GTP Members, post your time lap times!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Finally achieved a lap that I'm a little bit happy with in the normal car : 1'48.662 - 36th in the UK. I can see another 3 tenths available, but I cannot believe the top times though, there are some incredible players in this world.:dunce: I won't step into the tuned car until I'm under the 48.5 barrier.

Carl et al.

Why the low FFB settings? I've just left it at the default value. Which are the benefits of lowering it?
This is my first post of the year, so first of all, happy newyear everyone :cheers:

Things are looking good for me this year :). I managed to do what I couldn't do last year, and that is getting into the 1'35's with the tuned 370Z. Best lap from last year was 1'36.059. After 1.5 hours: 36.050, then .033 and then after almost 3 hours it finally came: 1'35.990 :D

Now I already improved that to .982, after being 0.118 down at T3, so a 35.8 is possible 👍
Earlier did a 1'36.048 on tuned car so a 3'24.123 overall, 6th in GB, its mentally close (0.006 seperate 5th-6th-7th). For that i changed the feedback from 6 to 8 and it helped.. i saw a extra 0.15 or so but couldnt produce it, at one point i saw a .5xx T2 and still did a 1'36.232 so adding sectors up its a 1'35.8xx, my max maybe a 1'35.7xx in 3 weeks or so.

EDIT-Just thinking theres still atleast 3 sandbagging/not doing there potential that would overwise be top 10 overall in GB.
Due to the systematic machine-like way of chipping away at the laptimes expect the arrival of EDDSKILL at the top spot very shortly. He uses no ghost he just concentrates on practicing every corner as it comes he is a professional competitor away from this game in another discipline and it shows.
EDDSKILL aka DROFNUD from GT Academy 1
Due to the systematic machine-like way of chipping away at the laptimes expect the arrival of EDDSKILL at the top spot very shortly. He uses no ghost he just concentrates on practicing every corner as it comes he is a professional competitor away from this game in another discipline and it shows.
EDDSKILL aka DROFNUD from GT Academy 1

Hi Davissi,

When you say professional competitor, do you mean to say he is ineligible for the competition due to being a professional driver, or did you mean a different discipline than motor racing entirely? If I recall correctly DROFNUD was the top UK competitor in the first GT academy time trial at Eiger last year.

As for my laptimes, one tenth improvement in the tuned car for me today:

N: 1'48.264
T: 1'36.047
>>> 3'24.311 [13th in UK]

I must have run over ten 1'36.0xxs today, that 1'35 just wasn't clicking throughout a single lap. Even had a great 48.212 at T2 that didn't result in a 35 despite my laptime being setfrom a high .3 T2. I couldn't believe it though, 0.102 vaulted me up seven places. I managed another lap 0.001 faster but because I had all 4 wheels on the yellow paint and then again off at turn 11 I quit the game so as not to upload that lap/replay, was just horrific.

FFB now moved up another notch to 4 👍

All the best
Maz, Ed's only a professional athlete (runner i think).. he was P1 last time but he didnt make it to silverstone....... he's eligible :scared: :P

btw... brilliant work on your times, UK is an hard league to be top20 :cheers:
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PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:951 - rank 233
1:50:599 - rank 208

total 3:28:550 - rank 182

YES!!! Finally under 1:38 secs on the Tuned Z...only just though :D
On the laps following this, I was 0.3 sec faster over the first half, so I can get it down some more, if I can just match the 2nd half of this lap...

PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:889 - rank 224
1:50:547 - rank 200

total 3:28:436 - rank 178

just a small improvement today. Gonna focus on the Normal Z for the next few days to crack the 1:50 mark.
The guys above and below me are only 0.002 of a second off :P
Which makes the mistake I made right before the finish line on the normal Z today, rather costly....

Still I'm around 2+ seconds off the best times, which I consider not that bad, since I'm not a hardcore sim driver :)
New time in the tuned puts me in 4th.



I think that counts as the mother of all leapfrogs :lol: Well done Steve, that's an utterly outstanding and rather alien laptime :cheers:

0.120 improvement for me in the normal car so far today giving:

N: 1'48.147
T: 1'36.047
>>> 3'24.192 [11th in UK]

The insane thing is that I'm quite certain this will not be enough to qualify!

All the best
Oddly enough, I don't think my lap time is sufficient to keep me safe either. I think high 3.23's will be required to be safe. :scared:

After some practise i've managed to dip below 1.38 in the tuned car. Got a time of 1.37.957 with Sixaxis controller.
With the normal car i got 1.50.009. Cant seem to reach much better times than this. I just figured you could adjust the TCS in the tuned car, but has problems finding the best setting. Mine is currently at 4. Any tips ?
It's a funny thing the (or should i say MY) human mindset........ 4 days ago i spent nearly 4 hrs to cut 0.030 from my Tuned Z time of 1'36.584. The following morning from that i spent nearly 2 hrs and lost 0.053.

This morning i wake early at 4am (my wife is a shift worker, so there was no real point in returning to sleep), put in about 15-20mins and drop 0.27 to a 1'36.284.

Go figure.
Back to 69th in UK my equal best :)

Tuned: 1'36.994 (not used in days)
Stock: 1'48.666 (.362 improvement in 2 hour session)
Total: 3'25.660
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3rd UK slot

It's been a good day for me, 7 tenths improvement :eek:

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AAARGG so close to the 3'23 club:grumpy:, 3'24.006 and 5th overall in GB after i did a 1'35.931 in the tuned car, changed feedback to 3 and it helped:tup:.
Finally a little improvement after 3 days with nothing to show for my efforts

13 (PT ranking)


3rd UK slot

It's been a good day for me, 7 tenths improvement :eek:


I am continually impressed and thrilled for your pace, you've been spectacular today and a real inspiration. To see the top 10 flooded with UK GTPers would make me very proud to be a part of this crew. I'm doing my part too...

N: 1'48.108
T: 1'36.047
>>> 3'24.155 [10th in UK]

I squeezed a little more out of the normal car but as always it leaves a sense of frustration. The lap was 28.3 / 48.800...1'48.108. Simply the best T3 I have ever run in this car. I have been looking at splits like 28.137 / 48.572 all damn day and not been able to break the 47s as I should.

Just to add insult to....insult, I ran 1'48.147 three times today before that .108 dropped out. So overall an improvement of nearly 0.160 today. I'll take it :D

Also excellent effort by DanKermitHyperUKGainingSpeed :cheers: Hope I can slot in right there with you tomorrow lads.

All the best
How many hours? I managed 0.362 in 2 hours today was very happy :)

I knocked 4 tenths of in one hour, spent an hour going nowhere, and in the third hour i found another 3 tenths or so.

I dont normally spend that long in the drivers seat but i had some time on my hands today so i thought i would take advantage of it. It wasn't 3 hours in one go though, I could never maintain concentration for that long.
Excellent laps Steve, I really am in awe as those laptimes are pretty much within my sights in the early sectors yet a million miles away come the final turns :( The S-section and the turn before the final stretch I must have a success rate of roughly 2 out of 10 attempts! I really am that bad at those parts :mad:
Well done to all for a truely amazing battle that never stops changing positions :cheers:

I did improve slightly with the untuned tonight and moved back to 10th in the UK for now but it's gonna be tough staying in the top 20 let alone hoping for a top 10 at the end :eek:

Tuned - 1'36.053
Untun - 1'48.087

Will keep trying to chip away here and there, Good luck to all 👍
Cheers guys, I must say I'm surprised to be where I am myself, I am aware that mantaining my place these next few days will be somewhat difficult. Its great to see so many of you fellow GTP'ers in the top slots, I look forward to hopefully meeting some of you in the finals, assuming I get there. :scared: