GTP Mass Debating Contest Real REAL Final Round!

  • Thread starter Danny
Congratulations Team AAMMM on a well-deserved victory - I always knew you were a bunch of Master Debaters :P I would also like to thank Team AAMMM and the judges for their comments, and the rest of Team E for getting us to this point.

Yes, a job well done to everyone involved(including the judges!). Thank you Danny for organizing everything together, we couldn't have finished this without your efforts. 👍
Congratulation Danoff, sorry I wasn't much help the last round my mind was numb from actually having job realted work to do. Well done TM and the rest of Team E for a very well put together argument and rebuttal. I can't imagine how hard a time the judges must have had with this.
Hey, another well-earned win and the overall championship for Team AAMMM. Well done, folks!

Big thanks also to Danny and all the judges for making this work. It was fun!
Okay, I'm tired of waiting for Famine.

Many apologies - I've been busy off my ass with UKGTP7 and, as it turns out, my vote was immaterial anyway.

Congratulations to Team AAMMM!
KTB, Dave,

Sage has made us these spiffy new mass-debator badges. You'll have to pester him if you want a different color.

....maybe gold... hmmm....

Nice 👍 I wonder if there is a runners-up badge too?

As I always used to say to my ex-girlfriend, there's no shame in coming second... (especially when you are up against somebody who is clearly a superior mass-debater)
Haha, that avatar is awesome!

The competition finishes as it started, with childish puns. :D