GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Lawnmowers spawn rarely in Rockford Hills, caddies spawn at the country club and Sandy Shores. None are storable.
So I'm guessing people who own lawnmowers have them glitched somehow?
Yes. It's easy to do if you feel like owning a lawnmower, but modifications and insurance to my knowledge are impossible.
Yes. It's easy to do if you feel like owning a lawnmower, but modifications and insurance to my knowledge are impossible.
I'll need to find out how to do it. I want to own a lawnmower. :P

Also has anyone successfully recruited a group of people riding around on Faggios? It's quite fun.
Wasn't able to do the test last night due to the R* servers not working for me so today I will try to do it. The test cars have changed a little:

Gauntlet, Cavalcade, Schafter and Turismo R.

@maxi25 @Custom878 I don't have much cash on GTA Online (Races are the only way to test these cars without any traffic). The cars I listed are just cars of different classes I own so that's why I chose them. The Turismo is fully modded while the rest are stock. I will likely attempt to test out other cars soon.
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So, for the past week, I've been getting thile infamous "Could not load your save data, the cloud servers are unavalible" error. I've gone to their support site and found out how to fix it and what not. I had to clear my game data utility anx practicly redownload every update for the game, which took close to well over an hour still, the problem persists! :banghead:
It's doesn't even follow a pattern! Sometimes it lets me play GTA Online and sometimes it keeps giving me the error.

I swear, they have one of the biggest games of the decade on their hands, and still their servers can't handle horse 🤬.

All I wanna do is earn 300k! Is that too much to ask? :irked:
For those who run into the raining money... If you find yourself in this situation then jump in a car ASAP.. the money won't hit you and you can escape with minimal effect. Or you can allow it to rain on you..your call.
It seems like the only suggestions that R* listens to are those that involve fixing money exploits, and they don't even do a good job with those ones. They don't care about anything else.
They don't care about anything else.

Except getting those dolla-dolla bills, ya'll:
Yeah, but they won't give a crap, even if it would give them more money. I would pay $2 for the ability to play on the snow-covered map anytime I wanted, but alas, it's restricted to Christmas time only, which is far too short.

What I find really strange is that they actually put in some things I suggested. For example, remember back then when I suggested they added a Browning to a Ford, and then you said just on the rebel? They added that. Same with the APC and others. I think they might be listening, maybe some of the people who create DLC for GTA V looked up ideas and stumbled upon this thread.