GTP Members, post your time lap times!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
You are driving the right way as you would in real life, that's why you are slow.

Thanks! đź‘Ť :lol: But what would you say if I'd say I did my laps drunk?? :dopey: Sorry, no I'm not driving yet as in real life.

Also, don't be foolish people.. peace for everybody :D's Christmas and all. ;)
Damn the tuned car got easier to drive without TCS, cut more than half a second off right away! I didn't know you were able to turn it off at first, since it's locked at 7 on the normal car when you use the controller as I do.

Current times...

Tuned: 1'37.996
Normal: 1'50.693
Total: 3'28.689

Good, decent, bad or terrible? You decide. I think I'm the ordinary Svensson, as we say in Sweden.
Damn the tuned car got easier to drive without TCS, cut more than half a second off right away! I didn't know you were able to turn it off at first, since it's locked at 7 on the normal car when you use the controller as I do.

Current times...

Tuned: 1'37.996
Normal: 1'50.693
Total: 3'28.689

Good, decent, bad or terrible? You decide. I think I'm the ordinary Svensson, as we say in Sweden.

I'd say Svensson +1. Ok, +2 since you are using a controller.

Good job đź‘Ť
Improved my Tuned time: 1'37.138.
But need to get mine Normal time down: 1'49.480 (-0.200 hopefully)

Will need to watch some replay's and study a bit harder:D
Drove a 1'47.654 in the normal, new total time of 2'23.186;). Saw a .274 T2 once.

Edit: thought I might add that I decided to use Amateur steering with feedback set to 1, surprisingly I was much more consistent with such settings
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Drove a 1'47.654 in the normal, new total time of 2'23.186;). Saw a .274 T2 once.


Must say your ghosts have been great to follow though, helped me drop my times immensely. I can hold you to within 5 carlengths until the exit of turn 10 and then u just shoot off into the distance.
dont know how you guys can get such quick times in the stock car. i got a 1'36.8 in the tuned and know if i put a perfect lap together i could improve by a couple of tenths but i am stuck on 1'49.241 in the stock and running out of ideas, any suggestions?
Microscopic improvment in tuned car down to 1'36.220, although i did see a T1 of .893 which has got to be one of quickest.. shame i didnt hold it together because i wouldve most likely had a 1'35 lap.
i am stuck on 1'49.241 in the stock and running out of ideas, any suggestions?

I was stuck at 1'49.1 for a while, but what helped me break into the 1'48s was just turning off ghosts altogether and focusing 100% on the track. Don't be afraid to throw some laps away for the sake of experimenting with braking points and throttle application. I've noticed after I run several laps, I'll get locked into one mode of racing... one line, same braking points lap after lap, without realizing I'm braking too much or too early for a specific corner... almost like I'm mentally locked into a certain pattern, and that pattern just wasn't doing anything better than a 1'49.0xx. I had to clear my head for a few minutes and come back to the game to try new things... one of which was turning the ghost off as I mentioned before. I then broke into the 1'48s after 3 laps and know exactly where I need to improve.

As far as ideas for the track itself go... while I can't speak for everyone, I can explain which corners were the most crucial areas of the track for me to improve upon for the Stock car. First, it's very important to nail turn 6 quickly and cleanly for a wide and tidy entry into turn 7. I usually brake just as I pass under the banner shadow before turn 6, downshifting to 3rd simultaneously. You can hold 3rd gear through turn 6 with a lot of throttle, right on the edge of your tires' grip, or you can downshift to 2nd if you're daring. For turn 7, I usually try to begin turn-in just after the banner's shadow on the track. Without any throttle, and maybe a tiny jab at the brakes right at the banner shadow depending on how quickly and cleanly you exited turn 6. Turn sharply toward the inside curb and smoothly get on at least 90% throttle quickly, which will help you get the power down soon without losing the rear or slipping onto the yellow paint. There's a fairly dominant line of rubber on the track shallowly arcing out of turn 7. If you can have your inside wheels on this line and get 100% throttle just before reaching it, you should be able to hold all the way to the outer curb and reach between 127-130 kph by the end of the curbing.

The small hairpin combo at the end of the lap is also a huge time eater. Enter the first hairpin wide for a late apex to set yourself up for a wide and gentle line through the last hairpin. Don't neglect the throttle out of the first hairpin--you don't have much room to go, but it's important to get a good squirt of full throttle to hit at least 70 kph between the hairpins. If you brake at all for the last hairpin, only do so at 15% or less. Take a slightly late apex through the last hairpin and get on the throttle as soon as possible and hold it to the outside curb. If you experience oversteer at the top of 2nd gear here, try sharpening your turn-in next time and straightening your wheel a bit more before getting heavy on the throttle. Oversteer out of this corner can be corrected easily, but it eats speed, so if you're experiencing it, chances are good you could have taken the corner faster. I've seen a few replays where people short-shift to 3rd here to stay in the throttle without oversteer, but this eats away at your time as well. Nailing this exit all the way through 2nd without oversteer should help shave a lot of time provided you keep at least 100-102 kph through turn 11 and are hitting about 140 kph just as you pass the end of the curbing on the outside before heading into the final banked corners.

Hope this is helpful! đź‘Ť
Enjoying the Tuned car a lot more than the Normal car. The Normal one has quite a bit of throttle oversteer, though to be expected on those tyres. Fairly happy with my 1'38.080 in the Tuned car. Normal is at about 51.5. It's going to take me a good 15 laps in it to get used to it.
thanks for the advice its been a great help have not managed to improve my time yet but now feel as though i can think il keep everyone posted if reach the 1.48's
Board updated for the GT5 tt but now I only included the 3'23 and 3'24 times.

PLEASE let me know if you're appreciating this or otherwise I'll discontinue the maintenance of it ...
Has anybody recorded an off-screen replay of a lap sub 1:37 or better in the tuned, mph as the units.?

After much experimentation with lines and speeds I don't see where there's any improvement over my 37:6. I've seen 2 tenths that can be had and that is sweating blood, absolutely on the edge of grip all way around and leaving nothing in the braking or acceleration zones. The idea of there being almost 2 seconds to be had, I frankly don't believe. Certainly not on the game I'm playing.
Normal : 1'48.433 [13th UK]
Tuned : 1'36.652 [31st UK]
Total: 3'25.085. [20th overall UK]

Slow progress and that tuned car is baffling me. So near to the 3'24s...

I still hate it, I can't help it.

All the best
Board updated for the GT5 tt but now I only included the 3'23 and 3'24 times.

PLEASE let me know if you're appreciating this or otherwise I'll discontinue the maintenance of it ...
Sorry mate, where'd you get the times for these?

The other lists I've seen are either out of date, or your GTP_JackStanley is much higher than should be?

I hope he hasn't gone that quickly. :scared:
Edit: thought I might add that I decided to use Amateur steering with feedback set to 1, surprisingly I was much more consistent with such settings

Maybe this is a stupid question but:
Huh I thought it was locked to Professional? đź’ˇ
So it does have effect changing this in the main settings? :dunce:
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Good to see all the usual GTP suspects up near the top of the leaderboard, had my first proper go today, I'll be pleased if I get in the top 100, not quite there yet!
So i hooked my g25 and after 6 laps with each car:




469 worldwide? (i see all the country's)

PS: driving is much smoother now (as expected). I feel like I can be much faster but I'm too careful with the throttle.

Tuned 1'39.340

Tuned 1'39.340

You're 425th on the "rest of the world" leaderboard, not worldwide. Your times are assigned to this leaderboard when there's a regional conflict between your account and the origin of the demo you downloaded... i.e. if I ran a time on the Japanese demo with my US account, my time would be posted on the "other" leaderboard instead of the Japanese or US leaderboard. I assume your time is also posted there if you aren't from one of the major countries participating.

Edit: thought I might add that I decided to use Amateur steering with feedback set to 1, surprisingly I was much more consistent with such settings

That is very surprising. The Amateur setting was actually slowing me down through corners. Switching to Professional a while back, I immediately shaved lots of time. Have you tried the Pro setting? (In conjunction with that I'm running the FFB strength at 3; feels perfect for me.)
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Sorry mate, where'd you get the times for these?

The other lists I've seen are either out of date, or your GTP_JackStanley is much higher than should be?

I hope he hasn't gone that quickly. :scared:
All I do is browse the Sony/PD boards (Japanese/NTSC/Pal) and copy the listed laptimes into Luxy, so if I do my work correctly the laps should be accurate.
327.913 total with the DS3. Still want to improve because Mr. R1600Turbo is up there in the ranks with the ol' controller. I know you're watching ;)