonder if the handling flags will be removed. My understanding from the GTAForums, they're why a lot of these new cars are so restrained.
Wonder if the handling flags will be removed.

I very much doubt that. Not only do I not recall them ever removing a handling flag, but as far as I can remember, R*'s only actually gone back and fixed something a previous update did twice, and that will have been the broken suspension geometry - which affected cars like the Infernus Classic - in a separate update and when Smuggler's Run overcompensated for the downforce changes in Gunrunning. I guess we can kind of add the Jester Classic to that list, but that's it. Fixing the game, obviously, doesn't sell enough Shark Cards (is that still a relevant joke?)

As for the whole save-your-money thing, 1) we'll see what's available right away, 2) we'll see what the talented individuals discover is being kept for dripfeeding, and 3) I've got 80 million and no use for them when the servers, at some theoretical point in the future, are shut off. Very much unlike in reality, I can actually afford to take a gamble on some things.

Regardless of its performance, the Swinger is a getter because classic sports car. Maybe the Patriot Stretch, though I feel like that's more in case of events, and we all know how notoriously good we as a community are at those. Heck, might even dish out for the Jester just to see for myself if it has exhausts you can (and I'm going to do my best GTP-writer-plugging-other-articles impersonation here) stick your actual head into in a desperate attempt to make the firefighters cut you free and make the exhausts a bit less stupid.

Obviously there'll be some new gameplay in this. The question - as always - is how well it'll age. And there might just be hope for this one.
I've currently got $3.9 million in my GTA bank account and I'm struggling to motivate myself to earn more. Last time I went on I sold a shipment of weed and got bored. Really hoping this new update breathes new life into the game, as I'm really looking forward to the idea of running nightclubs.
Yeh I have just filled and sold a hanger to get myself up to 2.3 million and it was so much effort. I felt like I was doing a job I wanted to quit rather than playing a game.
Yep, lot of similar sentiments. I haven't been motivated in months. At this point, there is little that would enthuse me. Map expansion(HAHAHAHAHAH not happening) and additional recreational activities. Frankly, aside from stealing stuff and killing stuff, there isn't much to do. Hanging out, and variations on that theme(car shows, cruises, meets, etc) is about it; and even then there are so many places to go and hang out, etc before standing around with other characters becomes boring. If I were into the nonstop conflict the game strives for, I would never be bored. I am not, however, and there just isn't enough activities that aren't "shoot stuff" to keep me interested. I'm almost ready to return to sim racing!
I have nightmares about those blue Sultans...
You lucky bastard! My nightmares includes Sultan RS’s with the Princess Bubblegum livery, gold wirewheels and a rear spoiler that would give a 747 low self esteem...that’s if planes had feelings. My eyes will never be the same...:(:lol:
I've got about $8 million from mostly running the bunker in the background over a few weeks. If you consistently play the game and save up your pennies, it's not as painful as it seems.