GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I guess its time to staph playing GTA5, Seems anyone i invite ignores me or they don't join. *I think my Species is not kewl enough*
I'll be on a bit later. I never ignore invites unless they're for a deathmatch or LTS (I personally don't like those).
Anyone know the secret to nailing the stunt jump at the airport? The giant launch ramp with the car parked on it. I must have spent an hour last night trying to get it. :banghead:
Anyone know the secret to nailing the stunt jump at the airport? The giant launch ramp with the car parked on it. I must have spent an hour last night trying to get it. :banghead:
Just land with all 4 wheels down. I landed on a pedestrian bridge and it said completed :lol:
You guys talking about landing on your wheels, so unoriginal, you are meant to land upside down, because upside down is just better.

I can glitch the cars in but I've been having trouble insuring 'em :C
I hope @BradTC12 doesn't accidentally blow up my taxi and cop car again lol

Do this step by step

- You either need to have an open space or be willing to get rid of a car in your garage.

- Take out a car from your garage that's insured. Steal a crappy car and insure it or take one that's already insured. (Remember you will lose this car, so choose wisely)

- Drive the car away from your house and blow it up. You might want to make sure you have a getaway car nearby so you can race back to garage.

- Get into the car you wish to insure, but do not drive out yet.

- Call up Mors Mutual, and leave the menu you use to make a claim on your vehicle open.

- Drive out of your garage with the menu still up.

- This next step is very important. As the game shows you leaving the garage, the Mors Mutual menu will load back up on the screen. When this happens, select the car that you destroyed. You need to do this while you're in the animation or it won't work.

- Turn around and use the glitch to get your "special" car back into your garage.

- Once back in, tap down on the d-pad and you'll notice your special car should now be insured. You will have an empty space in your garage, that is a duplicate that is undriveable.

- To fix this and free up the space again, take the drivable, insured, special car out of your garage, down the street and blow it up

- Once you've lost the cops. Call your mechanic and have him bring you your duplicate car. When it shows up, blow that one up, too.

- Head back to your garage, take out any car, and then file the claim on your insured special car. Turn back around and when you're inside you'll see your special car is back and insured.
Playing with sonic is always fun. Explosions always happen when he's around, and "sonic378 killed ______". :lol:
Minigun deathmatch. Whoa. That would be interesting.

I was just watching a few random GTA SA: MP videos. I really like how custom everything is with that mod. Type a command and you are instantly put into an office building with several other players dueling to the death... with big freaking miniguns!
So guys, I bought a barracks, if we wanna take a group road trip sometime, I'll drive. I may buy a Bus instead, so we can have a 16 person road trip.
So guys, I bought a barracks, if we wanna take a group road trip sometime, I'll drive. I may buy a Bus instead, so we can have a 16 person road trip.

What about the Barracks that spawns outside the Ammunation in Paleto Bay? Can't you just steal that and store it instead of buying it? I haven't tried it, but it seems more likely.
What about the Barracks that spawns outside the Ammunation in Paleto Bay? Can't you just steal that and store it instead of buying it? I haven't tried it, but it seems more likely.
I don't think it's possible to store it - well, if you don't glitch it in that is - but I'm not sure, really.
And further proof that police cars were possibly meant to be customisable in earlier builds of GTA V. And no I didn't do this myself, just got it off of someone.

Could someone dupe this for me?
I'm online now:tup:

Edit1: I'm still here..
Edit2: Still here, anyone please?
Edit3: @ZDUPH or any one ?
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Are there any glitches that allow you to store super cars that you steal ?I tried looking on youtube earlier but no joy.
Are there any glitches that allow you to store super cars that you steal ?I tried looking on youtube earlier but no joy.

Any car that costs over $50,000 is considered "Premium" and can not be owned after stealing it. Premium cars can only be purchased.

And yes, this is obligatory: "Heh. Standard cars have interiors in GTA V but not in GT5. LAWL."
That's not problem who did it :sly:
But it would be nice even reply to messages since I think it belong to good manners :)
I haven't got it sadly... I'll try asking around and see if anyone on my PSN list have it, or know anyone who does. :)

Edit: No luck, sorry.
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