GTP Spec Miata Racing Series : Season 1 Complete; Season 2 Soon!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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And where were you sir? :dopey:

Giving baths. At about 9 I got to do some laps with the greatest 111R driver around Nurb for a couple hours. Bitter sweet night, I'd rather it would've been in a Miata, but maybe next time. :)
It was a pretty bad night for me. At the start, I was passing a red (I think) car on the outside in turn 2 and he began to finish the turn wide as if we were not at a race start with cars all around. He smashed into me and the loss of traction eventually sent me into a spin, which took me off track and put me about 10 seconds behind the last car in the pack.

This, along with being taken out of a 45-minute practice race the other night on the last lap when I had fought from a 7th place start to a likely win (nothing taken away from SAM for a great drive- it's just that whoever can be in close second on the last lap before the long back straight at Trial Mountain is likely to win it), has made for a pretty negative experience thus far for me. Egg- I am not rescinding any forgiveness, just explaining why I'm not feeling so great about the series.

Any suggestions on how to get a better experience? Something I can do? Something others can do? Something everyone can do?

Thank you to those who cooperated when I was working through the pack on my way to claiming my award for the night. :embarrassed:

it was me who was in the inside m8. i didnt see you in the outside and i said i was sorry. it was an accident and i didnt smashed on you . I was fifth and i even slowed down for you to pass me because i was feeling bad so i went eleventh. see the replay.
Great race last night, props to Turbo for the win and a consistent setup. I know silvermiata's setup and mine were pretty much toast after lap 25-30. How you consistently ran 58.8xx and 59.0xx towards the end is beyond me! I think our setups were good for qualifying obviously, and thats about it. (silver set pole with 58.5xx I was 2nd with 58.6xx) I'm also realizing that setting pole isn't even that crucial in our series, since the draft is so overwhelming. If you qualify 1st or 2nd you dont have anyone to tow with, but if you're 3rd or 4th you might even carry more speed into the first turn than the guys in front of you. Passing is obviously another story, but with a track like Suzuka you have the long straight to slingshot by to take the lead within the 2nd lap.

ZISSOU, sorry to hear about your troubles again. I watched the replay and it seemed like you came into T1 a little too hot, got up into the grass and spun it. I could be wrong because PD decided you cant change camera angles for online races (wtf) I started practicing launching from the grid into the first turn to prevent that, since the speeds and braking points are so much more different than if you were on a flying lap. I highly suggest everyone practice starting from a dead stop at the grid since the speeds are so much different than when your on a normal flying lap.

Unfortunately I wont be on anymore during the weekdays at a decent time, I dont get off work till 11:30pm pst. I'll defintely be practicing Nurburgring GP/ D on my own, and hopefully people can post what time's they are running and maybe even a set up, that would help me out a lot!

I'll try to throw together a video of our race soon.
It's difficult to get a good awareness of the situation of other cars if you rely only in mirrors.

I use a trick of the people of Scana

The map is on and fixed to car.
The scale of map is 1 or 2.

The detail is enough to control the cars around you.

A video.

Hops it helps

I've had this set up for a while. I'm glad other people are doing it and it gives me confidence it's the right thing to do. I did, however, map scale 3 as it 1 and 2 does not give you an accurate scale of distance between cars. I was shocked at how close I can get to another car in view compared to what it looks like at 1 or 2. So if you get that surprising feeling, try 3.
It's difficult to get a good awareness of the situation of other cars if you rely only in mirrors.
Nah, I'm using the look back button. :lol:

But good tip on the map thing, going to have to try that. 👍
I don't know about anybody who is using a G25 because I don't know the button config for that wheel... but with my DFGT I have set L2 and R2 as look left and look right respectively. These are the buttons along the top edge of the wheel right next to my thumbs when I have a firm grip on the wheel. Very quick to access and I don't have to fidget with trying to find the right button when I need it. I do use the normal down on the d-pad to look back on occasion, but usually all I need to do is keep an eye on my rear view, and "my head on a swivel" so to speak, by constantly checking left and/or right when I know there is traffic around me.

...with the exception of the fun laps we had in the beginning, it simply was disheartening to me.
This about sums up my sentiments as well. This is probably mostly due to the fact that we were basically racing on an oval. I guess it was a good way to ease into this series, but I find that one of the most boring courses in the game. And because there is such little variation in the turns it's hard to play catch up after an unfortunate spin off in the first few laps... so you're left towards the back of the pack by yourself for most of the race bored to tears because all the action is 30 seconds ahead of you. Hopefully the rest of the series will offer a little bit more entertainment and chances for more action. :)
A quick note on a couple items that were brought to my attention:

1) Draft dodging is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

2) Bump drafting is a certain extent. Light bumping is ok, but slamming into the back of someone is not. I am letting this one go because I would rather see two cars bump draft to get back to the front and have a better battle with the leaders, then to watch them fall back and not be contenders.

Regarding my setup from last night. Not many changes from the setup I posted here before. I found that my car really didn't "fall off" like many others. As you guys kept losing traction, my car stayed about the same through the end of the race. I could have easily gone another 10 laps on those tires I believe. 👍
A quick note on a couple items that were brought to my attention:

1) Draft dodging is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

Glad you brought this up. Swerving Miatas can get quite tiresome.

There's a border hopping, anti-military joke here somewhere... but I think it would be mostly lost on this crowd. :P

I ain't no fortunate son.

I have to go grocery shopping and finish some laundry (oh aren't I so domestic) but I should be on later tonight for some Ring practice. If a room isn't up when I am ready to go, and have convinced the GF that me playing GT5 is good for both of us, I will set something up.

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Race 1 Group A

You like?
And here's some quick laps from the Group A race.

Fastest lap 58.138

Here's your fastest laps along with the laps you did them on.

Good job on that time Graham you almost broke into the 57s which is mad.
And I couldn't believe how late in the race El Zissou posted his fastest lap, that's just cool.

Just letting you guys see some of the raw data I'm collecting xD

TurboR1600 - 58.518 on Lap 3
silvermiata - 58.415 on Lap 7
SAMHAIN85 - 58.534 on Lap 4
Egghead - 58.879 on Lap 2
Wardez - 58.725 on Lap 3
the stig14 - 58.305 on Lap 8
EL_ZISSOU - 58.488 on Lap 32
Graham - 58.138 on Lap 9
Algreene - 59.551 on Lap 3
Sonic-_-89b - 58.672 on Lap 4
Dr Wankel - 59.462 on Lap 13
TT997 - 59.603 on Lap 10
Thanks for all the info Wardez. I feel bad not using them for anything, but I don't know where to put them. :P
Needed to practice and didn't see a room up so I just created one. 1472-4710-9995-5395-7739
hell yea Wardez, great work. I know thats gotta take some time to make all that, and also write down each lap led too. Maybe we can get one going for group B if someone is dedicated enough to right down the same data Warez did. Maybe he can plug in those #'s for you guys too. I'd help create one, but I have absolutely zero photoshop skills. But it would really make things look official. Turbo, I'd add that data sheet to the first page under the "Official Track Schedule" section. Maybe if you scale it down a little bit you can fit it in there.

EDIT: Reminder to everyone in eligible states, mega millions jackpot is up to $330,000,000! Drawing tomorrow @ 8PM PST
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I'm gonna buy a ticket tomorrow. 👍

Sorry for not being around tonight guys, put some serious time into GT Academy trying to stay in the top 10. I'll take a look tomorrow to see where the best place for all the graphics would be. Might re-arrange the first page a bit.
Played some GP/D in practice mode. I've been trying to learn how to set up the car but I'm completely confused. I have basic ideas as to how softening or stiffening one end of the car would affect it, but it stops there.

Does anyone care to help me out with the tuning? I've got a book mark in my apex book in the tuning section but reading that confuses me even more. It's like reading a different language, lol.

One thing I thought would have been cool to touch up on is how would you now when a suspension is under/over damped, sprung, low, etc. Gah!

For reference I can see the SM drivers averaging 1:48's without a draft on GP/D.
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I've got a couple people that want to sign up already. PM me for details if you would like to get into the series. You have to be committed though!
Oh! and here's the screenshot of my run in with Dale Earnhardt Jr. in iRacing.

Click to enhance

I was just testing the car out on Laguna Seca with other people in a practice session. iRacing released their first full on F1 car so there was a lot of people trying it out at the time. I just happened to be in one Dale decided to hop onto.
He ran around with us for a good while but I really didn't notice his name pop up at all until he left when everyone commenced to turn their mics back on and have a little nerdgasm about. I was just sort of confused 'cause I didn't even get near Dale on track. I checked out the results page and was psyched to find out it was him in there and that I was faster... woo.
Awesome man. How much free time you got? :lol:

I'll replace the track schedule with that one right now...

hah, thanks. I have a lot of free time 'cause no one's up at 1 in the morning ready to practice! I work late so it's tough finding company but that's alright. In the few days I'm not busy during the day I relish the chance to get in on some good sessions with the regulars.

So I practice myself a bit late night/early morning then after that I listen to my all important podcasts and keep myself designing. CS5's never down on my computer. Still have a bunch of stuff in mind for this though so sit tight and I'll PM my demos to you in the near future.
It doesn't take me long to knock down these layouts. I've got my ways - love my tablet.
Wardez - I've been up lately since it's my winter break from college. If you need some practice runs, let me know. I'll probably have some time. Just post up in the thread as I'm sure plenty of people are subscribed to it and are just waiting for someone to open a room.

My personal best on GP/D right now is 1:48.37X. I can't wait for Zissou to post up a video, lol.
I was thinking about making a "press release" after each race, but not sure how to set it up. Any ideas?
Are you talking like a race report? I understand you're sort of trying to get something started with brainstorming though so I won't get too specific.

Maybe a quick little write up along with highlight photos, quick interesting stats, driver updates (things like - "Wardez won the megamillions lottery so he has put his status to standby at the moment") Driver quotes of the week... blah blah.
It would look pretty good in a blog, you'd at least have to post it in a separate thread if you chose to post it here.

Would be cool especially if later on someone showed up with a decent capture to make videos.Something like this,

which is just awe inspiring. Good thing racing has the potential for even more epicness
I don't think there is any malicious driving going on, although I haven't watched the replay yet. There may just be a bit of inexperience from a racecraft point of view; knowing when and where to pass, and just a general awareness of the cars around you.

The thing we all need to remind ourselves though is that these are long races; so you're not going to win in the first corner, but you can certainly lose in the first corner!

Thanks to all who responded to my post. The above points (made by others as well) are very close to what I had in mind, and was hoping to hear that others felt the same.

A couple of folks mentioned my sliding in turn 1- after a great many Suzuka races behind me, a big slide through turn 1 and good speed up the outside edge of the track through turn 2 is something I am used to on this track, when I find myself on the outside going into the first corners. I think one person even mentioned that they thought I might have spun on my own- I just want to reiterate that it was contact that took me out, and not any lack of control on my part. As Egg mentioned above, one thing some of our peers may need to focus on is increased awareness of nearby cars.

Another point made several times already that I would like to reiterate is patience with respect to the length of these races. In a sprint race, it makes sense to pass whoever you can whenever you can in many cases, but in these races, any battling during the earlier stages of the race is most likely going to hurt all parties involved. If there is not an easy pass to be made where you are clearly going to be running a much faster pace than the person you are passing, it may be best to stay behind and keep the rythym going so as to preserve your chances of making it further up in the pack (or further ahead of it). Passing a person that is near your speed will often cost you both some time lost on your lap, and will put you both further behind the folks ahead.

And here's some quick laps from the Group A race.

Fastest lap 58.138

Here's your fastest laps along with the laps you did them on.

Good job on that time Graham you almost broke into the 57s which is mad.
And I couldn't believe how late in the race El Zissou posted his fastest lap, that's just cool.

Just letting you guys see some of the raw data I'm collecting xD

TurboR1600 - 58.518 on Lap 3
silvermiata - 58.415 on Lap 7
SAMHAIN85 - 58.534 on Lap 4
Egghead - 58.879 on Lap 2
Wardez - 58.725 on Lap 3
the stig14 - 58.305 on Lap 8
EL_ZISSOU - 58.488 on Lap 32
Graham - 58.138 on Lap 9
Algreene - 59.551 on Lap 3
Sonic-_-89b - 58.672 on Lap 4
Dr Wankel - 59.462 on Lap 13
TT997 - 59.603 on Lap 10

Great stuff! As for your comment about my late fastest lap- it was nothing extraordinary, just an effect of me not having tried the car on this track until it was race time. I had to learn during the race, so I got a bit faster as we progressed. I never did figure out the final turn though. Being that I've met my goals with round 1 of GT Academy, I'll try and find time to practice a little for the upcoming races.

Big thanks to R1600 for running a very tidy event, and Wardez for your contributions. :bowdown:
I was thinking about making a "press release" after each race, but not sure how to set it up. Any ideas?

Yes! Search the GT5P racing forum for the NTSC Championship run by Earth. There are lots of threads, some of which have press releases in between races. Very creative stuff, I'm sure you'll get some ideas.
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