This is my opinion, it is not directed at MULE, but at us as a 'whole'.
Why should Sprint Cup decide whether the race was official? It either is or it isn't, their schedule should not dramatically effect the outcome of our series. We knew an hour ahead of time, there were server issues, we waited 2 hours, and the decision was made to go ahead with the race. We even postponed(cancelled?) The All star race. We entered knowing the unstable condition of the servers, because there were multiple d/c's, inability to connect, black screens and game freezes before qualifying even got started.
Knowing all of that, the choice was made to go ahead with the race. If we were just going to run the race at a different date, then we should have never even entered the course. And that should have been decided at or by our scheduled start time. We have to commit to the decision that was made, not change our mind based on the outcome.
I'm curious... had there been a 'lag issue' where due to server issues, certain people lagged, causing a wreck (regardless of cars involved), would the race be re-run in that situation too? A server issue is a server issue, regardless of the outcome, and would need to be treated the same way.
I'm sure I'm probably in the minority, and that's fine. Not looking to begin an argument or debate, just stating my opinion.