GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Just give us the snow already, Rockstar. :grumpy:

EDIT: Thinking of selling my Dubsta 6x6 since I almost never use it, and I have three other gargantuan trucks to off-road with: My Insurgent, Guardian, and Sandking XL (Which can't be sold due to the Patriot Tire Smoke glitch). Perhaps I'll keep it until the holidays are over, since it's a massive amount of fun in the snow.
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I had so much trouble getting on last night. Took me 3 hours in the end to do my daily challenges. Kept freezing trying to load up to storymode before even going online, then I got online and it froze twice, then rockstar cloud servers wouldn't let me get my character and asked me to create a new one! (No ******* chance)
You see the weirdest things when out on the road

You really do...

It started with a morning drive through town.


Little did I know what was about to greet me around the next corner.

How? What? Why?

I suddenly remembered why I was planning to get the PS4 version and play online there :lol:
They fixed the Patriot glitch on current gen. But I had no intent to change anything on my US themed Phoenix.

But I hear that when you have a festive horn loop on your lowrider, the hydro pumps will chime. C'mon, R*. Where's my Slamvan Custom??
Not only have R* fixed the teleport glitch (mostly) they've also fixed most of the wall breaches i know and my Halloween beast glove saved outfit has gone....the miserable scrooges
Work has been slow since there are no students here, so naturally I've compiled a list of vehicles I'd like to fill my garages with. Annoyingly the list is worth $8M and I have about $20k to my name right now because I bought the V12 Schafter and my fifth property, but of the 20 vehicles only 6 cost over $500k (they're the T20, Osiris, Mamba, Nightshade, Verlierer and Brawler), the other 14 add up to only around 880k and that includes the Bullet, Voltic and Vacca so yeah, most of them are cheap garage queens.

As it turns out, I'm roleplaying a young female Jay Leno. Who kills and steals for money.
Work has been slow since there are no students here, so naturally I've compiled a list of vehicles I'd like to fill my garages with. Annoyingly the list is worth $8M and I have about $20k to my name right now because I bought the V12 Schafter and my fifth property, but of the 20 vehicles only 6 cost over $500k (they're the T20, Osiris, Mamba, Nightshade, Verlierer and Brawler), the other 14 add up to only around 880k and that includes the Bullet, Voltic and Vacca so yeah, most of them are cheap garage queens.

As it turns out, I'm roleplaying a young female Jay Leno. Who kills and steals for money.
I bought both the T20 and the Osiris, I sold the Osiris. The T20 is worth every penny in looks and performance.
Don't get the T20 if you're last gen.

Another gem to consider is the Cognoscenti 55, which drives like a much improved Super Diamond, with secondary color being the "middle stripe" Rolls Royce are known for.
Does anyone have a clue why my custom plates aren't showing up on cars that I bought on the PS4, the cars left over from the ps3 do have my custom plate. I have the iFruit app linked to my ps4.
Is it just me, or do you rank up faster once you're beyond rank 120? I was playing Trash Talk a few times last night, and got up to rank 197. Played it a few times today and now I'm at 198.
Don't get the T20 if you're last gen.

I'm on PC, we don't need no stinking generations... We just wait several weeks, months or years for sometimes half-arsed ports.

I was thinking the T20 and Osiris purely because I have two slots and nothing else I like the look of to occupy them. The Infernus is almost like a GT standard model next to some of GTA V's other hypercar, the Zentorno is just awful, the Bullet, Vacca and Voltic are already earmarked for another garage... So yeah, OCD though it may be, I want those two!
What missions are decent to grind? The Heists just take too long to call them grinders.

Crystal Clearout 3 has a playlist made for it, it's super easy if you have a Pegasus vehicle with missiles

Crystal Clearout 3 is a great mission to play, and if you don't have an attack helicopter or Hydra, you can use a Rhino. If you don't feel like paying $200 for any Pegasus vehicle, just drive to Fort Zancudo, jump inside, and steal a Lazer. The military will not attack you, no matter what you do. Once you've taken the Lazer, just missile the hell out of the gangsters and avoid crashing.

Alternatively, Trash Talk is an excellent low risk, high reward mission if you take your time. If you go fast, your payout is going to be about $11,000-13,000. The maximum payout is almost $23,000 but you have to wait a while.
Trash Talk - $11k for one run through, quickly with Savage.
Editor & Theif - Probably the easiest mission ever if you have a quick car. Stop by ammunation before delivering the package for a shot at more money. $10k per run.
Mixed Up With Coke - Purly just because it shows up and I have a Savage, only nets $7k but it's an easy mission with armed helis

If I see any of these in the job list after completing another job, I do them; just saves some time and the payouts are decent. Trash talk is probably the best if you've got the firepower.
I forgot to mention Mixed Up With Coke. :mad:

It's a great mission if you want to practice long distance sniping. There's a path I always follow, and I'll try to upload a video when I get a PS4.
It's boring, but you can start Simeone's 'Blow Up' mission, complete the objective, and just sit until past the 4 minute mark in the mission before walking onto the finish corona and take ~$9300. In a game day you can usually get between 65-85k with this method, and then sell a Sentinel, putting you at near $100k per hour grind. The objective for the mission only takes about 30 seconds including leaving the area/police, so most of the time is spent doing nothing and it can get boring, but it pays fairly well.
I remember grinding Coveted. A lot. As in 300 times a lot.

Is that mission still worthwhile? 4 person, it's a 3-4 minute mission.
I've just been doing random contact missions and I've gotten probably around quarter of a million and leveled up a few times in a day.
I just join randoms and do any missions, makes the grind a little less boring but you end up playing trash talk, titan of a job and the LS connection a lot. 6 player missions with full lobbeis earn just shy of 20k. Watch your ammo though because Ive found it to be expensive, I only use the heavy MG.

I can play PS job rikkie.

Theres a way of getting good money if your a VIP. Can do it solo too. Grind sightseer and Hostile takeover - easy and get about 20k each.
I remember grinding Coveted. A lot. As in 300 times a lot.

Is that mission still worthwhile? 4 person, it's a 3-4 minute mission.

AFAIK, R* changed that mission quite a bit within the first year that the game was out. It used to be really easy with four people, but then they added in enemy helicopters and a lot more enemies and I think everyone just kinda gave up on griding on that one.

It's been forever since I've played it, so I honestly wouldn't know.