GTP Cool Wall: 1969-1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator

1969-1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator

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It's also a one off not a production car. Who knows how it was geared.
2.73 rear ratio with a toploader Ford 4 speed.

I believe a limited run of 50 were made with the 427 engine.

I like that too. Only I like it even more if the rest of the car isn't shouting, "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK AT MEEEEE! I'M BRIGHT AND SHINY AND LOOK!"

And that's where we are different :P

When he leaves, it just makes me smile and go "🤬 yeah!" :lol:
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There is a difference there. up! actually kind of makes sense and fits the car, my comments about repellant aside. Eliminator is an ominous name for pretend-machos with self-steem issues that need to be told constantly they're machos, which is probably who the car is aimed at anyway. LaFerrari just seems LaFerrarrarirrararirariLa-dah-dee-rirrari.

Fixed that for you.

(Oh, for heaven's sake, now I am contradicting myself by joining the W&N beating...must've stuck on me from someone ;) )
I'm sorry, but


This is not the gas mileage wall. Fuel efficiency is a good thing, but it's not cool, even if you're poor and need it. The only people who think gas mileage affects coolness are environmentalists and people more deserving than I of my username.

Wow would you look at that spin? The only thing the wall shouldn't be is an "I like, and since I like it is cool:dopey:" as for everything else it's a factor, and people who keep using the notion this isn't a such and such wall is misplace. Just because you like pissing away gas doesn't mean someone else cant use it efficiency or lack of it as partial decision or more in cool or uncool. For me it's a case by case basis, this car wasn't ever created with gas in mind hence it dying like a dinosaur due to the giant meteor known as the oil crisis/embargo.

Yet another argument in a cool wall thread! How surprising! (Sarcasm)

As for the car, solid cool!

What part exactly how you're not surprised, or the idea of an argument in the cool wall since the first cool wall? Or both, sorry I just wanted clarification cause you know I'm curious :sly:

pro tip: IT'S A TRAP (i.e. loaded question)
There is a difference there.

Either names are a valid consideration in the coolness of a car, or they're not.

Eliminator actually kind of makes sense and fits the car, Famine's comments about repellant aside. up! is a cutesy name for hipsters and clueless airheads, which is probably who the car is aimed at anyway.

If the name appeals to the very people you think they're trying to sell the car to, then I would say it "makes sense and fits the car." And since that makes the Eliminator name OK, then it makes up! OK as well. 💡

I'm not sure what's more breathtaking: Your hypocrisy, or how utterly unaware of it you seem to be.
Either names are a valid consideration in the coolness of a car, or they're not.

If the name appeals to the very people you think they're trying to sell the car to, then I would say it "makes sense and fits the car." And since that makes the Eliminator name OK, then it makes up! OK as well. 💡

I'm not sure what's more breathtaking: Your hypocrisy, or how utterly unaware of it you seem to be.

Therein lies the problem.

The Cougar Eliminator was aimed at cool people.

The up!... wasn't.
Therein lies the problem.

The Cougar Eliminator was aimed at people who wanted to say that they didn't just own a Mercury Cougar, but a cinnabar-based aftershave for keeping away predatory older ladies.

The up! is aimed at people who want a fairly well built, very well designed, notably fun to drive, reasonably priced city car.

The regular Mercury Cougar is sub zero. Bumped my vote on this one down to cool because of how showy it is and the silly name. There's just something about driving a Cougar Eliminator. Sounds like a cologne that works every time, 60% of the time.
A vote of Cool for me; it's one of my favourite cars to drive in FM4, but like others have mentioned, the Eliminator crap makes it less cool, not more so. The XR7 was good enough for Clooney and Tarantino? Good enough for me:


Now that, that'd be Subzero.
I just can't help but giggle everytime I hear Cougar Eliminator (Thank you @Famine).

I'll give it a cool, hormones dictate that I must. Also, the name makes me giggle.
Uncool. Sure, it's a muscle car, which are really cool to me, but I can't stand the tacked on bits. The 'normal' Cougar oozes class and badassery into one, but putting spoilers on to it just doesn't feel right. To me it's the Bentley of the muscle car world, and well, I'm sure some of you can agree that spoilers have no place on a Bentley.
What part exactly how you're not surprised, or the idea of an argument in the cool wall since the first cool wall? Or both, sorry I just wanted clarification cause you know I'm curious :sly:

pro tip: IT'S A TRAP (i.e. loaded question)

Well if this is a loaded question, I'll choose my words carefully ;)

Mainly the part where it somehow turns into bashing W&N from a few people arguing over something which IMO doesn't affect said cars coolness. In the case of the Cougar, I'm fine with the name eventhough Famine has suggested it repels older women, I've never even thought about that until he's mentioned it. Famine's example of a car being named pansyfairy GTI would indeed probably affect my view of it but it's very unlikely a car will be called that. I can only recall myself ever claiming a car has a silly name in a cool wall thread once, that was the Vauxhall/Opel Adam. In that case it was a bonus reason to call it uncool, after it's looks, silly adverts for it etc.

I've probably set myself up for some bashing but oh well.

Or truckers with E30 BMW project cars, like my mate who owns an Up. I believe @SVT Cobra GT has one too, unless I'm very much mistaken.

I do own one. We got one mainly because it's so cheap, it's free to insure (for the first year) and the road tax is free. The lease amount is less than £100 a month. I share it with my parents, so when the Capri is the garage for the winter, I'll use it to get about and in the summer time I'll use the Capri.

To my mind a hipster is someone who wears those silly square black glasses for 'fashion' instead of needing to wear them for their sight. They'll also wear Tom shoes which are about as water proof as paper and walk everywhere in them, even through mud. They'll never wear jeans, listen to 'music' from the likes of Miley Virus, Rihanna, Jessie J and Pharrel Williams with that god awful happy song that makes me want to punch his face in. They'll also spend hours of their lives on instagram posting photos of pretty much everything with needless filters and then spamming facebook with so many hashtags you don't know if they've written a description.

My sense of fashion, is aviators, jeans, white Nike classic tennis trainers (Marty McFly from Back To The Future trainers) and T-shirts with either bands, Hooters, Hard Rock Cafe locations, cars or slogans on them.
As for music, most of my iPod is full of songs that radio stations round here have never heard of.
As for social media, I have a facebook account and thats it. Instagram, Twitter? No thanks!

So @White & Nerdy! Still think I'm a hipster because I drive an up!?
In the case of the Cougar, I'm fine with the name eventhough Famine has suggested it repels older women, I've never even thought about that until he's mentioned it. Famine's example of a car being named pansyfairy GTI would indeed probably affect my view of it but it's very unlikely a car will be called that.
JDM only.

Actually the Japanese do have one hell of a sense of humour when it comes to naming cars. Mysterious Utility Wizard, anyone? Luxury Joyful Canopy? Scrum Wagon? Geely Rural Nanny?

Let's face it, the USA doesn't fare much better. Ford actually made four different cars called "Probe" (and actually tried to sell two of them), while Ford Europe named all of their cars after top shelf magazines. And leaving that joke aside, the thoroughly mainstream Ford Escort is named after a prostitute.

And then there's the Studebaker Dictator...
Cool American car names in no particular order: Corvette, Mustang, Viper, Cougar, Challenger, Thunderbird, Falcon, Firebird, Charger, Road Runner (meep meep), etc. ad absurdum.
Every country has a few ridiculous names. Except maybe Germany. Everything there is a bunch of numbers and letters (except VW. Beetle isn't necessarily the coolest name, but it's grown on us I guess.)