Oh great disconnection. On pole aswell and with AYRTONSCHUMACHER and bombe at the back. Not saying I was going to win but I felt good with the car. Oh well have a good race guys.
JML was a nightmare to get around! Not the best race tbh very scrappy, i got hit really hard into the wall at the first corner and put me last. I ended up having a good battle with Jav on track and with tactics. Shame people connections kept dropping tbh.
. Jav seemed to just ram me off the track going into Curve Grande (the big right hander after the first corner) on the first full throttle lap. Him and Nashy ran long on braking and after the exit going through the next corner, Jav just rammed me off to the left into the gravel. I went from 3rd to last because of that. Then on lap 5 or 6, after the 2nd chicane, as I leveled out for the blast to the 1st Lesmo Jav rammed me off into the left hand gravel trap again. Very annoying. I feel it cost me at least a battle with mike and daibaspeed. The other guy got at all of us. jml. He decided to race against when we lapped him. He did it for everyone. Pushed me right to the outside of Curve Grande at one point. Nearly off the track.
Results in text format
Replay file is available here
To view replay, unzip file, place 'PS3' folder in the root folder of your USB drive. Open your USB drive in the PS3 menu, and copy the replay over to your Save Game Data
yea i thought i had it tuned before the race started
but i wanted to apoligize to anyone i messed up today
Sounds like you had an interesting race. What track are we at next week? In the OP it says TBD still.
You can call it that! Sucks that you got disconnected having gotten pole for the race. Hope to see you on the next one!