GTP Cool Wall: 1977 Ford F250 4X4

1977 Ford F250 4X4

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I'll also have to say that they look quite cool when the lifted hillbilliemobile treatment is broken and some good old hot rodding is applied:

Ugly, generic and very 'murcan...

.. probably sounds pretty good, and I'm sure it would be fun in the mud.

I do want to like it, but even if I did, it would still never be cool.
I can't associate it with the typical redneck stereotypes as they were all over the place where I grew up. They were a tough reliable truck that did what people who bought them (a lot of them I might add) needed them to do. It probably the nicest looking generation of Ford truck in my opinion.

It's a cool from me.
Just an ordinary pickup truck from the '70s. Sure, it was incredibly popular, and parts were easy to find. I personally really like it too. But does that make it cool? No.
It's a meh. I personally rather have a Ford truck from the 1948 to 1966 model years, better looking pickups in my opinion.
Seriously Uncool, the reasons have been posted plenty of times by now.

Adding onto that, the last trucks I would call cool were made in the early-mid 60's.
They don't look good, but they don't look bad either. They are ok I guess... They are work vehicles after all...

And just being ok just awards you a meh from me...
Seriously Uncool. Too big, too thirsty, ride quality is probably non-existant, and it's a Fix Or Repair Daily. :P
I quite like it, but we don't get many of those old US trucks 'round these parts, proving coolness is all about context too. The one in the OP is kinda purty, whether it's a workhorse or not. I don't think the tuning potential is something in its favour though as you can pretty much say that about any car/motor vehicle, the nomination appears to be bone stock and somewhat underpowered at that. Despite this though I gave it a "cool".
It's a Ford, and in general I like Ford trucks. Looks nice and at least sounds nice, even if it pumps out horsepower comparable to an economy car today- and don't give me that speech about the endless aftermarket, that's not a fair metric to judge vehicles by, at least to me because those parts did not come with the car as it came from the factory. I dislike the hillbilly image, but I don't judge cars by their image, I judge them based off of whether I like the actual car or not. I'm sure it could be opened with some beefier parts for peanuts, but that does nothing to sway my opinion of the F-250. I voted cool.
Meh just to be nice.
Truth is, I have no interest in old trucks like this even though I live in the deep south and see them every day in various levels of perfection and horror.

Just not something for the cool wall imho.
I'm sure it's great for hauling something or romping through a field but that doesn't mean it should be held in esteem with the likes of successful cool wall cars.

After all, this is a forum for Gran Turismo and sports car enthusiast. :P
Sub zero just because Slashfan is an awesome guy :P

But Really it is cool because it does what it supposed to do you can go cross country in it and no problem it is bulletproof
I'm actually quite a fan of utes. Despite the outputs and the fact that it's an incredibly common vehicle, it's a cool thing to me.
This "car" is a utility vehicle. It's a shovel. It's a belt. All it conjures up is an image of white-trash Americana. I think it's even less cool than the Koenigsegg from two days ago or W&N's Sunbird. It's less cool than a Prius on fire and I don't care what Ford truck fans think.

The Koenigsegg is one of the coolest cars ever, but I honestly think this is cooler than my car, and worlds cooler than the various "other" compacts of then and now (especially anything with a stylized H or A on it).

Also, I still maintain that there are very, very few cars as uncool as a Prius. For this car to be less cool than a Prius it would also have to be less cool than an Aztek, and just by virtue of not being that ugly, it's not.
The Koenigsegg is one of the coolest cars ever
No it isn't.
For this car to be less cool than a Prius it would also have to be less cool than an Aztek, and just by virtue of not being that ugly, it's not.
Yes it is.

That small currency coinage doesn't seem to have reached the end of its gravity-assisted descent yet.
Voted Meh Sorry slashfan they may be good trucks but they aren't cool . Granted I would love a crew cab one but Mrs Badasp wouldn't be caught dead in one. :'(

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Seriously uncool. It's the automotive equivalent of denim overalls, and spectacularly fails the Cafe/Emma Stone test. "Mudding" doesn't save it; nearly anything can be fun in that situation. How something can be the "pinnacle" of a class of vehicle yet have so little redeeming features, and still be bought for peanuts (when other trucks on either side of it's timeline have become valuable) is beyond me.

Though I do at least recognize the irony of someone steadfastly defending it and referring to others as close-minded when they themselves subscribe to only a small, tiny fraction of the automotive landscape.
Seriously uncool. It's the automotive equivalent of denim overalls, and spectacularly fails the Cafe/Emma Stone test.

I'm sure I don't need to repeat here what I think of the cafe test. A trendy Parisian cafe is one of the most uncool places ever.
I can't speak for F250s - or indeed any large American pickups - in America as I have no direct experience of the country.

So based on someone running one here in the UK, uncool. This and the following apply not only to American Ford trucks but to all fullsize American pickups in the UK - Rams, Silverados etc.

It's way, way too big to be a viable workhorse here. Why put up the poor fuel economy and physical inconvenience when you can run a Hilux, Navara or (to a lesser extent, as it's not as reliable) Defender instead? The only reason you'd want one is to be different, and buying an inferior product just to be different is never cool.

Would I turn my head if I saw one go past? Yes, but then I'd turn my head if I saw the majority of the Questionable Modifications thread go past and there's no way they're cool.

Also I consider big American trucks from the late 60s-early70s onwards to be vulgar - the more recent (last 15 years or so) especially.

Only saved from Seriously Uncool as I can sort of see the appeal, despite not wanting one.
Seriously uncool. I'm not a fan of big trucks and I'm even less of a fan of the typical owner of them. Having lived in more of a farm/rural area for a little more than a year has really made me hate stuff like this too since I typically seem them with a stupidly big lift, overly loud exhaust, a confederate flag, and something liking Obama to a Muslim stuck to the rear window. I don't hate F-150's though and I don't deny it's importance to the American auto industry since the F-series more or less prints money for Ford, but as far as being cool this is pretty low down the scale.
Was going to vote seriously uncool for reasons along the lines of what Slip and Joey posted, but went with uncool because of that shiny blue one Slash posted.
Arguing a car is cool because of it's modding potential is like arguing a crack whore is pretty because she has the potential to clean up well

That being said, I hate all things Pick Up unless they are being used for work, so Seriously Uncool