GTP Members, post your time lap times!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Don't drive as you drive in real life racing. Imagine you're driving an UFO.

George i understand your frustration more than anyone but when will you ever stop complaining?

You expressed your opinion very clearly. That's all. Don't keep bugging everyone with this UFO joke. That's enough.
I'm moving to Mexico so I can get a free trip :lol: Haven't tried the demo is a couple weeks and probably won't again, but GL to all!

after around 5000 laps :crazy: :lol: i got the laptime i was looking for with the black one.


with a perfect lap i can see a 35,6xx. maybe next year. :sly:
Its super smooth and yet also very aggresive. My trouble seems to be when I try to be as smooth as possible Im not as fast, when I try to be more aggressive i spin due to stupid stuff.

Same for me...

My personal weakness is that when I focus too much on the times I tend to mess up as soon when I see a split time that is .xx seconds faster then my fastest laptime. Especialy in the last sector.
As soon as I think "this is the one" I usually make a stupid mistake and loose that time.

Same for me too... (jajaaaaaa.. now.. jaaaaaa.... arrrrgggghhhhhhhhh....)

after around 5000 laps :crazy: :lol: i got the laptime i was looking for with the black one.


with a perfect lap i can see a 35,6xx. maybe next year. :sly:

Grats !

Are you using a DF-GT or G25?

If so I would like to ask to ask you about the Force-feedback (as for myself I still use a pad...)

Is there any force-feedback besides entering the curbs ?
I mean do you get feedback when the tires start loosing grip ?


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Sweet, just nailed a decent lap (for me) in the Normal car within about 12laps...

Having spent over 2 hours going mad trying to improve the Tuned time on various sittings, I was shocked to get back in the Normal and improve right away.

Total = 3'24.371

Tuned = 1'36.185
Normal = 1'48.186

Back in the top 20 for now :)
Out of curiosity, had a quick run with the tuned car and got the time down to 1'36'679.

I know there's a lot left on this one, but i'm not concentrating on that until i'm done with the normal car.

Last night only a 0'004 improvement with the red, down to 1'48'229.

Total time 3'24'908.

I think i will have a hard time getting into the 23's, even with the tuned time still being unfinished.
George i understand your frustration more than anyone but when will you ever stop complaining?

You expressed your opinion very clearly. That's all. Don't keep bugging everyone with this UFO joke. That's enough.

Ha ha-ha, bad temper, why?
Maybe because you can’t beat me?
And I haven’t touch yet my tuned UFO properly.
Yes, it’s my dream to take a medal from you.

I'm honoured, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

New times, well I did them a few hours ago actually.



It was 11th then, its 13th now. :scared:
So that he appears out of nowhere at the top of the board. Its quite a good tactic I guess, if not a little underhand.
I decided to stop posting laptimes because every time I did, Steve and Ian would just use it as motivation to get back on the demo and pass me again, but they're both ahead of me now so no worries :lol:

I am starting to listen to people's advice here and it truly rewarded me today. Yesterday after many fruitless hours I finally switched back to Simulation steering and was back to my then-fastest in the Tuned car. I ran 90 mins early today and it was just not happening so I took the advice of the guys in the other thread...I stopped there and then. I decided to run again in the afternoon for an hour or so. At the same time as I started the fresh afternoon session having been tremendously frustrated earlier, I took Carl's advice and went back up to FFB 3, made a very noticeable improvement in feeling. I could feel straight away it was going to be a good session.

N: 1'48.264
T: 1'36.149
>>> 3'24.413 [19th in UK]

The 1'36.149 was off splits of T1: 25.1xx/ T2: 48.501. I have been for the last couple of days running splits aof 24.9 at T1 and 48.3 at T2...even managed a T2 of 48.292 today! This really showed me a 1'35 wasn't out of my reach one day soon. I think after watching countless replays, following various ghosts...I finally understand the technique required for turns 7, 9 and 10.

Thank you to Kevin, FAK and Dan for their advice 👍

All the best
I'm glad you found my advice helpful Maz :cheers:
I think there must be something different about the physics in the demo that
make extremely low FFB settings less effective than they are in Prologue.
I can't quite put my finger on why though.

I think I can definitely say that the lower FFB settings are working for me now.
After not driving the Tuned Z for several days, I just got down to a 1'35.711 after only an hour and a half session. Normally, it takes me several hours to make any improvement at all, so I think the change in FFB has been the primary difference. I set FFB at 4 for the Tuned Z, and improved almost three tenths from a previous best of 1'35.991. I'm calling it quits for tonight 👍
I'm glad you found my advice helpful Maz :cheers:
I think there must be something different about the physics in the demo that
make extremely low FFB settings less effective than they are in Prologue.
I can't quite put my finger on why though.

I think I can definitely say that the lower FFB settings are working for me now.
After not driving the Tuned Z for several days, I just got down to a 1'35.711 after only an hour and a half session. Normally, it takes me several hours to make any improvement at all, so I think the change in FFB has been the primary difference. I set FFB at 4 for the Tuned Z, and improved almost three tenths from a previous best of 1'35.991. I'm calling it quits for tonight 👍

Great lap with the Tuned Z Carl 👍 I was waiting for you to get back to work, as things were getting awfully quiet and boring at the top of the mountain on the US boards :lol: I'll have to try increasing my FFB with the DFGT next time I have a go. I've only been using 3 for both cars up until now, but definitely found that anything lower than that was not working at all for me. So maybe something higher will work better :) Thanks for the tip :cheers:
Great lap with the Tuned Z Carl 👍 I was waiting for you to get back to work, as things were getting awfully quiet and boring at the top of the mountain on the US boards :lol: I'll have to try increasing my FFB with the DFGT next time I have a go. I've only been using 3 for both cars up until now, but definitely found that anything lower than that was not working at all for me. So maybe something higher will work better :) Thanks for the tip :cheers:

Thanks for the kind words Brock :cheers:
But, I'm only just now catching up with you man :crazy:
I think the guys that got up to speed right away like you,
Dan Holland, Drivers_Moose, Takeuchi etc. are truly talented drivers 👍
Being able to get to grips right away like you guys did just shows that
you guys have a real talent and feel for what it takes to go fast.
And that's not to say that other drivers aren't quick, I just find it remarkable
how you guys just blasted out of the gate :bowdown:
Thanks for the kind words Brock :cheers:
But, I'm only just now catching up with you man :crazy:
I think the guys that got up to speed right away like you,
Dan Holland, Drivers_Moose, Takeuchi etc. are truly talented drivers 👍
Being able to get to grips right away like you guys did just shows that
you guys have a real talent and feel for what it takes to go fast.
And that's not to say that other drivers aren't quick, I just find it remarkable
how you guys just blasted out of the gate :bowdown:

:lol: Thanks. But even I must bow down to the impressive displays of driving put forth by Takeuchi and Dan Holland so early on :crazy: Those guys are truly in a league of their own, with everyone else playing catch up based on what they've brought to the table :)

BTW, where's DK been? Has he been taking a break to regain his mental health? :lol:
PSN - CoolColJ
1:38:237 - rank 294
1:50:599 - rank 201

total 3:28:836 - rank 206

small improvement on the tuned, but I still can't crack into the 1:37s....grrrr. I was peeling off tons of laps in a row in the low to mid 1:38 secs today. The 1:37 ghost I used just pulls away in the oval section, I must be losing all my time there, because I can stay in touch with him on the rest of the cricuit :indiff:

PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:951 - rank 233
1:50:599 - rank 208

total 3:28:550 - rank 182

YES!!! Finally under 1:38 secs on the Tuned Z...only just though :D
On the laps following this, I was 0.3 sec faster over the first half, so I can get it down some more, if I can just match the 2nd half of this lap...