GTP Spec Miata Racing Series : Season 1 Complete; Season 2 Soon!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I was specifically thinking about the grid start, but your spin is a bonus. :D

By the way, I'm giving you Group A driver of the race award. 👍
Well then we have many guilty culprits. I took the grass jump on lap 22 after nearly spinning and a huge slam into the wall. As I said, I didn't gain anything from it other than trying to maintain a steady average lap time. I was 10+ seconds ahead of and behind my respective position neighbors.

I am going to argue this, probably because I am among those who exercise generous driving lines from time to time. :P I think if a not so legal move is used to gain an advantage then there should definitely be a consequence, but for someone driving in the back of the pack or all alone and is trying to make up some time due to an off (so as not to turn a 2:10 lap).

I dunno man. It's hard to know when an advantage will come to fruition for you in a long race. If you end the race and you're fractions of a second ahead of someone then it becomes pretty wrong all of a sudden. Unlikely situation, true, but you can't know when you take the shortcut whether or not the time that you saved will come into play later in the race. With 18 laps left to go, anything could have happened.

I'd argue that if you make the mistake and spin and slam into the wall, you just man up and take your 2:10 lap with pride. It's not like you get points for having consistent lap times.
[*]If it is determined that you cut corners/ran out of bounds more than three times during a race, you will be deducted 5 championship points.

This should go over well... :indiff:

Not trying to be confrontational, just typing my immediate thoughts (never a good idea), but seems pretty subjective and potentially a big waste of time if the Race Steward has to watch the race replay for each driver to conclude whether they were in the wrong and in need of a five point deduction. Even if you were to clarify by adding language that states "thereby gaining an advantage", or something along those lines, I would never wish this responsible upon any one person.

I am sure that, cumulatively, I ran wide in T1, T2, and T4 (due to an early turn-in/mistake, not because it was my normal racing line) more than three times during Race 2, but then again Group B raced with Penalties set to Weak. Which doesn't make it okay but at least if it were illegal (in GT5's eyes) it would have immediately punished me. Maybe if they were set to Strong it would have penalized me, I don't know. Watching Laps 36-40 of your battle with with EL_ZISSOU leads me to believe that some adjustments to the current points standings might be made but there again, it's up to the Race Steward. (Just using this as an example, I am not trying to start anything.)

Personally, I am here to race against the fine people of this forum and, ultimately, I will happily follow whatever is deemed to be the Series' rules & regulations.
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This should go over well... :indiff:

Not trying to be confrontational, just typing my immediate thoughts (never a good idea), but seems pretty subjective and potentially a big waste of time if the Race Steward has to watch the race replay for each driver to conclude whether they were in the wrong and in need of a five point deduction. Even if you were to clarify by adding language that states "thereby gaining an advantage", or something along those lines, I would never wish this responsible upon any one person.

I am sure that, cumulatively, I ran wide in T1, T2, and T4 more than three times during Race 2, but then again Group B raced with Penalties set to Weak. Which doesn't make it okay but at least if it were illegal (in GT5's eyes) it would have immediately punished me. Maybe if they were set to Strong it would have penalized me, I don't know. Watching Laps 36-40 of your battle with with EL_ZISSOU leads me to believe that some adjustments to the current points standings might be made but there again, it's up to the Race Steward.

Personally, I am here to race against the fine people of this forum and, ultimately, I will happily follow whatever is deemed to be the Series' rules & regulations.

I think it is more of a repeated rules violation, that is being talked about. A mistake is usually pretty obvious. As is using something to your advantage. I think the second item is what will get your points deducted.
I think it is more of a repeated rules violation, that is being talked about. A mistake is usually pretty obvious. As is using something to your advantage. I think the second item is what will get your points deducted.


I can stand by and just tell people "don't do it", but that usually doesn't do any good. A 5-point deduction will keep people from repeatedly doing it. That include the person who skipped the chicane almost 10 times. 👍
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I can stand by and just tell people "don't do it", but that usually doesn't do any good. A 5-point deduction will keep people from repeatedly doing it. That include the person who skipped the chicane almost 10 times. 👍

Hell, wouldn't be surprised if that was me after getting punted off the track by Wardez and then again later by Sonic. Wardez apologized. Draft Dodger thought passing me through the chichane was a good idea.
I can stand by and just tell people "don't do it", but that usually doesn't do any good.

Sadly, this is usually true.

A 5-point deduction will keep people from repeatedly doing it. That include the person who skipped the chicane almost 10 times. 👍

Why was Group A opposed to using the in-game penalty system? I feel mild penalties would have helped to prevent this 10+ chicane skipper from continually bending the limits. I only received one shortcut penalty (in the chicane) the whole race and as soon as I turned in I knew I was screwed, but I was on Imari’s rear cover and that was the price I paid for being too aggressive. But, of course, the system isn't perfect and people will have complaints about the fairness of the MCP.
Well, a solution needs to be found. People want the penalty system, don't want the system, don't want point penalties, etc. Something has to be done that we can all agree on.
Well, a solution needs to be found. People want the penalty system, don't want the system, don't want point penalties, etc. Something has to be done that we can all agree on.

I agree and I also know it's your series so I will adhere to whatever you decide upon. Please don't think I am arguing with you, I just don't want you to have to deal with issues that I consider to be covered under the "common sense" section of simple racing etiquette (and GTPlanet's Online Racing Rules & Regulations).
Hey R1600, just a light suggestion, not anything big, but what do you think about letting people do the drivetrain mods as those cannot be regulated and may generate some cheating. As I said, it's not anything important, and I trust people here, but maybe do that just to be sure.
Hey R1600, just a light suggestion, not anything big, but what do you think about letting people do the drivetrain mods as those cannot be regulated and may generate some cheating. As I said, it's not anything important, and I trust people here, but maybe do that just to be sure.

No drivetrain mods in Spec Miata, none here. 👍

Edit: If you guys will bear with me through this season, we'll get everything settled in so next season is rock solid. :)
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As far as the driving wide issue, i do use it a bit much but its always less than 1 car width and almost always when im alone, but i do think the penalty is a good idea. And again im sorry to whomever i ran into the chicane. I think it would be interesting if someone/several people checked out my line through the chican in the last few laps. Definatly very skiddy.
...Which doesn't make it okay but at least if it were illegal (in GT5's eyes) it would have immediately punished me. Maybe if they were set to Strong it would have penalized me, I don't know. ...
Weak or Strong doesn't change what you get penalized for, just the amount of penalty you get. Basically, what gets you a 5 second on weak will give you 10 on strong... it doesn't add places where penalties are given.

If I may ask a dumb question, what's the difference between the light and heavy penalty systems?
See above.

:indiff: Remember how I fought for realism? Robbing power for having an off isn't realistic. I realize it should be used as a punishment for people who shortcut, but the game has a whacked concept of what the difference is between a shortcut and an accidental off where I barely managing to save a spinout. Also remember...
I was gutted that they ghosted and we could both just cruise through them with no danger.

I do think it makes the latter stages of the race just a little bit more interesting with penalties off and the potential for traffic related mishaps.
...having penalties on means you can drive through people. EVERYONE who is a lap down, and ANYONE who the game deems is not adhering to the the driving line. Where is the realism in that?
...having penalties on means you can drive through people. EVERYONE who is a lap down, and ANYONE who the game deems is not adhering to the the driving line. Where is the realism in that?

Obviously we can't trust people, so what now?


Okay just read Grahams post,

I need a sideways thumb now.:

I hate to be wishy washy on this.

What if we payed extra attention to the replays on tracks with advantageous areas, and leave the penalties off. (Ex.) We finish a race and I suspect R1600T of hopping over a chicane on purpose many times, I could PM the host with my concern and inform him of the lap / laps that it happened on and let the host be the judge if its illegal or not. ( only using R1600 only as the example, I do not suspect this)

Its important to me to be fair and square on the track.

This is another tough one for me to be helpful with, I'm used to "pit lane chats" after shady on track behavior. The embarrassment would be too great to ever take a risk like that, for me.
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Obviously we can't trust people, so what now?

No, this is racing. Racing does something to men who race. You have cheaters all over the place in this series already. Every found it a little bit too hard to draft up and pass a particular car? Ever thought it seemed odd that another car shifted up to 3rd gear about 3 seconds after you did because you were already banging off the rev limiter? I have seen those and more on so many occasions that I am getting a pretty clear picture of what is going on here. IN real SM, our cars are built to the limit of the rules, and then to the limit of those rules that can actually be detected. This series is no difference. I GUARANTEE you will find LSDs, Carbon driveshafts, Illegal Trannies, and flywheels. Power, weight and tires are the only things you can control the rest is open to racer integrity. Which, as in real life, is open to interpretation.

There is no system for detection here. So you can either open up everything that can't be detected or find a way to not make yourself crazy trying to detect it all.

Regarding course cutting and this BS punting people off the track thing... there must be penalties of some sort for that. The original idea of self policing and docking people points or places is a good one. but we never did anything about it.

Laslty, while I'm on my soapbox... this A room B room thing is screwed just because a few people could rock it on autumn ring mini. Brosif in room B??? Seriously?
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Please. Its gotten alot better with this game, and i think should be used. But only light.

And I agree with almost all of what tt said, Brosif is a tank . Along with a few others.
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