GTP Cool Wall: 2013+ Toyota RAV4

2013+ Toyota RAV4

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This has literally just been addressed, both in the post two above yours by someone who actually owns such a car, and by a few others in previous posts.

Not really, I wasn't talking about places with a lot of tractors and dirt banks. They are perfect for country living, for sure, though personally I would choose something with better proven off-road chops like a Landie, there again cost comes in there. My point was you see these all over in much more built-up, urban places too. I do acknowledge the point about why not an SUV over an MPV or estate in those situations though, but it more than often seems rather pretentious.
I'll never understand hate for crossovers, they make way more sense for most people than something massive like a Suburban. I wouldn't want one, but they do server a purpose.

Anyway, went with uncool. The RAV4 is meant to move people, not emotions.
Yet another boring looking off-roader vehicle which the vast majority of will never see dirt. They'll be bought by the kind of people who think they're safer than a proper car and will take them over speed bumps far too quickly and knacker the suspension within a week 'because it has off-road suspension'.

Voted "meh". It's not quite as bland as the previous RAV4s, so it escapes "uncool" for me, but there's still few stand-out qualities.
In my opinion, the only good toyotas are the old ones, like the supra, AE86, Celica, 2000GT, and the new GT86, etc. Those cars had character. Now almost every Toyota that rolls off the line is a generic people carrier with no soul. They really did not have a "sports car" in the lineup for a long time until the GT86, but before that there really was no "sports" car, for a long time. Every car company should have a light, rear wheel drive, fun to drive entry level sports car.
They'll be bought by the kind of people who...will take them over speed bumps far too quickly and knacker the suspension within a week 'because it has off-road suspension'.
Is that a thing over there? Over here we have drivers in gigantic "tough" pickup trucks that gingerly tip-toe over anything that might spill a house of cards. Not just looking after their vehicle, but craaawling over the bump. :)
Is that a thing over there? Over here we have drivers in gigantic "tough" pickup trucks that gingerly tip-toe over anything that might spill a house of cards. Not just looking after their vehicle, but craaawling over the bump. :)

Yep. Pretty much. Mind you there are a lot of brain dead morons who drive over speed bumps at 30mph in normal cars! Especially taxi drivers. We went to look at a Daihatsu Fourtrack to tow our horse trailer and all the way along the road where this car was were very high speed bumps. We instantly knew the suspension would be knackered. And would you believe it. It was!

I slow right down for them and crawl over them at like less than 10mph, I've always got impatient **** right behind me trying to overtake.
Is that a thing over there? Over here we have drivers in gigantic "tough" pickup trucks that gingerly tip-toe over anything that might spill a house of cards. Not just looking after their vehicle, but craaawling over the bump. :)
I see people plow over speedbumps all the time and in various cars. Most of the time it's a company's car but seeing a brand new car, especially a black german saloon or an SUV do that isn't uncommon either. I once went over a "speed isle" (like a speed bump but a car lenght long or so, also not as agressive as a speedbump) without slowing down. Needless to say the suspension hit bumpstops.
I think there's a sensible middle ground between blithely flying through and the pace I sometimes see, but it also depends on the speed bump, with how nasty they can be!
Those could work either way. Seems to me the faster you hit one of those, the less you'd feel it. Go fast enough and you could skip straight over, assuming it's small enough.
I slow right down for them and crawl over them at like less than 10mph, I've always got impatient **** right behind me trying to overtake.
Depends on the bump, really - councils seem to make them different everywhere. There's a road not so far from me with alternate soft and hard bumps (so you can drive over some like it's not there, but need to slow right down for others) and another road where you can just sail over them at 30 without it being uncomfortable.

My least favourite bumps are those they use in supermarkets and the like - the short, vicious ones. But those are ones that crossovers are actually pretty good at absorbing.
Depends on the bump, really - councils seem to make them different everywhere. There's a road not so far from me with alternate soft and hard bumps (so you can drive over some like it's not there, but need to slow right down for others) and another road where you can just sail over them at 30 without it being uncomfortable.

My least favourite bumps are those they use in supermarkets and the like - the short, vicious ones. But those are ones that crossovers are actually pretty good at absorbing.

Yes that's true. Around here, nearly all the speed bumps are at suspension killing levels! There's only one that springs to mind that isn't too bad.

The worst example of our councils logic i've seen is a road that looks like it's been plowed so they thought putting speed bumps on it would be a good idea. I honestly don't know anyone who would drive more than 20mph down there. It's like having a speed bump on a cobbled street!
There aren't many speed bumps on the Isle of Wight, the council here have decided that it's better to put small chicanes in the streets instead. They're great fun.
To be fair the percentage of paved roads compared to all roads in Alaska is a really low figure. I would be annoyed by speed bumps as well.

Want one by a single important stop sign or narrow passageway? Fine. Litter them so that a tenth-of-a-mile parking lot crawl involves 12 extra downshifts? Get (suspension) bent.

This isn't a Toyota Urban Cruiser.

Can't wait until that one's rated so I know whether to buy one or not...
My mom is planning on buying one of these. I suppose that should automatically make it uncool, but I kind of like it. She's had a 4Runner for years (a great looking vehicle), and wants a replacement that isn't as much of a gas guzzler but still has space for groceries...

Welp, guess I have to vote uncool. It avoids seriously uncool based on looks alone.

Don't tell my mom.