..apart from the bit where it doesn't rely on ground contact to recharge the boost, can hover and fly around as it pleases, has missiles that are certainly no worse than the original, the ability to install countermeasures and can also be called in via the MC mechanic?
Yeah, it does sound like trash, now that I think about. Worries = officially over. Phew.
Regarding the boost, yes it doesn’t need to be on the ground to recharge, but according to people who’ve toyed with it on PC you have to let go of the throttle to regenerate boost which in combat makes you susceptible to being sniped or machine gunned down.
Also it’s got a fixed limit on the angle it can go to going up or down, whereas the normal Oppressor can dive straight down or up if needed.
Adding to that, supposedly you can’t disengage the hover mode in mid air like you can with the Deluxo so it could be exposed to jets or choppers.
Regarding countermeasures, flares can be overcome with enough rockets, Chaff would be tougher to counter, but not impossible.
Ammo is limited on the rockets and the explosive MG, but of course the MC mechanic can offset that issue.
If they pick missiles, they’ll struggle against on foot players and the explosive MG takes 3 or so shots to destroy a normal car so armoured vehicles will have plenty of time to defend or counter it.
Of course with all the testing being done prior to it being released, all of the above is subject to change, but I’d stick my neck out and say that the mk2 Oppressor from what i’ve seen, is not gonna be the harbinger of the Freemode apocalypse everyone’s saying it will be.
Edit* Forgot the fact that you need the Terrorbyte just to even work on the MK2 Oppressor.