GTP Members, post your time lap times!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Though I cannot even come close to the top times Im getting happier. Definitely noticed a big increase in enjoyment and feel by going to full 10 FFB. I first thought let me do this for giggles, it will be stupid...

Surprisingly not, I felt what the car was doing much better and was able to improve my 1:37.161 to a 1:36.931 in about 40 minutes. I can feel now when the car is no longer sliding and can feed power in better. I feel there is much more to get but Im getting closer to feeling the proper thing with this car.
I even went back to my usual 3 setting for the FFB and was terrible, couldn't feel anything. So 10 it is for me. The power assisted steering helps tremendously to at least come close to simulating real oversteer behavior in the wheel, still not there, but much better.

I will now work on dropping my normal time a bit as I haven't touched that in quite some time.
PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:889 - rank 224
1:50:547 - rank 200

total 3:28:436 - rank 178

just a small improvement today. Gonna focus on the Normal Z for the next few days to crack the 1:50 mark.
The guys above and below me are only 0.002 of a second off :P
Which makes the mistake I made right before the finish line on the normal Z today, rather costly....

Still I'm around 2+ seconds off the best times, which I consider not that bad, since I'm not a hardcore sim driver :)

PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:889 - rank 232
1:50:285 - rank 168

total 3:28:436 - rank 166

slowly but surely I'm moving on up. I've never golded any of the GT4 license tests, so I'm learning on the job :cool:
So, right now the top twenty on the nordic leaderboard consists of two Swedes, three Norwegians... and 15 Finns.

The 20:th fastest finnish guy would also have managed a top twenty spot in:

New Zealand

and very nearly in Netherlands and USA

I am fourth in Sweden and have 23 Finns ahead of me. Amazing
Just had a half hour session in the Tuned;

Total = 3'24.214

Tuned = 1'36.028
Normal = 1'48.186

Currently UK 14th place. Got a tenth left in it...probably two tenths left in the Normal car. Ideally I'd like a 1'35.999 in the Tuned and a 1'47.999 in the Normal :)
Excellent laps Steve, I really am in awe as those laptimes are pretty much within my sights in the early sectors yet a million miles away come the final turns :( The S-section and the turn before the final stretch I must have a success rate of roughly 2 out of 10 attempts! I really am that bad at those parts :mad:
Well done to all for a truely amazing battle that never stops changing positions :cheers:

I did improve slightly with the untuned tonight and moved back to 10th in the UK for now but it's gonna be tough staying in the top 20 let alone hoping for a top 10 at the end :eek:

Tuned - 1'36.053
Untun - 1'48.087

Will keep trying to chip away here and there, Good luck to all 👍

By the look of the English leaderboard, I reckon there is a strong chance you're indeed going to need a 3' time to secure a top 20 slot, hows it going peoples?
Hmmmm i doubt there will be 20 people able to hit a 3'23 in GB, maybe 10-12 at the most, id say roughly 95% of everyone is within 0.25 of there best now (overall) but im guessing EDDSKILL will be around 3'23.3xx judging by his tuned time which is a great lap.

EDIT-just had a session were i did 3 times within 0.011 of my fastest tuned lap and still never improved WOW
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New tuned time of 1:37.145 (I know I have a in me somewhere) :lol:
both now at 3:26.810

Dropped my tuned time 0.071 seconds in about 45 minutes today :D

Tuned = 1:37.074
Normal = 1:49.665
Both = 3:26.739 (84th US)
This weekend I improved .5 sec with the tuned car, and only .1 sec with the normal car. There is still enough room for improvement. I want to break through the 3'27.000

Normal : 1'49.819 (84th)
Tuned : 1'37.577 (129th)
Total : 3'27.396 (85th)
It's all just so frustrating. I just can't find the speed in the tuned car. I am now at the point where I have no problems whatsoever to do lap after lap within 3/10 of my best but I just can't go faster. Except this one lap where I suddenly was half a second (!!) up at T3 only to screw up turn 11 so bad that I crossed the line 2/1000 behind my fastest time.
So from what I can see (just based on my sector times) a 1.47.35 is very much possible in the Std Car.

With the tuned car a 1.35.3 is also possible.

To me that is frightening pace. Who ever gets either one of those times will prob win the challenge IMO.

Dan have you got anything left up your sleeve?
I was thinking in get a 1'35.3 but always the last corner destroys my lap and I am so tired of the time trial... xD
TOP20 in Japan now under '24 👍 👍 👍

Well I never went back to playing this anymore... Made 3 or 4 serious attempts (4 or 5 hours in a row each), currently 56th and I could see myself in the top 20. But besides the lack of time (job, kids, and other interests like COD), I also lack motivation since I've never been much of a fan of Time Trials.

So I think I'll change my signature to "final times" :)
Just went fastest in Ireland :D so happy. have been putting a lot of effort in and I know I can still find more time if i don't make minor mistakes :)

Normal 1'48.415 [1st in Ireland]
Tunes 1'36.441 [4th in Ireland]
Overall 3'24.856 [1st in Ireland]

It's not too much to brag about, BUT, I have only been playing gran turismo since the start of December. I bought a DFGT a week before this competition started and practiced with prologue - and to be ranked 344th in the world after such a short period playing is something I am very proud of :)
335th in US
Tuned 1'37.993
Stock 1'50.951
Total 3'28.944

I just started using a DFGT, so hopefully once I get used to it these times will start to drop...
Stick at it, I notice your working your way down the leader boards. Good luck. 👍

Always nice to be noticed. Cheers for encouragement. Good representation of the community here 👍 Top 20 seems elusive at the moment but I keep making places each day so may as well try.

Was 192nd on Dec 18th so I guess 137 place improvement isn't bad. Just feel the deadline drawing nearer.
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PSN - CoolColJ
1:37:889 - rank 232
1:50:285 - rank 168

total 3:28:174 - rank 166

slowly but surely I'm moving on up. I've never golded any of the GT4 license tests, so I'm learning on the job :cool:

1:37:889 - rank 241
1:50:105 - rank 152

total 3:27:994 - rank 160

rank slipped a bit after 1 day of no time trialing but I managed to grab it back and then some with the last run of the day on the Normal Z - phew
Took a hefty 0.001 off my normal time yesterday :dunce:, with a little luck I'm aiming for the .6 in near future. After that taking off tenths will be very very hard for me.

btw, my best 3 laps now with the red car:


..some might say that I'm on my limit... :D (but nope, hoping for that .15 still)
Took a hefty 0.001 off my normal time yesterday :dunce:, with a little luck I'm aiming for the .6 in near future. After that taking off tenths will be very very hard for me.

btw, my best 3 laps now with the red car:


..some might say that I'm on my limit... :D (but nope, hoping for that .15 still)

When I used to race and did consistent times I always discovered that I was not on the limit but in a comfort zone.

If you can do 47.8's lap after lap then a 47.6 is somewhere in you ;)
you're asking too much no!?... you forgot the small country next yours... :mischievous: :P sure 👍

my doubts goes to the 3rd country..UK, FR or DE!? :D


France has the better 20th in all Europe (including Spain). It's possible they achieve that goal before my country does it :scared:

BTW, I see in Portugal rankings that the player "JDCS" will go to the finals. Be careful with him because he is a good driver (I've had lots of races with him, playing rFactor 👍 ).

Edit: Timppaq, my best 4 laps with the tuned are 1'35.616, .617, .618, .620, .621... I have the same problem with this car xD