GTP Cool Wall: 1994 McLaren F1

  • Thread starter Jahgee

1994 McLaren F1

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Cool or Sub Zero? It makes a big difference in my decision to hate you or not. Lets be FB friends.

I voted cool. But that's just my singular opinion. And can we really be friendzies! AMAZING!

While Koenigsegg claims it as a Nardo top speed record, it also happened to be incredibly marginally faster than the official top speed record of the McLaren F1.

Hmm, well the Wiki page I don't think holds up, Wiki is only as good as its citations, and that paragraph doesn't have one.

Netcomposites/Gizmag, Fair enough I guess, there's enough places, someone should update the wiki with this then (including these citations).

Back OT. Why are people caring that 18 people or 12.3% of the poll haven't voted SZ?

This car was always going to be SZ, 128 people here are right to vote SZ, it will always be a SZ car, how many people disagree doesn't matter, if it were the other way around I'd be disappointed in the community, but as it stands I think its pretty fair.
Hmm, well the Wiki page I don't think holds up, Wiki is only as good as its citations, and that paragraph doesn't have one.

Netcomposites/Gizmag, Fair enough I guess, there's enough places, someone should update the wiki with this then (including these citations).

Back OT. Why are people caring that 18 people or 12.3% of the poll haven't voted SZ?

This car was always going to be SZ, 128 people here are right to vote SZ, it will always be a SZ car, how many people disagree doesn't matter, if it were the other way around I'd be disappointed in the community, but as it stands I think its pretty fair.
It's less of the 18 people voting not-subzero and more of voting without reason. This was supposed to join the Muira but now it won't.
It's less of the 18 people voting not-subzero and more of voting without reason. This was supposed to join the Muira but now it won't.

It's destiny was written in internet code? Sorry that I didn't vote sub-zero and join the gang. But that's really why I didn't vote SZ. It was super cool once upon a time, but it was shoved in my face and being told a million times that it's super cool does not make it super cool. It makes it over saturated.
Hmm, well the Wiki page I don't think holds up, Wiki is only as good as its citations, and that paragraph doesn't have one.



Pretty sure that should cover it. I'm amazed I didn't find that before lol.

Here's the link, 12th one along.
It's destiny was written in internet code? Sorry that I didn't vote sub-zero and join the gang. But that's really why I didn't vote SZ. It was super cool once upon a time, but it was shoved in my face and being told a million times that it's super cool does not make it super cool. It makes it over saturated.
No, that's not close to what I meant. Your reason ("it was cool but it's not so much anymore") is a valid reason.
Am I crazy or was my reply to @Ferraridude308 deleted

Sorry, I'm going crazy, my response was in a PM.

Eh... It allows another viewpoint away from the popular opinion. For example, if your reason for cool is "well known car with iconic history" then there's no reason that I see for it to not be SZ, but it means that there's something about it that holds it back. That's something I think should be mentioned. Whereas, if you vote meh because "the tailights look weird" well... Not a very valid reason imo.
No, that's not close to what I meant. Your reason ("it was cool but it's not so much anymore") is a valid reason.

I was more referring to this:

This was supposed to join the Muira but now it won't.

Why does it "have" to join the Muira? Will whales start thinking they're birds? Will this site turn it's focus from Gran Turismo to Battletoads? It's supposed to get voted on and discussed. Plain and simple.
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I was more referring to this:

Why does it "have" to join the Muira? Will whales start thinking their birds? Will this site turn it's focus from Gran Turismo to Battletoads? It's supposed to get voted on and discussed. Plain and simple.
Haha, poor word choice. The Muira and McLaren F1 are in that special group of cars that should (IMO) be together on the cool wall. Honestly I think the F1 is cooler than the Muira but I digress.
Actually... seeing as how a lot of the top cars were voted on in 2010...
Haha, poor word choice. The Muira and McLaren F1 are in that special group of cars that should (IMO) be together on the cool wall. Honestly I think the F1 is cooler than the Muira but I digress.
Actually... seeing as how a lot of the top cars were voted on in 2010...

Eh. We can't win them all. Some of my favorites have seen less then favorable final poll results in the past. Heck, I still think Scotland should be it's own separate tourist trap. And don't even get me started on Dancing With the Stars. Carlton doing the Carlton should have won the game forever. :lol:
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My issue is more that when called out on it (Which, in hindsight, wasn't really appropriate, given that it's something so subjective as styling) the word "opinion" is being used to avoid giving a good explanation. This is something that Jmoney did frequently, and that's why I said what I did.
I have little sympathy for the poor misunderstood, underrepresented 88‰ supermajority opinion when long before Blood Eagle said a single thing this thread was already a cesspit of "The people who didn't vote the 'correct' way should explain themselves". Nevermind that when he first said so it was to a pretty immediate deluge of "that's not good enough because it's sub zero and that's final."

Which, again, does wonders for the image this car has.
Actually... seeing as how a lot of the top cars were voted on in 2010...

Interestingly, it shows there's a wider variety of opinions once the GT5 member surge happened.

And don't even get me started on Dancing With the Stars. Carlton doing the Carlton should have won the game forever. :lol:

Right there with you. :crazy:
I have little sympathy for the poor misunderstood, underrepresented 88‰ supermajority opinion when long before Blood Eagle said a single thing this thread was already a cesspit of "The people who didn't vote the 'correct' way should explain themselves". Nevermind that when he first said so it was to a pretty immediate deluge of "that's not good enough because it's sub zero and that's final."

Which, again, does wonders for the image this car has.
Like I said earlier... It offers a different viewpoint from the majority. If it's not sub zero then there has to be a reason(s) behind it. Most people would like to know said reason(s), and most would like them to be valid.
If it's not sub zero then there has to be a reason(s) behind it.
That's operating on the assumption that sub zero is the automatic answer to deviate from. There's plenty of obvious reasoning to say that, say, a Chevy Citation is obscenely, comically uncool.

What's the obvious reasoning, for example, that this specific supercar is guaranteed sub-zero that doesn't at first glance contradict reasoning other supercars are uncool?

Most people would like to know said reason(s), and most would like them to be valid.
I'm going to tell you right now:
So far I don't think that anybody who voted not-sub zero has justified their reasoning.
I am curious as to why @Encyclopedia, @Joey D, @ilikewaffles11 and @Murcie_LP640 'only' voted cool.
Who would not vote this sub-zero?

Had that been directed at me, knowing the only reason my vote was outrageous being because I didn't vote in a way the majority thinks is the only valid way, my internal response would have been far closer to "they can go screw" than "this is absolutely an open minded exchange of ideals I am willing to take part in". Certainly so if I offered my reasoning why and was treated to two pages of wolves descending on me when I finally caught on that no one actually wants a discussion on it and voiced as much.

And that's me, the 9 year 31,000 post member with strong ties to 66‰ of the people quoted above. Not Blood Eagle; the 2 week, 70 post member.
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I have little sympathy for the poor misunderstood, underrepresented 88‰ supermajority opinion when long before Blood Eagle said a single thing this thread was already a cesspit of "The people who didn't vote the 'correct' way should explain themselves". Nevermind that when he first said so it was to a pretty immediate deluge of "that's not good enough because it's sub zero and that's final."

Which, again, does wonders for the image this car has.
I understand, and I agree that everyone jumping at the throats of everyone who didn't vote SZ is ridiculous, and that it's not good for the car's image. But like I said earlier, I have no problem with what he voted or why, it was the "it's my opinion and I don't need to discuss it" attitude that irked me.
That's operating on the assumption that sub zero is the automatic answer to deviate from. There's plenty of obvious reasoning to say that, say, a Chevy Citation is obscenely, comically uncool.

What's the obvious reasoning, for example, that this specific supercar is guaranteed sub-zero that doesn't at first glance contradict reasoning other supercars are uncool?

I'm going to tell you right now:

Had that been directed at me, knowing the only reason my vote was outrageous being because I didn't vote in a way the majority thinks is the only valid way, my internal response would have been far closer to "they can go screw" than "this is absolutely an open minded exchange of ideals I am willing to take part in". Certainly so if I offered my reasoning why and was treated to two pages of wolves descending on me when I finally caught on that no one actually wants a discussion on it and voiced as much.
The way I vote, every car starts at subzero. I subtract the vote if I see some things "wrong" with it or something that I would change. Of course, some deductions are worth more than others. A Chevy Citation would definitely be uncool.

Zeniths comment was fine, as it was the truth... everyone who had replied at that point had voted SZ. Liquids comment was fine as well; I'm wondering the same thing. AYB's comnent was basically what Liquid had said but a little more hostile. If you're against the obvious majority, there should be a reason behind it. Otherwise I'll think "OK, the only reason he voted SU where everyone voted SZ is because he wants to be different" which is just a stupid reason and that person won't get any respect because of it. And then they get upset that someone called them out when they just want an explanation.

Edit-I'm going to bed, it's 1:20
Wall of text speaking ones mind

Insert classic applause gif here. I mean truly, and honestly, impressed. I hate how these polls have become. Thread after thread of disrespect. For what? Absolutely nothing, but seemingly a post count and a go.

I'll think "OK, the only reason he voted SU where everyone voted SZ is because he wants to be different" which is just a stupid reason and that person won't get any respect because of it.

As annoying as it may be, it doesn't change its validity as a reason. For some, being different from the normalcy is a must. It's a way of life. They have their reasons to why that is a valid enough reason. Some people just want to burn the world just to make s'mores. A 🤬 reason, but enough for them. Does that person deserve disrespect because of it? Nope. Only if he actually burns the world down does he deserve disrespect. And some may argue that not giving respect and disrespect aren't the same, and they'd be right. But I invite anyone to reread this thread in its entirety and tell me disrespect hasn't been handed out like Halloween candy. And by no means, ildd, am I saying that you dished out disrespect. I am just using that comment as a stepping stone to my soap box.
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Can I reiterate my point above. Nothing anyone says here can or will alter how good this car is. If anything this is a discussion of substance, and opinions of that substance. If all the facts aren't in question, our opinions are just our own, that's it.

I think its cool because of being the fastest car in the world (even though it was for 8 years not 14 as I thought), its looks, its central seat, I like that it has gold in the engine bay, the engine from a BMW 850 hotted up, that it isn't turbocharged. Those facts translate to me an iconic car, that oozes cool.

I think it'd be sad if someone thought the car was SZ, then read 'waa, it should be rated at 1.89+, waa' then thought 'oh, well they think it's SZ and they're cry babies, its clearly no longer a SZ car'. I think that's really sad.

The car should speak for itself, and it does to me. Nothing anyone has said here has lowered its status, its place in history doesn't pivot on a few lines of a forum.

And if people don't think its SZ - fine, you're in the minority here anyway, but entitled to be, and yes, I do still agree they should say 'I voted uncool because the headlights are too big' or whatever, because that'd be more interesting to read than complaints of complaints - isn't it?
This thread is hilarious :lol::lol::lol:

For the record, I only voted cool (shock, horror... cue endless persecution ;)).

Why not SZ? Because I don't think it's a good looking car, and other than the amazing performance numbers, it's not that great to drive (obviously from what I've rear, not personal experience) - too softly sprung at the back, rubbish brakes, heavy steering.

Personally happy it won't equal/beat the Muira... which is both an engineering marvel (for it's time) and utterly stunning to look at as well... though apparently also not great as a drivers car.
Woah, this thread exploded while us Europeans went to sleep!


I absolutely understand where you're coming from on this. Having read what's been said in between my last post and now there does seem to be a lot of butthurt from the subzero majority, which is strange because it's the majority who are offended for a change. We're looking at your typical V8 brigade argument in reverse.

I did indeed vote this car sub-zero, but I'd like to think that I did not 'call people out' for voting cool as opposed to sub-zero. As I worded it, I was curious to know and nothing more. People are entitled to their vote and people are welcome to justify that vote or not (I have voted in the Porsche 914 and Open Manta threads without posting). There was no subtext of "You haven't voted cool enough and I demand to know why". Had their opinions already been given things would have been fine for me. But given that this car is so popular and well-known in car circles for its design, engine and record breaking top speed, it was interesting to know why this car is cool but not really cool. Had I been around for the Cadillac Cimmaron poll, I'd have been equally curious to know how it was 'only' uncool as opposed to seriously uncool.

You'll notice though there was no reference or request regarding meh, uncool or seriously uncool voters in my post. I won't deny that this is one of the coolest cars of all time in my opinion and I'd love it to topple the Muira, but the votes for uncool and such don't bother me enough to get butthurt over it and demand to know why the maclarun f1 isnt teh pr0. Some people posted, some did not. Fine.

As for @Blood Eagle... was his justification against the majority? Yes. Was his justification ignorant or ill-informed? No. If you simply disagree with his reasoning, get over it. I disagree with his position on the McLaren F1, but it wasn't illogical or stupid, was it? He doesn't find it handsome or appealing, he didn't say that it's driven by sex offenders and powered by a gutless engine, which would be grounds to call someone out on. I also disagree with his position on justifying answers or not and his debating style, but that's a separate matter.

While it is tempting to say "Oh look, a cool wall thread about a European car has gone to over 3 pages again", for once the shoe was on the other foot.
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Nobody owes anyone an explanation for their own opinion.

This is one of the most insane things I have ever heard anyone say. If you have an opinion, and you wish to express it, be prepared to provide a valid explanation or have it passed off as a load of bovine excrement. (And I'm using the philosophical definition there of "a statement made by someone who does not know and/or care about truth or accuracy with regards to the matter in hand"; as opposed to a lie which is "a statement made by someone with the intention of hiding the truth from others", or nonsense which is "lhrwlrvbeiuvb ehvbevh;iuubihewhygogeycuvbwr".)
Why is there this much arguing and attacks over anyone's opinions? Can't you just respect another? I understand discussion forums but insulting one another is completely ridiculous. For instance, when my nomination of a Lister Storm road car got on the cool wall, I was excited. You know how I'm close with the company and how much love I have for them but, most people said it was an ugly failure. It got cool overall, but I didn't insult their opinions or say that their decisions were wrong.

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