GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I was kicked from the LS4X crew.
Send new requests. I basically purged the crew from all members. Didn't recognize 99% of them, and wasn't sure who all was still around so deleted all and starting fresh. I will also keep up on who participates in meets and/or discussions and those that do not will be kicked at the end of each month. The main reason for this is to welcome the new console releases and the much anticipated PC mods.


Opinions/suggestions welcomed. :)
Is this still active?

I've had gta 5 a few weeks (very late to the party), and I'll be getting Internet in the next few days. Absolutely loving the offroading, I can't leave my modified Dubsta alone.

I'm currently on vanilla gta 5 with no updates, so im wondering if anybody can confirm if the 4wd issues have been fixed at all? (sandking xl I'm looking at you)

I'd very much enjoy coming along to these meets of they still happen regularly.

Once I've got Internet (Wednesday) I'll sort out the social club stuff and try and send a request.
I'm happy to see RT reorganizing the club. I've had a lot of fun with this and very much enjoyed the organized events. I've sent a fresh request, I have no intension of buying the upcoming PC version, but I will most certainly be active on the PS4. RT, feel free to contact me if you'd like any assistance, I'd be happy to help. I haven't got enough free time to run a club like this myself, but I'm sure I can handle some of the secondary responsibilities.
I'm wondering how the PC mods will work with the online mode, if at all. And I don't plan on buying a PS4 until GT7 comes out (or if something before then looks too good to pass up).

Will accept requests when I get home from work.
How do we send a request again? I also have been kicked out and I'm completely down to go on an organized off roading trip
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