GTP vs. Wham - RIP George Michael

  • Thread starter Daniel
Just been checking various threads, and I haven't been whammed in any of them... did someone shove a horseshoe up my posterior while I was asleep?
That didn't take nearly long enough. Now I actually have to find something quasi-productive to do for the next... FIVE HOURS?!?
You could start with the thread title. :P
That didn't take nearly long enough. Now I actually have to find something quasi-productive to do for the next... FIVE HOURS?!?
I thought that actually being at work counted as being productive? :confused:
I was not whammed again at all.

I do want to note that my job is the exact opposite of @TB's situation. We have 720 shopping carts at my store, and when I came in, we had a grand total of 50 sitting in reserve.

50 carriages out of 720 had not been grabbed today.

Edit: I want to mention that my dad's been whammed at least five times since the first Wham.
How's it going people! Apologies for the lack of updates, I've been extremely busy with work and life. On the up side, I've avoided wham to the face ever since my last post.
That's right, old Michael went down on me pretty hard this year!

Time of wham: December 23rd at 03:00 am.
After a peaceful and rather easy time with no signs of a wham, I had a stress free time. That was until the early hours of this morning. Fellow work colleagues had the radio on with the usual Christmas hits, I turn a corner minding my own business whem I get whamed in the face for the first time of the day.
That's right, first, because Michael was not kind with me....
01:43 pm, lunch with the wife. Neat restaurant that specializes in burgers. Good food with the side of wham.
This followed by another attack at the phone shop at 03:40 pm when Michael sneaked on me while I was distracted with paperwork.

This proves that the longer I go without updating the thread, the harder Michael comes down on me.

So I'm out, but this is a new record for me. Lasted pretty long and it was a stress free game. See you next year!
@Obelisk the store I work at only has about 50 total, which around this time of year means that there's slim to nothing in reserve.

Guess who's job it is to constantly reload them into the store?

Last Christmas just in at 16 on the Christmas chart, they are playing it now.

Wham Count: 7

Should be the last time I'm Whammed this year!
On the subject of supermarkets..

Another encounter with the 'Swift Christmas' but not the George Michael.

But seriously Taylor, Your cover is following me around like a pet dog and I know the Whambulace is always not too far behind that song. :scared:

My luck and nerves are being heavily tested compared to the last 2 years.

Not much further to get through, but it's not 100% safe either.
Wham! Update: still 1

I did pretty much all my Christmas shopping today, no Wham! to be found.

Damn you, you evil DJ.
Continuing my muted defence on Mobile (with the occasional picture post via muted PC). So glad I don't have the leave the house. Just hoping somebody doesn't drive down the street with volume up on blast.

How's it going people! Apologies for the lack of updates, I've been extremely busy with work and life. On the up side, I've avoided wham to the face ever since my last post.
That's right, old Michael went down on me pretty hard this year!

I'm so shocked I can't even give funny details to avoid a boring WUL. I swung by the Most Opinionated thread and liked a comment, then boom. How do you explain your anger to your concerned family? :lol: Telling them I'm this loud because I was playing a game with some strangers on the internet trying to avoid an obscure George Michael song and not coming off as insane is hard.


@TB Jordan just gave you a lot more logs to write up.
@Jordan Avoiding GTP is the only way to escape your tyranny.
I'm so shocked I can't even give funny details to avoid a boring WUL. I swung by the Most Opinionated thread and liked a comment, then boom. How do you explain your anger to your concerned family? :lol: Telling them I'm this loud because I was playing a game with some strangers on the internet trying to avoid an obscure George Michael song and not coming off as insane is hard.


@TB Jordan just gave you a lot more logs to write up.
@Jordan Avoiding GTP is the only way to escape your tyranny.
Maybe it's just me, but I get this feeling that the whole telling your family about trying to avoid George bit will lead them to bringing George to you in the future. Being honest may have been a fatal mistake for your future attempts.
Big family party done, heard Swift, but no WHAM!, also heard some Sinatra, today was a good day.

I think when this is all over, I'm going to pull a Nico-Rosberg and retire 'on top'. :lol:
I'm still in, but as my previous posts in this thread show, I'm just barely getting away with not being Whammed.

Had no major issues the first 2 years, now Wham is after me with a vengeance.