GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
^ Hm, a legit link. I thought it was Wham. :lol:

Anyway, I've got some $326000 now thanks to Pacific Standard and I think I'll go for a Kuruma as my next purchase. All it takes is two runs of Fleeca. ;)
I've got a 9k bounty on me and a whole room of people that want it. Let me know ASAP if you want it and hopefully no one shoots me down in the meantime.

edit: bounty taken
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The other day, I was riding in the side of a Valkyrie with a bunch of randoms, and someone shot a homing missile at us. I managed to get launched from the helicopter on impact while everyone else got killed by the explosion. :lol:
Driving a tank be like...

I always thought the way you entered tanks was stupid. Literally every incarnation of the Rhino has you enter in some weird way.
I always thought the way you entered tanks was stupid. Literally every incarnation of the Rhino has you enter in some weird way.

Let's not forget that you can't let a friend use the mounted machine gun on top. :grumpy:
Also....start a heist in your apartment, and exit from the Set Up board. You'll get a text from Lester or Ron to "Continue Set Up". Bring up your phone and accept. You'll be sent to your apartment in the heist room, and your car if you have one will be outside your apartment.
You can just use a game mode, and when it's time to choose cars/select your bets, quit.

That's a guaranteed teleport.. but also a room change. So more loading.
So after a little investigation, it seems the "Live a Little" t-shirt may have been unlocked by spending $8,000,000 on Heist update vehicles--Casco, Savage, Kuruma (Armored), Hydra, Insurgent (both), Valkyrie (yeah, I wish I hadn't bothered getting that one :rolleyes:), and most recently the Dinghy...actually, I probably should have unlocked it sooner but some were discounted--but I still can't explain why it's nowhere to be found so that I can see/wear it.

Also, is the Vapid Stanier (Crown Vic) any kind of "cheater" vehicle for the Sedan class in races? I swiped one real quick to get to a target vehicle and it was much faster than I expected.
So after a little investigation, it seems the "Live a Little" t-shirt may have been unlocked by spending $8,000,000 on Heist update vehicles--Casco, Savage, Kuruma (Armored), Hydra, Insurgent (both), Valkyrie (yeah, I wish I hadn't bothered getting that one :rolleyes:), and most recently the Dinghy...actually, I probably should have unlocked it sooner but some were discounted--but I still can't explain why it's nowhere to be found so that I can see/wear it.

Also, is the Vapid Stanier (Crown Vic) any kind of "cheater" vehicle for the Sedan class in races? I swiped one real quick to get to a target vehicle and it was much faster than I expected.
Schafter is by far the fastest sedan, save for highway races, where top speed is more important.
I haven't lost a single Sedan race ever since I got the MICHAELMOBILE!

The best part: to make it race legal, you don't have to spend 100k.. provided you find it on the streets. (impossible in current gen)
Slowly progressing through the Criminal Mastermind challenge with some friends. We're doing the Humane Labs set-ups and this happened:

You are super lucky that you didn't die. They could've easily taken you out. Thankfully, that mission is over and you can focus on the next ones.