A tamperamental story.
So I was just cruising round Sandy Shores after a night of poker with some buddies when I happened to notice a curious wreck at the bad of the filling station.
A zoomed in photo showed this to be a muscle car of unknown make, and being a muscle car fan, I figured it was worth an investigation.
I called one of my friends who lived round the corner to give me a hand pulling the car into the open to get a better look at it. At this point we saw that it was a Tampa made by the Declasse company. One thing was definitely for sure, time and previous owners had not been kind to this sorry looking wreck. Flat tires, missing tires, bent panels, smashed glass, BULLET HOLES!, missing doors. This was a lost cause......
Until my buddy shouted that the keys were in it and before I could shout something along the lines of who would want to steal this junk pile, he turned them and the car spluttered to life with a severe amount of smoke and fumes coming from the block.
We moved the car again to the forecourt of the filling station to get a better lighted perspective on the car. Hazardous work considering now the car would not stop smoking.
We found a small card on the dash stating that the car was for sale, and to inquire at the convenience store next door. Having heard that the engine could be started, my inner muscle car fan was saying to buy this rare beast, even though I had just taken delivery of a newly restored Nightshade. I opted to sleep on the matter and woke up the next morning to meet up with this guy.
and after extorting a crazy amount of money out of me, handed me over the title to the car. I knew of a 24hr garage down the road and opted to forego the tow and slowly drive the car down there. With no windscreen the fumes from the engine were doing a good job at slowly murdering me, the rubber of the two flat tires ended up coming apart from the rims they were on so I was grinding metal on all but one corner. Good thing I had no intention of keeping those rims. I left the car at the garage after having spoken to my mechanic about what I wanted from the car. I didn't care about how much it would cost.
Several weeks later I got the call that the car was ready and I could not have been happier with the results. What follows is a photo record of an impromptu photoshoot the car received when I collected her. My Plum Crazy Baby!
and safely tucked up with the rest of my muscle collection.