GTP Spec Miata Racing Series : Season 1 Complete; Season 2 Soon!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I don't do it because it upsets my car too much.

Also, note to SONIC: Please do not draft dodge down the straightaways. I watched you do it a couple times last night down the front stretch. It's not allowed.

what do u mean m8? can u explain me?:)
ps: ok i think i understood with gtp egghead note.
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what do u mean m8? can u explain me?:)
ps: ok i think i understood with gtp egghead note.

When you go down the straightaway, you move over to the right side to keep people from catching you in your draft.

I guess, apparently the OLR states you can do it once, which I don't see being a problem. I just don't want to see it every lap.
what do u mean m8? can u explain me?:)
ps: ok i think i understood with gtp egghead note.

Yeah, basically if someone is behind you and drafting up on you stay heading in one direction, no back and forth action. Everyone hates the draft when you are the one being drafted, but everyone loves the draft when you are on a good catchup drive, so it all comes down to that the draft will work in your favor and sometimes it doesn't.

The deal is there shouldn't be any funny business from the drafted driver to try and break the draft.

BTW, fun racing you last night Sonic.
When you go down the straightaway, you move over to the right side to keep people from catching you in your draft.

I guess, apparently the OLR states you can do it once, which I don't see being a problem. I just don't want to see it every lap.

allright :)
Yeah, basically if someone is behind you and drafting up on you stay heading in one direction, no back and forth action. Everyone hates the draft when you are the one being drafted, but everyone loves the draft when you are on a good catchup drive, so it all comes down to that the draft will work in your favor and sometimes it doesn't.

The deal is there shouldn't be any funny business from the drafted driver to try and break the draft.

BTW, fun racing you last night Sonic.

yeah m8 me 2. i like to see fast and clean racing 👍
Added (or rather replaced) a driver in Group B.

iamjamen: check the Group B drivers list so you know who the new drivers are. Tsnacks is one of them, and the other two are at the bottom of the list.
Egghead--- that setting you posted... all I will say is thank you. :-)

Damn, there goes my edge! :lol:

Glad you like it, it's the best I've tried so far. To be honest though, I haven't really touched the damper settings from what Turbo posted here. Just a few tweaks, but mostly it's the ride height that's really different.

I would be perfectly happy just to have fixed sport suspension, then I would know for sure that it's all down to driving skill 👍
We more than likely will switch to the fixed sport suspension for next season. Also going to run some PD created tracks as well. I really enjoyed our short run on Cape Ring last night.
That was pretty much what I was getting at, sorry for the long winded response without the conclusion. The game is pretty good at penalizing you in the chicane, so the lap would automatically be void if you cut there.

Ya man I know you were, I just wanted to make sure the answer was clear in case anyone read it and still wasn't sure. Thanks for posting the details. :)

That would be covered in this part of the GTP OLR:

"Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice However, they're not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you're responsible."

I think we should all take the time to read through the entire OLR before today's race. There seems to be some differing thoughts on what constitutes right of way when it comes to passing. Section "08: Corner Rights" gives a good explanation of this, better than FIA or SCCA rules in fact 👍

Since today's race also includes pit stops, the OLR also has a whole section on that too.

It's Turbo's series, so I'll let him make the ultimate decision on the rules, but it's my understanding that we are following the GTP OLR for race conduct.

Another good one, thank you 👍

I really enjoyed our short run on Cape Ring last night.

Oxymoron. :)
Hi guys, haven't been on recently due to this thing called a life. =) So count me out of the series becuase my ps3 took a dive on me with the 80010514 code. Its been fun non the less, have fun boys!

I was reading over the GTP OLR Rules & Guidelines, particularly Section 04 - Pit Etiquette:

When you enter the pit-lane, you're not allowed to cross the white pit-entry-line. PE-1b: When you exit the pit-lane, you're not allowed to cross the white pit-exit-line.

Cars on the race track have right-of-way over cars entering the race track from the pits. You have to take care not to interfere with other drivers on the track. Swerving in front of upcoming cars to defend your position is not allowed. You have to stay on the same side of the track as the pit exit until the first corner.

You're not allowed to overtake other drivers when entering the pitlane.

Make sure you indicate in time that you plan on entering the pitlane to prevent any interference with other cars on the track.

I would like to get some clarification from you regarding pit entry, being that you are the Race Steward, to ensure that everyone is in agreement of what is acceptable behavior:

Pit Entry: In the spirit of the above-posted GTP OLR Rule, commitment to the pits must be made before the white pit-entry line. Will a driver receive a penalty if a driver commits to the pits after the white pit-entry line, therefore crossing the line, and proceeds to complete a pit service? If so, what penalty will they receive and when? (Will they need to complete another pit stop or will a time penalty be assessed after the race, etc.)

Passing during Pit Entry: Am I correct to interpret the GTP OLR Rule as meaning that you should not try to impersonate Fernanado Alonso at the 2010 Chinese Grand Prix? (see attached video. sorry for the BGM, it's the first video I found.)

Will this be penalized and if so, what penalty will they receive and when will it be/should it be executed?

Ok for clarification, the red line is a "Draft Dodger" and the green line is the universally accepted line (which is very commenly used in racing). In this case both the first and last turns are right-handers. I know its pretty cheesy but there still seemed to be confusion.
iamjamen: check the Group B drivers list so you know who the new drivers are. Tsnacks is one of them, and the other two are at the bottom of the list.

I'm on it like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm.
As far as pit entry/exit. I don't think we have to be super strict. If two cars are to pit together nose to tail, give each other room. Also, no diving into the pits at the last second. I will say this:

Cars exiting pits must stay below the white line until they get to turn 1.

Also, everyone is required to take four tires, but you do not have to take on fuel if you do not want to. If for some reason (if it's possible) you drive straight through the pits, you must come in on the next lap and change tires.

Passing during Pit Entry: Am I correct to interpret the GTP OLR Rule as meaning that you should not try to impersonate Fernanado Alonso at the 2010 Chinese Grand Prix?

Everyone forgot about this little move since it was early in the season. Alonso's been that same dirty driver his whole life, not a fan...
Once he pulled that little "extended" stop and try to play it off I just never stopped being sore toward him, but that whole discussion's for a different time.

Also, everyone is required to take four tires, but you do not have to take on fuel if you do not want to. If for some reason (if it's possible) you drive straight through the pits, you must come in on the next lap and change tires.

Yeah this will be kinda cool because we'll get a bit faster as we're lightening up, hopefully.
"Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice However, they're not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you're responsible."
To me this says nothing about trying to avoid drafters. This says not to block passers.
To me this says nothing about trying to avoid drafters. This says not to block passers.

Ya, I'm sure the main intention of that section was in reference to blocking, but it does state not to change direction multiple times. Turbo has stated that draft dodging is not allowed, and this is his series, so... :sly:

I was just trying to find something in the OLR that referred to this, but the word "draft" does not appear.
How exactly do you avoid a draft. The following car should easily be able to follow the same trajectory, right?

Most of those one move rules are to avoid blocking a run and mostly applies to the braking zone at the end of straights.
while we are on the topic of racing etiquette...

PASSING- There is an understood rule about passing and being passed. That is, if the over taking driver has his nose up to your door on the inside of the turn then it is HIS turn and you are obligated to give him racing room to make the pass. In SCCA you can even be protested and penalized for "failure to give racing room." Now that doesn't mean you have to just pull over either. Just don't turn in on him that's all. Common sense from there. 2 cars are faster through a turn nose to tail than physically connected door to door. I keep thinking about the chicane for this. Nothing worse than drafting past a guy and getting there first and clean just to have him cream you when he decides to turn in too.

Also, penalties on this track tonight are RIDICULOUS. Have an off, end up in the sand trap, and then when you get back on track you get a time penalty to boot. Really? Can we have penalties off for tonight's 40 laps. There are no time penalties for stuff like that in real racing. :)
AM I TOO LATE?! I just got off work damn near 3 hours late. Is the group B room around??
Dang, am I too late too? didnt remember the time change plus got home 30 mins ago
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