GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I'm guessing you didn't make a room then? :(
Was gonna join.
I will in few minutes, just downloading a gt6 update, and then I will make a room. I cant play GT6 at the moment because my wheel is busted and I cant drive with a controller
Edit: room going up now
Edit 2: room is open
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PSN & social club: flyordie32
I think I already joined the crew. Just not sure how to join a session
When a session goes up (usually we announce it here), just pause, go to Online, and Join Crew Members. Make sure LS4x4 is your active crew.
Hey guys I'm new here, but I'd love to join the off-road sessions. I usually play around 11pm eastern time a few days a week.

PSN is abdiesel7
Hey guys I'm new here, but I'd love to join the off-road sessions. I usually play around 11pm eastern time a few days a week.

PSN is abdiesel7
Are you already in the crew? We usually do crew only sessions so if you are not just send a request to join on social club to LS4X4. What is your social club account name?
Not yet. I'll send an invite later today when I'm online. Thanks!
I've been doing off reading for a while with some friends so I'll make sure to let them know to join.
Soo close yet so far

I'm trying to get a course setup for rallying with 4x4s
I'm trying to get a course setup for rallying with 4x4s

I spent a few hours searching through Social Club profiles (our crew and other crews) looking for user created off road courses. I've got about 20 courses bookmarked. All are extremely fun to race or to just use as a trail, a couple of them are only possible to complete with high ground clearance (Sandking, MW Mesa). I'd like to get a group of us together soon to run through a few of them.
I love how deep the Sandking XL can go before the engine is hydro locked. I mean, I do floor it through water because I get nervous about my truck getting stuck. But it is fun to make river crossings in the swamp directly next to Fort Zancudo.
Anyone here have experience modding previous versions of GTA PC releases? Not just downloading other people's mods, but actually making them yourself.
Anyone here have experience modding previous versions of GTA PC releases? Not just downloading other people's mods, but actually making them yourself.
Depends on what you are wanting to make. I've made some vehicle textures, which are the easiest to do. You just need something like Photoshop.
Depends on what you are wanting to make. I've made some vehicle textures, which are the easiest to do. You just need something like Photoshop.
Full on modification. Only if GTA5 is released on PC obviously.
Today @ 3pm pst I'll have a open car show with my crew lscs and we will be doing both a car meet and cruise both offroad and on so if your ls4x4 join
My xbox Gamer tag is Joe Lattez. i use a Karin Rebel with a baja bar. thats how u know its me is if u see a rebel with a baja skidplate
DLC ideas for xbox 360 and PS3/4: u can take ur car(s) on a ferry and u go to a different island maybe to the Baja or the mojaveor anywhere with lots of places to go offroad mudding etc. again DLC IDEAS. LS is getting BORING. All in favor of a new place island etc.
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The GTAO thread is reporting a power upgrade for the Granger and the Clean Rebel is able to be stored once again. This may bring some life back into GTA off-roading for a bit. :dopey:
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