GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
^Thats one thing I'm concerned about with RDR2, how are they going to entice people to buy the shark card equivalent?

There are only so many 1880s weapons and vehicles they can release before they DO start adding stupid stuff into the game.

I hope they keep RDR2 completely in the era and don't start adding home made flying machines that can drop dynamite or some other awful griefer tools.

If you get killed by someone with a revolver or a rifle in PvP then fine, I can take that.

Just won't enjoy being mowed down by a flying train with a Gatling gun strapped to the front of it.
^Thats one thing I'm concerned about with RDR2, how are they going to entice people to buy the shark card equivalent?

There are only so many 1880s weapons and vehicles they can release before they DO start adding stupid stuff into the game.

I hope they keep RDR2 completely in the era and don't start adding home made flying machines that can drop dynamite or some other awful griefer tools.

If you get killed by someone with a revolver or a rifle in PvP then fine, I can take that.

Just won't enjoy being mowed down by a flying train with a Gatling gun strapped to the front of it.

You know in the trailer wee see the protagonist with an animal corpse on his horse? I'm thinking if we can only kill and sell one animal at a time, making money will take a while.
I'm calling it right now, R* will release some sort of Back to the future 3 type DLC.

A deluxo on train tracks, a flying train and maybe even a hover board version of the oppressor.

It might take a few years to start releasing OP weaponized vehicles but I'm sure it'll happen.

The only way it may not happen is if R* release RDR2 online that is mostly aimed at Co-Op play and save the weaponized stuff for GTAVI
I'm calling it right now, R* will release some sort of Back to the future 3 type DLC.

A deluxo on train tracks, a flying train and maybe even a hover board version of the oppressor.

It might take a few years to start releasing OP weaponized vehicles but I'm sure it'll happen.

The only way it may not happen is if R* release RDR2 online that is mostly aimed at Co-Op play and save the weaponized stuff for GTAVI

A steam-powered airship flew from Paris to Trappes (15 miles) in 1852.
Look up a youtuber named The Professional. He’s a money grinder, not exploiter. He has videos on MC, I/E, Crates, etc. He also has methods exactly for solo players.

Thanks to one of his methods I just did about GTA$300k in a hour and a half.
For anyone buying the terrorbyte, there's a decent speed boost when driving in the player scanner mode. Makes it handle alot better too.
For anyone buying the terrorbyte, there's a decent speed boost when driving in the player scanner mode. Makes it handle alot better too.
Alongside this, apparently driving it out of the Nightclub seems to have it resist 4 RPG explosions, but calling it in via the Interaction Menu makes it resist around 30-34 of them to go along with the MOC
Alongside this, apparently driving it out of the Nightclub seems to have it resist 4 RPG explosions, but calling it in via the Interaction Menu makes it resist around 30-34 of them to go along with the MOC
I wonder if calling it in also increases Lazer explosive cannon griefers resistance?!
I wonder if calling it in also increases Lazer explosive cannon griefers resistance?!
The GTAF thread says that it seems to infact do that, same amount as RPG, seems to be the weakest against the Rhino/Khanjali cannons and for an incredibly odd reason the 20mm Flak of the Anti-Air trailer, coming in at just 6 shots for both.
And 17 APC cannon shots, the rest of explosives is either 34 shots or above.
Are the Terrorbyte missions of any worth at all?
The 4 main missions that can be done solo all pay around $30,000 each. There are also 2 challenges that require multiple players but they pay really badly (worse pay the more people in CEO/MC).

Their cool downs are also separate from CEO work so it’s possible to just alternate between them.
What's this hacking thing I hear about?
One of the missions requires you to find “data drives” hidden in an armoured car. The game spawns 4 cars around the map and you have to use Securoserv app on your phone to hack them which works like the doomsday heist mission where you have to hack the cargo plane. You have to stay close to the car for around 15-30 seconds to hack them.

After you find the drives you have to steal the car and take it to a drop off. It’s pretty easy since the only AI resistance are the 2 NPC’s in each car.
What's this hacking thing I hear about?
Basically the same screen you launch the Terrorbyte jobs from, you also have options to hack into the respective sites you do other businesses from (Securoserv for example.) and source supplies for all your businesses.

Essentially, you can start an I/E job all the way out in sandy shores or a bunker supply run from downtown LS rather than going to an CEO office or bunker as two examples.
As a casual player that doesn't play GTA every day, is it worth getting the Terrorbyte now? Or should I at least wait for a discount? If I buy a base one with no upgrades, can I upgrade it later on like the MOC?
As a casual player that doesn't play GTA every day, is it worth getting the Terrorbyte now? Or should I at least wait for a discount? If I buy a base one with no upgrades, can I upgrade it later on like the MOC?

I bought one for little or no reason. Bored and nothing else to spend money on. :lol: The missions are pretty standard fetch/assassinate missions that I probably won't replay much if at all. In the end, I probably paid several million to shock people with a drone and scan them. The drone is pretty fun.
..I'd say the Client Jobs are alright. They're not really much more than Contact Missions but in freemode, true, but I find them interesting enough for the time being. At least they're in sort-of obscure locations you don't normally get to visit in Online, and they're open-ended enough that, while one approach is definitely better than the other, they do allow you to improvise if you feel like it. And the pay is decent enough, even when playing solo, so that's a positive.

Apart from Data Sweep, obviously. Note to solo players: avoid that one.

I do also like how quite a lot of After Hours (including the Client Jobs), rather than come with their own backing soundtrack, seems to be more of a best-of from previous updates. And, with stuff like Smuggler's S1 (sample) in that mix, I can't say I'm disappointed in that decision.

Also, not sure if it's either
  1. me missing something obvious again,
  2. part of that mission,
  3. a happy accident, or
  4. something they've added with After Hours,
but I have just come across a random NPC cop car whilst doing the Robbery In Progress Client Job. No, not one of those that drive off from the station with sirens blaring (though I did come across one of those two - and apparently, those NPCs don't even care if you throw them out of the car. Useful knowledge indeed, I know). You know that little alleyway just north of Grove Street? What confuses me is that, while I *was* doing that mission, I'd been clear of wanted level for a little while - certainly long enough and far enough away for any cop cars related to it having despawned, hence why I'm a slight bit intrigued by this. I seem to have noticed a few more random events like this having appearing post-update, but..?
The Oppressor MkII is actually pretty fun. Almost impossible to fall off by crashing, at least I haven't found out how to. When you fly over cars it seems get sucked down onto the top of them, as if gravity gets temporarily stronger. I did that a few times and it caught fire though. Also saw that there is a speed glitch and apparently it can drive on the roof of tunnels :lol:
Here's something I just got to think of:

It should be fairly common knowledge that, despite them not being dripfed just yet, R* have proven that they have the technology to add stuff to older vehicles, courtesy of them adding liveries and such to the Mamba, Futo, Penumbra and a few others. All of this sort of begs the questions:
  1. Will that be a recurring thing from now on, and
  2. What, if any, is the next batch of vehicles to get this treatment?
One vehicle that immediately jumps to my mind is the Lazer. Despite the asking price of $6,500,000, all it ever allowed you to do was remove the livery on it and paint it a different color. No counter measures, no upgrades, no liveries, none of that fancy. A similar kind of argument can also be made for the Hydra, minus $3,500,000.

Talking purely about ground vehicles, however, there's surprisingly little that'd benefit from liveries and extra customisation options, what with the Sultan already having the RS version and all that and most remaining "budget" cars being decidedly "un-tuner-y". I'd say the likes of the Phoenix and Nightshade are reasonable suggestions, and I'm still waiting for that pretend-SV livery for the Infernus Classic, but outside of those and maybe a couple of others (Coquette? Blista Compact?), I'm struggling to think of vehicles that would stand to gain from something like this, general userbase considered and all.
Checked the last 2 pages, didn't see this shared.
The latest update, "After Hours," is far from the last, Zelnick said. "There's plenty more content to come." From the sound of it, 100 million units sold is just the lastest milestone for "Grand Theft Auto 5."

This is coming from Take-Two's CEO and not Rockstar, but as the parent company, I guess Zelnick could encourage Rockstar to keep pumping out content for another year as long as the gravy train keeps coming.
There's probably another update or two in development right now. I wanna say Rockstar has more than that in the works, but considering how they constantly obsolete their own content, I'm not too sure on that.
I just now am getting into the Online part of this game, I dabbled in it a few times but never really spent a lot of time in it. I’m having a lot of fun, pretty cool I think. Stuff is pretty expensive though, but i found lots of resources online on how to make money, especially solo. I do have a friend I play with, but a lot of my time is solo.
Since the Scramjet was released yesterday(btw, you need to win a game of Hunting Pack Remix to unlock the trade discount.)I’ve been having a blast with it, pun slightly intended. :P

Combining the Runier 2000’s jump boost with the Vigilante’s rocket boost was always gonna have hilarious potential, especially with the Vigilante spec rockets.

So when a player on the Broomstick MK2 tried to wreck someone’s sale and failed, I took the opportunity to see what the Scramjet could do and stamp my zero tolerance policy on sale wrecking on this person. :cool:

Awhile later when helping my brother with a business battle at the Kortz Center, a buzzard tried to take me out while waiting so I jumped, boosted and took it out while barely dodging a chasing rocket.

Next opponent however was a worry, a Savage had wanted in on this fight with its off center lock on box, meaning the majority of rockets fired at it from below will miss it.

So I told my brother to make a break for his nightclub while I tried to take it out, I had to get airborne, then arc my shots so the rockets didn’t hit the savage from below, but topside where it’s advantage in its lock on box was nullified. :sly:

The takedown and subsequent celebration was glorious. :D

The Scramjet is definitely one for skilled players, it can be a stunt monster and no doubt be used to jump up and from buildings in future stunt montages, but the weapons combined with a skilled player and its stunting potential could possibly make even Jets Scram. :lol:

So, Hunting Pack Remix, then. The basic premise sounds like something I could've come up with, so I'm guessing I'd have liked the standard version.

This one, on the other hand, oooooh it's a recent R* Adversary Mode alright. Particularly the Vigilante vs Scramjet one (where the Scramjet can do bugger all to the Runner is basically relying on the Vigilantes screwing it up) is.. well it's the fustercluck you'd expect when it involves rocket boosts and tryharding (seriously, dude, we've both just respawned and you're already considering me the biggest threat to your delicious Runner?). The others *are* better, but only ever "good" in the same way as pretty much everything else. It has its moments, particularly when you're the Runner and manage to clever-tactics yourself out of a tricky situation, but that's about it.

Is it what one might call "an interesting take" on the base mode? Probably, yes, if stupid fast rocket boostering over, under and around the Runner is your thing. Am I ever going to play it again, considering I have won the one round required to unlock Trade Price for the Scramjet should I ever decide to get one? Not of my own free volition.
I expected that adversary mode to be fun but the second I saw it was on some big ass wide circuits up in the air I knew it won‘t. I unfortunately was put into a group with players who continuusly played only game I with the Scramjet and Vigilante and then quit after 2 matches.
If it was for more than just 8 players and on the groud it would‘ve been great, but this one is a pass for me.