GTP Cool Wall: 1977 Ford F250 4X4

1977 Ford F250 4X4

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Who cares. The styling, the reliability, the power potential, the sound, the brute strength and load they can carry all make it sub zero worthy.

You cannot simply sit there and tell me if you saw one of those drive down the street all shiny and nice you wouldn't turn you're head and stare. It just doesn't happen.

I wouldn't turn my head at a late 70's Transit Van either (the euro cultural equivalent) They're automotive white-goods. So, uncool - even ignoring any stereotypes about north american pick-up owners.
Are you out of your mind? Not a particularly noteworthy one? WHAT?

Oh. My. God.

This is IT. Why do think these trucks have such a big following over everything else then? This is the absolute of trucks. The best of the best. The strongest of the strongest. Easily one of the most sought after pickups ever built.
Jesus Christ, can you be anymore reactionary? Heaven forbid I not submit to the great Ford truck personality cult.

No, some piece of farm equipment Ford made a million of over the course of its run 35 years ago is not particularly noteworthy today. And it's not particularly noteworthy today no matter how many little fan forums there are for people to circle-jerk about how unappreciated Mustang IIs were and how totally awesome their truck is with the FE engine. This may come as a shock, but not everyone cares about the cars American manufacturers made in the worst decade for the entire industry.

And that equates to being a redneck how? It's got 32's on it. Last time I check, the tires on new ones were bigger with more rim and less tire. Yet somehow, having a sidewall makes you a redneck...

This has got to be the most closed minded forum I've ever been on.
You posted a picture of a truck with big swampy tires on it in response to someone saying they would ignore one on the road. You constantly talk about trucks with big swampy tires on them in every vaguely related contexts. You jump on anyone who ever disses a truck as stereotyping in a wide range of ways; yet at the same time you do nothing but promote the exact same stereotypes you whine about.
Can we nominate it to the cool wall and watch you blow a gasket when we disagree with your notion of its' coolness? :dopey:

Yes, we can.

However. I did not say my pickup is cool. It just looks better.

And I voted meh. Because it is just a pickup. Nothing special at all.
So what? The prettiest and most sought after naked mole rat is still a frelling gargoyle.

It's a pickup. It's a donkey. It's about as cool as contracting avian flu.

It's also incredibly badass. Cool.

Jesus Christ, can you be anymore reactionary? Heaven forbid I not submit to the great Ford truck personality cult.

You asked for it :P

No, some piece of farm equipment Ford made a million of over the course of its run 35 years ago is not particularly noteworthy today. And it's not particularly noteworthy today no matter how many little fan forums there are for people to circle-jerk about how unappreciated Mustang IIs were and how totally awesome their truck is with the FE engine. This may come as a shock, but not everyone cares about the cars American manufacturers made in the worst decade for the entire industry.

Not particularly noteworthy...right...sure...ok...whatever. Like I said, I wouldn't be making a big deal out of this if it wasn't for the fact this thing is when trucks were actually built right and not this plastic 🤬 we get now full of computers.

You posted a picture of a truck with big swampy tires on it in response to someone saying they would ignore one on the road.

No, I posted it in response to someone saying the photo in the OP looked like a redneck's truck. Try again.

You constantly talk about trucks with big swampy tires on them in every vaguely related contexts. You jump on anyone who ever disses a truck as stereotyping in a wide range of ways; yet at the same time you do nothing but promote the exact same stereotypes you whine about.

Because I am a fan of big ass lifted trucks. Do I care about the stereotype? Hell yeah I do. Would I consider myself to be part of the stereotype? Mood depending, maybe. I like a big truck as much as a cleaner stocker. Just because I am a fan of them doesn't mean I support the stereotype. I promote the use of it offroad, not the inbreeding slimeballs that you all seem to think come with it.
So what, you are a fan of a lifted truck. That doesn't mean that anyone else subscribes to either your train of thought or your opinion.
@Slashfan, well, the Honda Civic is one of the best cars put on Earth, but I'm not so sure it would get any more than a "meh" by most people. (limited edition models excluded, obviously)

Edit: didn't realize there were so many posts before I posted, but I think it's pretty clear which post I'm responding to.


This truck is a cool for me. I never see them any more, and if they're stock they're a great spot for me. If its a modified one, it's a low meh at best.
I didn't say it did.

Of course you didn't say it, but the fact that people are voting it against your desires and you feel the need to interject and "set them straight" says otherwise.
Slash. Don't go all White & Nerdy over this. Think a second beyond your bias. Ford build so many that it is really hard to see anything special in it.
Of course you didn't say it, but the fact that people are voting it against your desires and you feel the need to interject and "set them straight" says otherwise.

Honestly, I was expecting this anyways. I really don't care how people vote on it, it's the fact that people can't seem to get over an idiotic stereotype. There is a lot of good that comes from this vehicle, and personally for me, that makes it cool.

Slash. Don't go all White & Nerdy over this. Think a second beyond your bias. Ford build so many that it is really hard to see anything special in it.

I'll be honest, that's entirely true. I find it special given the fact it's underpinnings are some of the strongest ever made, and years worth of what it can do, and overall it's styling. I'm just standing up for what I believe in. I know for a fact not everyone is going to agree with me in saying it's cool, and really, I'm ok with that, I just wish people would really get into it and see what it's really capable of.

You'll vote sub zero on a UAZ all day long, when this is just as good, if not better in some circumstances. Each have their high and low points. For example, you can carry a heavy load in the bed while making it through treacherous terrain without modifying it.

You can bet this would happen if I posted the first gen Bronco as well, and I can almost guarantee you that will outperform quite a lot....yet get downvoted just to piss me off or because rednecks.

Never go full White&Nerdy.

Oh, you can bet it won't go that far hehe.
Are you out of your mind? Not a particularly noteworthy one? WHAT?

Oh. My. God.

This is IT. Why do think these trucks have such a big following over everything else then? This is the absolute of trucks. The best of the best. The strongest of the strongest. Easily one of the most sought after pickups ever built.

lol bias.
lol bias.
Not really. Might want to do some research. That's not coming from my bias, and even if it was, my bias is for a good reason. I wouldn't be that biased if I didn't feel so strongly about this subject after seeing them perform. But like I said, might want to do some research.
It's not the Good Wall.
I fail to understand how this is any less cool than a UAZ. Or even a first gen Bronco for that matter.
This has got to be the most closed minded forum I've ever been on.
C'mon, dude. You aren't doing yourself any favours.

Let's introduce an example: You've done more than your fair share of piss-taking of W&N's Sunbird. To most of us it's not cool, no. It's a generic car of its era. Yet he likes it, understandably, because it's his and it does what he wants of a car.

I'm surprised you can't see the connection with the way you talk about this particular truck. Popular, rugged, tough etc or not, it's still a generic truck of its era, not particularly remarkable in any way. Other than its simplicity next to modern trucks, I guess, but then W&N says the same of his Sunbird next to modern cars.

And before you breach the subject - yes, it's popular. Popularity is not evidence of remarkability and certainly not of coolness. Once again, I refer you to the GM J-body (and umpteen other popular vehicles throughout automotive history).

It's a bit rich to call this forum "closed minded" when you are doing just that - closing your mind completely to the fact that other people here just don't see what you see in this truck.

You are entirely free to find this vehicle cool yourself. But don't blow a gasket when others don't see it the same way.
I'm surprised you can't see the connection with the way you talk about this particular truck. Popular, rugged, tough etc or not, it's still a generic truck of its era, . Other than its simplicity next to modern trucks, I guess, but then W&N says the same of his Sunbird next to modern cars.

I see the connection now that you point it out. :/

not particularly remarkable in any way

These days, it may not see so remarkable, but for the time being (and for most enthusiasts), it's quite a remarkable machine.

And before you breach the subject - yes, it's popular. Popularity is not evidence of remarkability and certainly not of coolness.

Let me stop you right there....there is very good reasons for it's popularity. As I've said before, it's popular because it's easy to get parts for, very strong, can be made ridiculously powerful, extremely reliable, very easy to work on and overall pretty good looking to a lot of people. I'm not just saying this because I'm biased either. It's been proven over the last 3 decades that this is one of the best manufactured utility vehicles ever produced. People swap heavy duty parts out of these in other models for just for the added strength for many reasons. Front axle swaps are just an example. This was the last iteration for very tough Fords as people like to say...changing from kingpins to ball joints was one of the worst things Ford ever did after this generation.

Once again, I refer you to the GM J-body (and umpteen other popular vehicles throughout automotive history).

It's a bit rich to call this forum "closed minded" when you are doing just that - closing your mind completely to the fact that other people here just don't see what you see in this truck.

I just can't see how some people here can't see what good comes out of it, that's all I'm getting at really.

But don't blow a gasket when others don't see it the same way.
It's not intentional, even if it seems to come off that way.
How you define cool isn't necessarily how everyone else does.

That's pretty much the entire concept - and the reason there's even voting.
That's true. 👍
It's a truck that isn't an SVT Lightning.

Even the Duramax sitting in the driveway would only get a "meh" from me, and that's just because it's Dad's truck.

This one is not Dad's truck, uncool.
Cool because it's and old truck.

But as anyone else has said, it's as generic as they come.

non-generic truck:
Let me stop you right there...
That's all well and good, but doesn't really counter what I've said.

Let's go back to remarkability. What you're saying is that because you can tune it, it's strong etc that it's remarkable. It isn't, really - those aspects just mean it's versatile. A Honda Civic is tunable too, and very reliable, and inexpensive to run, and even - get this - looks good, to a lot of people. Yet it's not really "remarkable".

You may scoff at this, but this truck is essentially to other trucks as the Civic is to other economy cars. Each has popularity warranted because they're good at what they do. You can draw even more parallels - if what you say is true, then the way most F-Series enthusiasts talk of trucks like this, far more favourably than they do of later ones, is just like Civic fans do of their cars...

And then to coolness. There's no correlation between coolness and whether a car is good or not, and there's no correlation between coolness and popularity.

A cool car can be good or it can be awful
A cool car can be popular or it can be unpopular
An uncool car can be good or it can be awful
An uncool car can be popular or it can be unpopular
And various combinations of the above.

What we have here - to me, at least - is an uncool car that is both good and popular. A Civic is also an uncool car that's both good and popular. The Fiat 500 from a few threads ago was a cool car (by majority vote, at least) that's both good and popular. There are certainly cool cars that were neither very good, nor very popular.

Of course, in your view the F-250 is both good and popular and cool - but there's certainly method behind those of us who don't see it that way :)
That's all well and good, but doesn't really counter what I've said.

Let's go back to remarkability. What you're saying is that because you can tune it, it's strong etc that it's remarkable. It isn't, really - those aspects just mean it's versatile. A Honda Civic is tunable too, and very reliable, and inexpensive to run, and even - get this - looks good, to a lot of people. Yet it's not really "remarkable".

You may scoff at this, but this truck is essentially to other trucks as the Civic is to other economy cars. Each has popularity warranted because they're good at what they do. You can draw even more parallels - if what you say is true, then the way most F-Series enthusiasts talk of trucks like this, far more favourably than they do of later ones, is just like Civic fans do of their cars...

And then to coolness. There's no correlation between coolness and whether a car is good or not, and there's no correlation between coolness and popularity.

A cool car can be good or it can be awful
A cool car can be popular or it can be unpopular
An uncool car can be good or it can be awful
An uncool car can be popular or it can be unpopular
And various combinations of the above.

What we have here - to me, at least - is an uncool car that is both good and popular. A Civic is also an uncool car that's both good and popular. The Fiat 500 from a few threads ago was a cool car (by majority vote, at least) that's both good and popular. There are certainly cool cars that were neither very good, nor very popular.

Of course, in your view the F-250 is both good and popular and cool - but there's certainly method behind those of us who don't see it that way :)
Once again, fair enough 👍
About as generic & special as a Sunbird. Seriously uncool.

And for something that is that is the "pinnacle" of trucks, this thread is about the first I've ever heard of it in detail....
I'm embarrassed to say I quite like it :embarrassed:

Not that I could ever actually bring myself to own a pick up though :lol: