Weight is everything in a small car with a small engine. I've got a car that only weighs 300-400 pounds more than a friend's ride. We've got similar power numbers (in fact, I have more), but below 60 mph, his car is definitely faster than mine.
If the extra weight is for body rigidity... that's fine... but if it's for things like AC, window motors, sound-proofing, and the like, it's just dead weight.
I nearly laughed when I got into a brand new MX-5 last year... the windshield visors were truly awful, even compared to the old one. But still, compared to other, similar sized cars with the same engine size and power, it went like stink... and it cornered very well, despite the relatively soft suspension. To get cornering like that in say... a Honda Civic, you'd have to tune the suspension so hard it'd break your spine over a pebble.
Fails the girlfriend test, it has to be explained to anyone whos not a car person, finally it looses most of its awesomeness as soon as you get it off the track (as as ive mentioned before I dont find track cars cool)
Non-car persons love two-door sportscars. No matter what they are. It's certain kinds of enthusiasts and their obsession with big power numbers who don't get the Elise... of course, obsessing with big numbers is never cool. Which is why the 9ff bears the distinction of landing in the cool wall graveyard.
Sub-zero. Similar to the original Mustang in that it's not brilliant in itself, but it spawned the archetype of a certain type of car.
I'ts actually quite brilliant, in and of itself. It's just not very fast in a straight line.
I didn't even need to think about this one. Looked at title: Elise. That's it. End argument. Nothing else Miatas.