GTP ORB Vintage Sports Car Series | Next Race Thursday @ 9pm

  • Thread starter JLawrence
I'm gonna go with the poll results as they stand tomorrow.
I figure if it is for substitution then it will be Grand Valley East that gets the axe.
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Skel's right, I hadn't even considered taking your course out, I assumed we were all talking about Trial Mountain. Which, would probaly be the best one to take out, as every online room I join seems to be racing there or at the Forest.

Whatever you decide and put on the schedule is really fine, most of my complaining is all in fun anyways.
You know what? Trial Mt would be a better one to lose.

Whatever. It's gone. Green Hell 3 laps instead
Nurb'ring is known to many as "The Green Hell".

...hmm... It's also the title of a Metallica song from many years back, now that I think about it.
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I'm going to have tire wear off just on merit of the fact that with the race length set as they are the little cars won't have to pit, and there is a good probability of the muscle cars needing to. Grip will be 'real', and I am seriously considering heavy damage.
Not a fan of tire wear off, but what your saying makes sense. Grip real sounds good. In my opinion, light damage would be sufficient, heavy is a little harsh. I would hope the damage wouldn't really be a race factor, but accidents happen.
I'd rather have it on myself, but I don't want to do anything to handicap any certain group of cars. Light prolly would be sufficient, but you guys know I'm a sadist at heart ;)
Tire wear was a consideration in my car choices for the practice races for sure. I get your point but... won't that eliminate some of the realism factor?
Maybe 1 pit mandatory?

About "Heavy" damage: don't you get a slow down penalty even if you get accidently punted? That used to infuriate me in pub lobbies! Then the punter would sometimes not get penalized.
Your thinking of 'penalty heavy', the damage setting will not have an effect on any light contact such as minor punting or bump drafting.

Honestly, damage at heavy is more realistic, but it's just not very fun. At heavy if you loose the tail end and smack a gaurd rail, you'll be forced to pit and go down a lap, possibly racing by yourself for the remainder. At damage light, though your car unrealistically repairs itself, smacking the rail will only cost you a few positions and your left with a chance to continue fighting for position.
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Grip real im good with. Damage heavy im ok with. As far as trire wear, i know my little car didnt need to pit in Laguna so as far as other courses im not sure what'll happen. I do like the idea of a mandatory pitstop at a certain lap say lap 10 or 15 depending on the track. Or at the halfway point in the race say lap 14 or a 28 lap race. This way we all pit and take on fresh tires or fuel depending on our needs.
I'll race with heavy, that's fine. Like I said, I certainly don't PLAN on taking on the damage anyway. I like mandatory pit better then tire wear off, I think the pit lap should be up to the driver, though, I like the pit strategy factor which is also more realistic.
For this being a casual series I think Heavy Damage is G@Y

For the sake of balance:


And to offset those factors:


-I race with heavy damage in other series' I'm in but they are more serious and require great skill to run 20 laps clean with penalties and damage on heavy. Just not fun unless we were all looking for a challenge. And I didn't really think we were.

If you leave it up to the driver with tire wear on then there will still undoubtly be an advantage in the foreign cars. Because they will for sure have little tire wear once they do pit. And the muscle cars will have to hang in there until about half way before pit.

I'm just trying to make this as even as possible. So besides tuning and driver skill, these cars will match more to a common spec.

But if you leave Tire Wear On and have a mandatory pit up to the driver that's fine with me.

Is damage still on?
I like damage, but I can see where you're coming from.

And I dunno that i understand the reasoning behind a mandatory stop with no tire wear
I just threw that out there so the field will be very tight going into the later laps. For example I race with a NASCAR league and we use two-car crashes as a time for pace laps and pits open. It keeps for very close racing at that last lap. But we do use TIRE WEAR ON. But since this a road course over 25 laps and everyone agreed the muscle cars tires will undoubtly wear before the imports, it was just a suggestion.
For this being a casual series I think Heavy Damage is G@Y

We are keeping the series pretty casual, and I assure you that the Damage setting has absolutely nothing to do with sexual preference, but if the goal of the OP is for realism, we will need damage and it should be driver choice when to pit, with tire wear on.
Sexual preference or not PD made the Heavy Damage Model VERY G@Y IMO, sorry if I offend you but just keepin it real here. And yes for realism go with Heavy but I thought the goal was to be limited (according to OP). For real damage I say we would have to been practicing with this in mind the whole time. I raced a 8 week series before with Heavy Damage and it made for lots of interesting outcomes. I think with these cars being only 440pp that damage won't affect you to much. Like I believe the car won't get away from you as a 600+pp ride would. Just keepin it real, giving the feedback. Thats what this thread is for. Sorry again if I offend anyone by my language (I live in the hood)
I'm still pretty noobish w/ racing series and haven't raced w/ full damage yet. Guess I'll have to go smash up some cars to see what the consequences are!
I really think its not a good idea for our par. With grip real u will already b battling urself not to spin out. When that happens u already lost, so no need to get kicked in the balls with heavy damage.
Valid points, for sure. I usually prefer light damage myself, and I only made the previous statement because I found your wording amusing, y'all ain't gotta worry about offending me, you guys should know that by now.:crazy:

(unless your punting me into the sand in the first corner!):D
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Kinda wished we had used the "Real" grip and "Heavy" damage settings in pre season races.
I'm here to make sure I offend you all at least once, so if I haven't yet then I owe you one into turn 1 :lol:

By now you know I hate heavy damage.hmmm........ But I do like Light Damage as its a mini (manageable penalty) that doesn't knock you out of the race. I know, I'm a pain in da A$z