I agree with you. There really isn't a lot of memory left for Rockstar to add more content for last gen consoles. I'm pretty damn surprise they were able to fit that much memory for the Heists on last gen consoles. Can you imagine the amount of work they put in?
All I want for the next DLC is my McLaren F1 or even the P1 as I would be happy if they ever bother adding any of those two cars. A lot of people say the Turismo R is the P1 but it's not really aimed at being based on the P1. It mostly based on the La Ferrari *another one of my favorite Ferraris*.
Speaking of DLC, I've been hearing rumors about the new weapon that was teased being a new weapon tint. Would be great if that's true and or Rockstar starts adding new weapon tints for DLC updates because that would be great. Plus we also need another Super.