GTP Poker Club

My first Texas Hold 'Em game was Tuesday. If you go in fully expecting to lose (which is fine as there is no real money) then you won't be upset.

Plus, if you get HSP you can play against AI opponents set to either Amateur or professional difficulty so you can get a better idea of how the game works without feeling like a nuisance to the other players.
Myself or Famine can probably make it at 10pm tonight but it won't be both of us as PS3 No. 2 is refusing to connect to the internet and therefore I can't download the game and of course can't play online. Plus, PS3 No2 lives in mini-Cubicle's room and she'll be in bed.

Only Foolkiller has added my PSN up to now, which means if I do appear online, then I'll not be able to play with any of you! It's easier for each one of you to add me than it is for me to add like 8+ people. Thankyouplease.
Only Foolkiller has added my PSN up to now, which means if I do appear online, then I'll not be able to play with any of you! It's easier for each one of you to add me than it is for me to add like 8+ people. Thankyouplease.
When I was online I only saw a lobby system, and don't remember any friend list or invite options, so it may not be necessary. If someone doesn't do it before I get home (assuming I remember) I will invite you to the GTPlanet Poker Chatroom so you can find out where people are.
Great to have you on board, that makes 4 players now.

My PS3 isn't to hand at the moment, but I will add you in due course. 👍
Myself or Famine can probably make it at 10pm tonight but it won't be both of us as PS3 No. 2 is refusing to connect to the internet and therefore I can't download the game and of course can't play online. Plus, PS3 No2 lives in mini-Cubicle's room and she'll be in bed.

Now that could make for an interesting Poke'r cam. ;)

Only Foolkiller has added my PSN up to now, which means if I do appear online, then I'll not be able to play with any of you! It's easier for each one of you to add me than it is for me to add like 8+ people. Thankyouplease.

For HSP, you do not have to be on anyone's friend's list. All you need to know is the PSN ID of the host, and the password if they decide to make it a private table.

When you sign on, the name of each table in the lobby is the same as the PSN ID of the person who created it. Simply scroll down to the table you are looking for and select it. 👍

I suggest who ever get's there first, to go ahead and start the table and then post in this thread your PSN ID and confirmation that you have opened a new table.

You may also want to keep the table open at first, then if it get's full and a GTP member shows up, either ask the non GTP member to leave, or simply start a new table and everyone can simply move to it. 👍

If someone doesn't do it before I get home (assuming I remember) I will invite you to the GTPlanet Poker Chatroom so you can find out where people are.

I'd recommend everyone sign into the GTPlanet Poker Chat room as well, as it will make it easy to chat with everyone even if you are not at the table yet... in fact I might just log in and at least maybe read some of the chatter. ;)
Right, will be joining any second. 👍

[edit] My account has no money, I need to make a new user. Will be on soon. :P
@ Kendra: It's very hard to type during a hand, so if I don't reply to your message, it is not because I'm ignoring you, it's because I have to quit the message window in order to bet :)

Nice indigo top by the way :D
I'm coming, I have no mic though so I'll be fairly silent I'm afraid.

[EDIT] To the gang in the table, I can hear you but yeah, no mic I'm afraid [/EDIT]
Don't know what happened with the hanging thing, but it does occasionally hang... looks like it is working now though :)

Good to see you Kendra :)... I'm currently getting murdered by Colby and Steve :(
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Could someone tell me which game we're playing please? Home? Facebook? What?
It's so frustrating not having a mic to respond...I'll definitely be getting one during the week :)

[EDIT] High Stakes on the Vegas Strip (PS3), room is GTP_Mars...pwd is gt5 [/EDIT]

[EDIT] Where does this money come from we're betting and does it stay in some kind of fake bankroll online??? [/EDIT]
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Sorry Omnis, I don't think US players can see PAL rooms :(

It's so frustrating not having a mic to respond...I'll definitely be getting one during the week
👍 It's my first ever game with a headset, and it's great being able to chat to Steve :) Although I did screw up royally before you joined the game by assuming that Milford Cubicle couldn't here me and stupidly revealing my hand to Steve after he folded... :ouch:

edit: Your character does keep your virtual winnings after each game as far as I know, but I don't know what happens if you need/want to start with a new character for a new online game...
Although I did screw up royally before you joined the game by assuming that Milford Cubicle couldn't here me and stupidly revealing my hand to Steve after he folded... :ouch:

Ouch indeed!

The cards I showed will remain a mystery it seems :sly:

[EDIT] That was great fun guys, I'm going out to buy a bluetooth headset today and I'm looking forward to playing again another time...hopefully we can fill up a table next time 👍 [/EDIT]
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Good game folks :)👍

We need to play with raising blinds next time, but even so, it is very good fun :D

We finished tonight with Steve throwing caution to the wind and myself tagging along on the off-chance of winning big... the last card gave me a very lucky straight, so that was that :D

Atleast we know that all PAL players can play, so UK, EU and AU players can all join the same table... sadly you US guys will have to play separately for the time being, but with some luck we might be able to sort something out later.

Anyway, it's well past my bed time here, cheers again for the game Kendra, Steve and Colby.. see you next time :)
Good game tonight guys, well yesterday for me now. Agreed will be good to play again, hopefully a few more players and more beer and we will have really great game on our hands. 👍

Its great to see AUS can join, hope to see more people next week.
Well I've purchased a mic now so I'll be unmuted next time (don't know if that's a good thing :sly:👍)
Well I've purchased a mic now so I'll be unmuted next time (don't know if that's a good thing :sly:👍)


Glad to hear the game went well... despite the muted Aussie and the lack of FK's beer-cam. :D

Hopefully FK, TB, maybe Omnis (if he get's it figured out ;)), and I and perhaps some other yanks will enjoy a game soon... I'll take pics of the beer-cam too.

Do I actually have to buy tyhe game or can someone who's purchased it give me a code or something:confused:? Ill play if I dont have to pay:P.
It needs to be purchased, but for $16AUD it's well worth the money, plenty of fun to be had. I quite enjoy the 200 "person" tournaments in offline mode. You can finish a game in 10 minutes...if you like poker but hate the waiting it's a good way to see loads of hands really quickly and the online experience is great 👍

It's a real shame it's not multi-region, 'twould be awesome to play with you as well D-N, particularly since it was your hard work that got it all off the ground 👍
I dont have credit/debit/eftpos/whatever it wants to pay for it...and I'm not going to ask my mum to pay for me to play poker...shes not against it but it would seem a little strange.
Gonna sort out a PS3 this weekend so I can get involved next week. Just out of interest does the game have a hand tracking facility? (just to show what action you took with each hand you were dealt).
No, it's not that detailed unfortunately... it does keep Game Stats (e.g. % hands won, % flops seen etc.) but it doesn't remember the details of every hand you play...
Sorry I couldn't make it back, I had to exit to escape the freeze and then couldn't get back in! I ended up going to bed as I was properly knackered, but then ended up having another rubbish night as pooch decided 1am was a great time to have a bottom based explosion....

Perhaps I should've stayed online :lol:
Omnis and I played a game in Home, but we were sharing a table with four other guys. After he went out I managed to stay in until I came in second. Last hand I had a flush, Jack high. Both of us went all in. He had the same flush, King high.:ouch:

Oh well, it was a good game.

If more people want to try it in Home we can. It wasn't bad and didn't feel as gimped as the other games do. I just wish it had some form of communication. Can you be on a phone call with multiple people in Home?
Omnis and I played a game in Home, but we were sharing a table with four other guys. After he went out I managed to stay in until I came in second. Last hand I had a flush, Jack high. Both of us went all in. He had the same flush, King high.:ouch:

Oh well, it was a good game.

If more people want to try it in Home we can. It wasn't bad and didn't feel as gimped as the other games do. I just wish it had some form of communication. Can you be on a phone call with multiple people in Home?

Howdy FK... I partied a little hard last night combined with the fact I was still holding onto that nasty cold, now I'm paying the price... the upside though is I'm stuck at home while the Mrs has taken the kids to their soccer games... so if you or anyone else wants to play some poker right now I'm all-in. 👍
Let me know when we're planning another UK/EU/AUS based game and I'll be in as long as I'm not in a different part of the country - although if I am, then I'm sure Famine will play along :)
Howdy FK... I partied a little hard last night combined with the fact I was still holding onto that nasty cold, now I'm paying the price... the upside though is I'm stuck at home while the Mrs has taken the kids to their soccer games... so if you or anyone else wants to play some poker right now I'm all-in. 👍

I would but I am not at home right now. My nieces birthday is tomorrow so we are in Cincy, and I am a teeny bit (2 liters of beer) tipsy.