GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
*logs in for free cars*

*notices ammo for Mk 2 weapons are low*

*heads in and flying about in my Avenger*

*guy in a LAZER*

*shoots missiles*


*takes my time to engage autopilot and head in the hold*

*goes on turret*

*watches him shoots missiles when he should use the explosive cannon*

*bored, bring him down*

*guy doesn't give up, goes in oppressor*

*comes back to me*

*shoots missiles*


*round 2-*

*no round 2, he got obliterated*

*he quits room*


*back to it, buys ammo for my Mk2 weapons in my Avenger (RIP Avenger Crate Glitch)*

I'm really surprised there are people who have no idea about the Avenger's general existence to bring down clowns like these.. and bait Orbital Cannons.

You should've used the best tactic in the entire game: Avenger ramming! :lol:
With the O-MKII inbound, I really hope R* starts to consider the inclusion of weaponized-vehicle-free public lobbies. For me, they kind of ruin the immersion of the game world. It would be pretty cool if you could set a sliding scale of weapon advancement, from fist or melee-only to orbital cannon.

I have thought about this before. It would be awesome if they had a 'stripped back' lobby or a back-to-basics lobby. No military hardware, just original weapons and civilian vehicles.
With the O-MKII inbound, I really hope R* starts to consider the inclusion of weaponized-vehicle-free public lobbies. For me, they kind of ruin the immersion of the game world. It would be pretty cool if you could set a sliding scale of weapon advancement, from fist or melee-only to orbital cannon.


GTAIV you could set parameters for the room, and melee-limited rooms were a thing.

GTAIV you could set parameters for the room, and melee-limited rooms were a thing.

Friendly fire-off lobbies were the best. You could go on rampages against the police and never had to worry about accidentally killing your friends or randoms that joined with you.
..yes, but we all know none of that is going to happen. Because, would you believe it, (relative) peace doesn't sell as many Shark Cards as "new and exciting (read: stupendously overpowered and similarly overpriced) ways of terminating people", and all of this, obviously, goes against those values. Pun somewhat intended. And yes, I'm bringing the R*-are-only-interested-in-selling-Shark-Cards-argument back.

I mean, just in recent times, they've already made the original Oppressor, the Deluxo, the Orbital Cannon and now the Oppressor MK2. Oh yeah, and the MK2 weapons. Aside from the SSASSS, basically all content updates since.. oh dear, hang on a moment.. I guess technically since Special Vehicle Circuit? Or, if we don't count updates launching in March, that'll be.. christ, that means Bikers is the last update without a considerable focus on the ability to murder others, with all that may entail.

The chances of me becoming the biggest internet sensation ever are a billion times greater than the chances of R* dialing back on this in any way, shape or form. Them doing any form of fan service whatsoever on the borked Jester Classic is like the second coming.
This would make missions/crates/import-export etc a lot more difficult though :lol:

That's the cool thing about free roam. If the option existed, you could choose to go into a room allowing what weapons you wish to use if you plan to complete tasks. If you just wanted to hang out, car shows, etc you could join a room with more appropriate parameters.
Some people really don‘t get the "protect the Titan" text of the smugglers run mission, do they? Some random member of my company just shot it down with the Mogul‘s weapon. Safe to say I punished him afterwards with a 9:1 death rage :lol: turning on and off friendly-fire is kinda hilarous :D
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I was playing for the first time in a long time and I noticed a bunch of cops inside a police station. I don't remember seeing them before, so I decided to go closer to it and it said I needed to go inside and hack the computer. I wasn't thinking so I just strolled in and got a mouthful of shotgun pellets. When was the police station free roam mission added?
I was playing for the first time in a long time and I noticed a bunch of cops inside a police station. I don't remember seeing them before, so I decided to go closer to it and it said I needed to go inside and hack the computer. I wasn't thinking so I just strolled in and got a mouthful of shotgun pellets. When was the police station free roam mission added?
It‘s a business battle introduced with the latest update. You hack the police stations laptop and get the location of supplies you then have to carry to your nightclub
Was there any sort of indication on the map for it?

This was supposedly how the Jaghee/LSAT incident started. Just curious as to how this works.
If I'm not part of a nightclub, then there's no point in doing them?
idk what happens if you pick some of these up when not having a nightclub, sorry.

Was there any sort of indication on the map for it?

This was supposedly how the Jaghee/LSAT incident started. Just curious as to how this works.
It‘s basically the same as the other freemode events like wheelie or headshot challenge.

Found this on the subreddit. Accurate.
Getting even with people is the freeroam video game equivalent of throwing good money after bad. They already wasted your time once, shame on you if you let them waste it twice. Unless, of course you are bored.

Personally, I don't care for Rock, Paper, Scissors, Hydra, Deluxo, Oppressor, MkII Sniper, Pyro. Playing counter strategy and spending half the conflict on my phone or select menu calling in various implements of destruction aren't really my thing.

I am enjoying the club and the bang bus, however. Decent update. Do wish the cargobob didn't struggle as much with the bus. Makes it difficult to get it out to the yacht. :lol:

..that's the days of public sessions numbered.

Alternative: Oh wow, I can't wait for the Oppressor MKII which is totally not basically the God Mode cheats from videogames of old but with a ridiculous price tag attached to it wow thank you rockstar youre teh best (I imagine these people get worse at spelling as time goes on) at meakin a balencd expriens HYYYYEEEEEEP also it betur nut b bat or im goim bak too Da Culen 2 dats an gud gaem totly not a ripof.

Edit: Oooooh, shiny:

That's going to get patched before the next update, and - almost as if by extention - probably before I shall try to make use of it in a hypothetical next rally. The transform thing was.. interesting, shall we say?
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Recently I've been doing regular stunt races and I've found the Revolter to be a really viable car. I have yet to lose a race with it, however I haven't come across a Pariah yet :indiff:
The Mk2 is actually kinda trash compared to the original Oppressor.

..apart from the bit where it doesn't rely on ground contact to recharge the boost, can hover and fly around as it pleases, has missiles that are certainly no worse than the original, the ability to install countermeasures and can also be called in via the MC mechanic?

Yeah, it does sound like trash, now that I think about. Worries = officially over. Phew.
I can't wait for RDR2 so I can get back to some exploring, chilling and role playing without the constant attacks and flying idiots ruining everything.

I had a lvl 780+ kill me a few times earlier in his Lazer. No reason for it at all. He texted me some trash to which I replied with "what's your problem?"

"Try hards are my problem" was the response.

Lvl780+ with a K/D of like +15 in a Lazer and I'M the try hard.

Same lobby, another passive spamming deluxo idiot blew me up while I was grinding the nightclub. Killed him twice and he went passive. Followed me everywhere in his deluxo when suddenly 3 randoms showed up (in ghost mode) and started wailing on me. i was killed about 5 times in all and of course deluxo boy came out of passive when he saw an opening but then went right back into it when he couldn't kill me.

A text came through along the lines of "Looozer"
"I'm protecting a friend"
"You salty?"

Needless to say after an hour of doing my own thing they moved onto someone else. But as of now.....I won't miss the GTA EWO squads when RDR2 is released.

It was just a very odd lobby full of very angry and rather texty people.
..apart from the bit where it doesn't rely on ground contact to recharge the boost, can hover and fly around as it pleases, has missiles that are certainly no worse than the original, the ability to install countermeasures and can also be called in via the MC mechanic?

Yeah, it does sound like trash, now that I think about. Worries = officially over. Phew.

Regarding the boost, yes it doesn’t need to be on the ground to recharge, but according to people who’ve toyed with it on PC you have to let go of the throttle to regenerate boost which in combat makes you susceptible to being sniped or machine gunned down.

Also it’s got a fixed limit on the angle it can go to going up or down, whereas the normal Oppressor can dive straight down or up if needed.

Adding to that, supposedly you can’t disengage the hover mode in mid air like you can with the Deluxo so it could be exposed to jets or choppers.

Regarding countermeasures, flares can be overcome with enough rockets, Chaff would be tougher to counter, but not impossible. ;)

Ammo is limited on the rockets and the explosive MG, but of course the MC mechanic can offset that issue. :rolleyes:

If they pick missiles, they’ll struggle against on foot players and the explosive MG takes 3 or so shots to destroy a normal car so armoured vehicles will have plenty of time to defend or counter it.

Of course with all the testing being done prior to it being released, all of the above is subject to change, but I’d stick my neck out and say that the mk2 Oppressor from what i’ve seen, is not gonna be the harbinger of the Freemode apocalypse everyone’s saying it will be. :)

Edit* Forgot the fact that you need the Terrorbyte just to even work on the MK2 Oppressor.
..apart from the bit where it doesn't rely on ground contact to recharge the boost
You still have to slow down a considerable amount to do so, leaving you vulnerable.

can hover and fly around as it pleases,
Unless you're in the ocean, this isn't really a huge deal. At high altitude, you have worse things to worry about.

the ability to install countermeasures
Countermeasures don't stop an explosive sniper, and it was already hard to take out a regular Oppressor with missiles anyways.

has missiles that are certainly no worse than the original... ...and can also be called in via the MC mechanic?
Nothing new here. There's also an explosive MG option but it's the crappy one (I would assume it's the one from the Strikeforce) and it replaces the missiles.

So yeah, think of it as a slightly faster, harder to hit Deluxo. Certainly a challenge, but I still feel people are overreacting about it.
I can't wait for RDR2 so I can get back to some exploring, chilling and role playing without the constant attacks and flying idiots ruining everything.

I had a lvl 780+ kill me a few times earlier in his Lazer. No reason for it at all. He texted me some trash to which I replied with "what's your problem?"

"Try hards are my problem" was the response.

Lvl780+ with a K/D of like +15 in a Lazer and I'M the try hard.

Same lobby, another passive spamming deluxo idiot blew me up while I was grinding the nightclub. Killed him twice and he went passive. Followed me everywhere in his deluxo when suddenly 3 randoms showed up (in ghost mode) and started wailing on me. i was killed about 5 times in all and of course deluxo boy came out of passive when he saw an opening but then went right back into it when he couldn't kill me.

A text came through along the lines of "Looozer"
"I'm protecting a friend"
"You salty?"

Needless to say after an hour of doing my own thing they moved onto someone else. But as of now.....I won't miss the GTA EWO squads when RDR2 is released.

It was just a very odd lobby full of very angry and rather texty people.
Makes you wonder how the hell this game is still on the sales charts; does it somehow appeal to people's inner sociopath or desire to just be an ass to others?

I think the last positive interaction I had was the day the nightclubs came out. Was just me and him, he was around low-100s and I'm around 170-180. I was going to source the party bus, and I get a text out of the blue, "We cool?" I replied "Fo sho", and sure enough, we were peaceful for a couple hours, even with 1-3 other people coming in and every one keeping to themselves. Sucked I had to leave for work. :dunce:

Edit* Forgot the fact that you need the Terrorbyte just to even work on the MK2 Oppressor.
From what I've read, once you buy the Terrorbyte, then you have to buy the MK2O storage space before you can buy it. Def. sounds like a Rockstar move.

Interesting video, thanks for the link.

I find it sad that we have to get such vehicles just to stay at top level in GTA Online these days and how the battlefield has changed over
the years since the game's launch.

At least this Oppressor 2 looks more like the bike I expected to see the firs time round and since it reminds me a little bit of hoverbikes
in anime I'm sold on it.

There's one thing at least hopefully if all the silly stuff is going in GTA Online it should stay out of Red Dead Redemption 2 (well at least until they
do an Alien invasion DLC.