GTP Poker Club

So he'll be 2 hours late? :D

And yes - High Stakes on the Vegas Strip.

Well I said that on the basis that our previous games have started at 21:00GMT or 10 PM BST. Reading kendra's post, it looks like I will be two hours late to the party.

Hang on, surely GMT 22 + 1 would be 2300?

Oh, I'm being dense. :D

That is correct, I will be joining 23:00BST
Steve are you using your PSN in your profile or your tagged one? Added Kendra, got Famine on already, anyone else joining tonight? I may have to go out and grab a headset tomorrow.
My headset works perfectly, only it has forgotten that it's supposed to work perfectly with the PS3...
OK, I've set up a table, and the password is "gt5"...

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can change the ante levels in the "open table" type game, and the alternative is to have a winner-takes-all game instead... so instead, it's a $500-$5000 open table, with $25/$50 antes...
Well played Famine... I thought I had a chance in that last hand, but couldn't do much against a flush... I was holding out for the Full House, but never got it. By the way, it looks like the game just ends if the host goes out apparently, so please don't think I quit! :P

Thanks for the game folks, I'm off to bed now 👍
*rolls around in Mars', Milford's and two lots of Sureshot's virtual money*


Actually, I had some good fortune with my hands this evening - on the last hand I made the flush on the flop, I made a full house on the turn two hands previously and had a whole bunch of flushes completed on the river.

However, I did get the chance to work out how you and Sureshot play :D I had Kendra with me and we were predicting your hands near the end (though I couldn't work out what you had in the last, save a flush - and I was hoping you didn't hold the Ace!) :twisted:
Sorry guys, I saw no response to my request last night and took the opportunity to sleep in, will have to try and coordinate a game earlier next time :)
*rolls around in Mars', Milford's and two lots of Sureshot's virtual money*


Actually, I had some good fortune with my hands this evening - on the last hand I made the flush on the flop, I made a full house on the turn two hands previously and had a whole bunch of flushes completed on the river.

However, I did get the chance to work out how you and Sureshot play :D I had Kendra with me and we were predicting your hands near the end (though I couldn't work out what you had in the last, save a flush - and I was hoping you didn't hold the Ace!) :twisted:

Was good fun last night, I need to grab a headset. I wonder if Worthing will actually have one, I doubt it somehow.

Also, I played with being black for a while, kind of like Michael Jackson in that respect. I was doing quite well up until we had to restart. Still a bit rusty on the old poker, may try and get some more time in before we next meet.

Does anyone else have the game being played in Black and White? When I quit the game the XMB was showing it's normal colours, I haven't tried other games yet, though.

Thanks Chris Brian (;)), Kendra and Andrew. :)
I wasn't getting the rub of the green at all last night - I went All-in accidentally and hoped everyone would fold, but that bounder Nigel called me - I was unlucky not to win the hand too. It's the single biggest flaw with the game, IMO... that you can potentially lose your entire stack by simply hitting the wrong button once, so watch out for that triangle button guys ;) I was also up against Famine's large pot of chips, which made things tricky - and the best hands I had all night were beaten almost every time - the first 'good' hand I had was a Straight, and not only did I not win, it was actually the worst hand :( Still, a good game nevertheless:)👍

Would be nice to have more folks on headsets, though, since the text chat facility is frankly terrible. You can only see three lines of text in total, and you can only type short sentences - and forget trying to chat if you are actually playing a hand - you only have 30 seconds to play, otherwise you are automatically folded out of the game, meaning any text chat has to be very brief and very fast, and it's almost impossible to have anything like a real-time exchange.
Apologies for my complete lack of presence last night, I was at my girlfriends longer than anticipated. Nonetheless its good to hear people still had a good time. Its good to see we have more members participating, hopefully we will manage to get all at the same time this week.

On the issue of an open table. Last week was played on a closed table where the blinds increased at intervals of 20 minutes, this helped add some pace to the game. The problem is that people can't join halfway through.

Perhaps the idea would be to play at an open table until everyone who said they were going to turn up, turns up. Of course the problem with that is if there is a case of someone not showing (like me last night :guilty:).

Are open tables the way to go?

I hope to be playing next Friday. 👍
I was at my girlfriends longer than anticipated.

I think open tables are the way to go, then those of us who are free at 9pm can get started and then people can leave and enter as they see fit.

We've got company expected on Friday so won't be playing, but we could do another day if possible, or just leave it until a week on Friday.
I think try arranging it for another day. I can really only do next Saturday night, or Wednesday if we pull it forward.
I've got the official PS3 one which works fine.

As for Saturday Poker, it would be tricky for me because it's Sunday morning when I usually go cycling. Perhaps Saturday morning for you guys and Saturday evening for us here in Aus?
I had an epic showdown to win a game last night...

I had a nice run that led to knocking out all but one player, which gave me a more than 4-1 chip lead going heads-up ($13K vs $3K), so I thought it wasn't going to last long, but my opponent was playing so tight, and kept betting small or folding early.

Then everything changed when the flop gave me a wheel straight flush (spades)! Now all I had to do is hope and pray he had at least one spade so that I could get him to bet at the pot which at that point was quite small.

He checked after the flop and I put in a small bet of just $80 in order to build up the pot, but also low enough to make it an easy call and hope his hand would improve... and apparently it did on the turn.

Another spade hit, and he went all-in.... I couldn't believe it... and rushed to snap a photo of it:


I had the stone cold nuts and here I was worrying about scaring him off with too large a bet. Naturally I called, and that's when I realized why he went all-in... he had the nut flush, and the only hand that could beat him was in fact the hand I had flopped, the straight flush... amazing finish.


It was a fun night... and BTW: I'm actually impressed how popular and how smoothly the gameplay and chatting works for the poker games in the new EA Sports space. 👍
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MisterWeary> Depends what time you're thinking. What time is our midday for you?

(Look how lazy I am, can't be arsed to work it out :lol: )
Saturday midday my time is probably out of the question due to my open day, however, don't plan around me as I don't have anything set on that yet.
I'm happy to play 24 hours from now like we have in the past if anyone's up for it? If people are keen for about 36-40 hours from now then I can probably play then too 👍
We can't play tonight as we have visitors but we'll try and get online 1100 GMT Saturday.
I am up for the usual time, so about 10 hours from now. Hopefully more people will join.
I now have a headset. Tomorrow morning isn't on for me as I'm up in the Midlands! I'll see those on tonight, 9Pm start? Which would be in 8hr35 time.
We can't play tonight as we have visitors but we'll try and get online 1100 GMT Saturday.

I think I've been roped in to seeing "Wolverine" at that time so this weekend I'll probably only play a session in about 9 - 10 hours. I think that's the equivalent of 11pm in UK though...this time difference stuff is annoying...I just don't have the strength to drag my carcass out of bed any earlier than like 7-8am on a Saturday :)
The girlfriend is coming round tonight, so I will be able to play from half 11 onwards, probably won't overrun too much tonight so should be on time. 👍