GTA V - General Thread

  • Thread starter Hollidog
I just wish they used the designs from the older games. Simple, iconic, and timeless.
The older guns did look great. And how can you go wrong with the good old fashioned chainsaw!
@JASON_ROCKS1998 The Sniper Rifle is based on the Arctic Warfare series rifle. I'm not sure the particular model, though. I initially thought it was the AWP (Arctic Warfare Police).
GTA V just doesn't feel the same. The weapon wheel was never there, all the cars and weapons you'd usually see were redesigned, replaced, or removed, rolling over isn't a pain in the ass, etc.
Sorry to quote a (somewhat) old post, but it caught my attention...

First of, you can't please everyone. Blizzard, for example, went on to release two games that followed different approaches: With Diablo III, they changed quite some stuff compared to its predecessor. They've gotten a lot of criticism for it. The core design is still very much the same, yet players have been very vocal about the game being bad because its different from Diablo II. Just like you, they felt it wasn't a Diablo game any more. Anyway, Blizzard also released StarCraft II. Which is very much like StarCraft I, so much so that they've been criticised heavily for releasing a game that's merely an HD update with a few new units thrown in here and there. Can't do it right whether you keep the game feel the same or change it to feel fresh.

Second, the biggest change in the franchise wasn't a redesign of the weapons or adding the weapon wheel or changing the design of the cars (which kinda happens every time, vehicle designs changed from III to VC, from VC to SA, from SA to IV and from IV to V...). The biggest change was going from 2D with GTA II to 3D with GTA III. Was that a bad decision? I mean, I'm pretty sure that GTA II and III felt much more different than SA and V. The games people are so fond of aren't what GTA initially was. Changing the narrative from a single protagonist to three was a big change, sure. And Michael isn't exactly the archetypical GTA protagonist, being well off and all. Still, nowhere near as big a change as going from 2D to 3D. Actually, I'd think that going from a silent protagonist to an actual character was a bigger change as well, but that's just me... :D
It was just my personal opinion. I understand changes will be made.
If they kept the same cars looking the exact same it would get boring seeing the same cars over and over in the different games.
Actually, I'd think that going from a silent protagonist to an actual character was a bigger change as well, but that's just me... :D
I'd think that was pretty minor, but then I haven't played the old 2D ones in ages.

If they kept the same cars looking the exact same it would get boring seeing the same cars over and over in the different games.
How can you miss the point so badly? :confused:
Quick question: I don't know if it's a Steam thing or a GTAV thing, but when I play I have a little graphic in the top left corner that says "Ctrl + / " to save replay or something. Anyone know how to get rid of it?
Quick question: I don't know if it's a Steam thing or a GTAV thing, but when I play I have a little graphic in the top left corner that says "Ctrl + / " to save replay or something. Anyone know how to get rid of it?
That's the R* editor I believe.
Video I made in Story mode. I will post the edited version later today. Will have added music and will combine the two videos.

Here's a thing on Reddit that may help.
Ah, thanks.

Going to overclock my GPU tomorrow to see if I can at least bring my FPS up to a steady 50-59 (max I am allowed for some reason, seems to be tied to the TV refresh rate? Was playing Subnautica earlier hitting 100+ with no issues). Currently getting 50+ in the countryside, but in the city it drops into the 30's. Will use the AMD software to do it, from what I have read I can max out the settings and it's nowhere near what the card can do. You need separate software for that though, but I'm not going to bother going over what the AMD software allows.
Going to overclock my GPU tomorrow to see if I can at least bring my FPS up to a steady 50-59 (max I am allowed for some reason, seems to be tied to the TV refresh rate?
I thought the same, until I realised that vsync is on by standard. Turning it off gave me peaks of 180 fps, however I got quite a lot of tearing, thus my preference is to stay at 59 fps with no tearing. 👍
I've noticed a few engine sounds have been improved in NG just now. Especially on the Schwarzter:
I noticed that too. Jumped in to mine and was completely shocked.
I never had one because of the crap engine sound but now it's my daily car. Sounds like a proper AMG Merc now.
Niiiiiiice. Always liked the way that car looked but never had one since it sounded like a Honda. :P
Really worth it now and they are quite common in GTA Online. Schafter makes them spawn more common or if you have PS4 I could use mine to spawn 1 for you.
Really worth it now and they are quite common in GTA Online. Schafter makes them spawn more common or if you have PS4 I could use mine to spawn 1 for you.
PS3 and PC. Only doing online with PS3, cause the PC version will be modded, if I can figure it out. Some mods going on right now but I am no computer genius so most of the stuff I have been reading about on the GTA forums might as well be alien speak.
PS3 and PC. Only doing online with PS3, cause the PC version will be modded, if I can figure it out. Some mods going on right now but I am no computer genius so most of the stuff I have been reading about on the GTA forums might as well be alien speak.
Don't worry, the ASI loader for PC disables all mods that use ASI loader before you enter GTA Online so no way to get banned that way :D