GTP vs. Wham - RIP George Michael

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand

1963 - 2016

General Rules and Guidelines:
  • Survive 2016 (i.e. 23:59.59 in your time zone) without listening to Last Christmas by Wham!
  • Post in this thread before December 1 to show your interest in being a 'participating member'.
  • Only the original song performed by George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley counts. Remixes such as Whamnam Style or covers like the ones by Taylor Swift or Glee do not.
  • Hearing any part of the song counts as a whamming. If you are unsure of the song's origin, keep listening to find out if it's a Wham! version or a cover/remix.
  • GIFs, still images or muted video do not count.
  • When you hear the music, consider yourself whammed, out of the competition and on the Whammed User Log.
  • The Whammed User Log (WUL) is the younger, festive version of the BUL. It tells us when and how a member got Whammed. If you get whammed, post here and tag myself (@Daniel) so I get a notification and can promptly update it.
  • Do not post any links to the song in this thread without sufficient warning. This place is a safe haven.
  • While the rest of the site is free reign, keep in mind the site's rules regarding misleading (next bullet point)
  • You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.
  • If you play the link in the OP with any intention outside of refreshing your memory (i.e.playing it over Skype or PSN), you will be whammed if you hear it.
Some tips to avoid the song:
  • Do not trust anyone.
  • Avoid shopping at department stores, clothing stores, supermarkets - anything that may have a radio playing.
  • If you must step outside, consider bringing noise-isolating earphones and play loud music on them to avoid any other songs.
  • Do not trust anyone.
  • Have your computer defaulted to 'mute' and make sure that your volume is off while opening any links.
  • Do not talk to any other GTPers using Skype, Facebook, Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. We are all evil and cannot be trusted, especially @Jordon.
If you haven't yet head the song, just click on the video below to watch it before avoiding it until next year.

Good luck everyone.

You'll need it.

GTPvW! 2010
GTPvW! 2011
GTPvW! 2012
GTPvW! 2013
GTPvW! 2014
GTPvW! 2015

'Wham Stamp' Avatar Files

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Original Participants:
  1. @Daniel
  2. @ClydeYellow
  3. @AJHG1000
  4. @AudiMan2011
  5. @GranTurismo916
  6. @Formidable
  7. @TenEightyOne
  8. @Smurfybug
  9. @Legro
  10. @NW48
  11. @Mike-ZENKAI
  12. @Angel
  13. @Beeblebrox237
  14. @Northstar
  15. @nick98
  16. @LancerEvo7
  17. @FireEmblem10
  18. @Leadfoot530
  19. @TripleA5
  20. @TS050
  21. @YoshiMaster2
  22. @Mike458
  23. @GTFan24
  24. @Liquid
  25. @titleguy1
  26. @AlvaroF
  27. @Jimlaad43
  28. @TJ13
  29. @Cowboy
  30. @nowcontrol
  31. @Naveek Darkroom
  32. @Chameleon
  33. @nascarfan1400
  34. @miata13B
  35. @TB
  36. @Apok
  37. @girabyt3
  38. @S_Bridge
  39. @Spacegoat
  40. @CLowndes888
  41. @RACECAR
  42. @SomePlayaDude
  43. @Obelisk
  44. @Obelisk's... Dad
  45. @sar593
  46. @W3HS
  47. @Antares26
  48. @Custom878
  49. @ryzno
  50. @amaterasu
  51. @GTracerEHTeam
  52. @Casey
  53. @wvmgmidget
  54. @GT5Power
  55. @Vic Reign93
  56. @Vert4848
  57. @Fallen_log
  58. @ToyGTone
  59. @optiongamers
  60. @RESHIRAM5
  61. @Nico_Ble99
  62. @Korza
  63. @ViscousTraction
  64. @TheSpaceBear
  65. @STI9
  66. @Pezzarinho17
  67. @Flex0r
  68. @kolio
  69. @Aki Ko
  70. @TheBook
  71. @JASON_ROCKS1998
  72. @250 GTO - It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no, either
  73. @Rallywagon
  74. @TheKitten
  75. @Peter.
  76. @Dreadmed
  77. @The Bman
  78. @Panoz
  79. @Jordon
  81. @Carbonox
  82. @iMikeTheKing
  83. @SonicCharmeleon
  84. @Shaun
  85. @Grandea GTR
  86. @Kamata GTR
  87. @ProjectWHaT
  88. @DCybertron
  89. @RedDragon
  90. @MUSC4EVER
  91. @Dylan
  92. @Kurei
  93. @ukfan758
  94. @Dean
  95. @Driving Park
  96. @adamp93
  97. @BKGlover
  98. @MrWaflz55
  99. @aarror
  100. @GTracer125
  101. @Jamesyarders - Working in a supermarket is no excuses.You're in.
  102. @Sanji Himura
  103. @Terronium-12 - AKA Egg AKA does-anyone-read-your-articles?
  104. @DcrRaikkonen
  105. @Brend
  106. @Akmuq
  107. @Snorevette
  108. @KuniKino****a
  109. @Kryption
  110. @Fastcarguy
  111. @Clayton Hardy
  112. @Ze Elephant
  113. @NP
  114. @disinfected
  115. @bluemoon_19
  116. @Lilium
  117. @SRV2LOW4ME
  118. @Slash
  119. @Razor440 - at least I assume you meant joining this and not something messier
  120. @DK
  121. @Clark
  122. @Arixant
  123. @SlipZtrEm
  124. @MadMax - Enrolled for all eternity
  125. @DQuaN
  126. @silverman_GT
  127. @Pluxtheduck
  128. @Ken
  129. @Michelin
  130. @dice1998
  131. @Deko Wolf-GTPT
  132. @GTRacer22
  133. @fortbo
  134. @PASM
  135. @m8h3r
  136. @Cano
  137. @35mm
  138. @Hayden
  139. @ThrasherDBS
  140. @niky
  141. @syntex123
  142. @Ettick
  143. @Dagger311
  144. @Suzumiya
  145. @ECGadget
  146. @G_Parrilla
  147. @Huks
  148. @Revoy

Updated as of Post #1180.
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Whammed User Log:

  • 03/11 - @nick98 - The first has fallen! Nick was struck in a group chat with no escape.
  • 03/11 - @Formidable - And with that, Nick has already passed on the buck with another group chat Whamming.
  • 03/11 - @LancerEvo7 and @Akmuq - Two more added to the list!
  • 03/11 - @Grandea GTR - Another casualty of the @nick98-bomb.
  • 04/11 - @Angel - Determination alone does not protect one from a Whamming.
  • 04/11 - @amaterasu - If it was p0rn, you'd still be in, but alas...
  • 05/11 - @Kamata GTR - Up. Totally random radio station. It was a complete accident that your girlfriend switched the radio. Mhm. Yep.
  • 05/11 - @Leadfoot530 - It was @Jamesyarders in the study with the candlestick. (James also took out @STI9 and @250 GTO.
  • 05/11 - @Wiegert - A pre-enrollment Whamulation. I'd say it happens to all of us. But it doesn't.
  • 10/11 - @nascarfan1400 - I would walk 500 miles. And I would walk 500 more. Just to be the man who Whams @nascarfan1400.
  • 12/11 - @titleguy1 - O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How Awful Is Thy Soundtrack
  • 12/11 - @JASON_ROCKS1998 - Status report: Whammed.
  • 12/11 - @Pezzarinho17 - Woken up at 3am to the sound of Last Christmas. A living nightmare.
  • 15/11 - @Daniel - It was inevitable. Awful, but inevitable.
  • 17/11 - @GranTurismo916 - Heard the 'discordant' song in a Discord chat. You brought it upon yourself, GT916.
  • 18/11 - @TripleA5 - You went to Best Buy? Kinda deserve to be Whammed for that, bro.
  • 19/11 - @BKGlover - [overheard on the phone]"and it's not okay because if they take my station then I'll set the building on fire..." Too bad it was a day too late.
  • 20/11 - @S_Bridge - Two girls and a cup of Wham!
  • 20/11 - @Sanji Himura - Next time slow down, open door, push.
  • 23/11 - @AJHG1000 - You really shouldn't be accounting on your friends to not play Christmas music.
  • 23/11 - @ViscousTraction - Drive-in Whamming.
  • 24/11 - @DCybertron - Your dad was playing Christmas music on purpose. He knew...
  • 25/11 - @Jurdan - And thus begins the countdown to our founder's inevitable whamassacre.
  • 25/11 - @PASM - Wham bam, whammed by the birthday man.
  • 26/11 - @Ze Elephant - The worst part of getting Whammed is those few seconds where you're not sure if what you're listening to is Last Christmas or not...
  • 26/11 - @Nico_Ble99 - Honestly, do people still use the radio anymore?
  • 26/11 - @Clark - Oblivious to the Wham!
  • 27/11 - @ToyGTone - ToyGTone? More like ToyGTlost. I'm here all night.
  • 27/11 - @Obelisk - You were warned when the cover version started playing. You didn't heed that warning.
  • 27/11 - @CLowndes888 - Taken out by brother. Moments later, takes out brother. And not for lunch.
  • 28/11 - @Dylan - 1) You were listening to talk radio. B) They were discussing Christmas Music. The only logical conclusion is Profit Whamming.
  • 28/11 - @wvmgmidget - Two Whams in the head, know they're dead.
  • 28/11 - @Obelisk's... dad - "5:55, 11/28. Whammed! Heard Taylor Swift cover immediately followed by the original song."
  • 30/11 - @niky - The music obviously sucked so I hope the burrito was extra delish.
  • 30/11 - @Revoy - Schrödinger's Wham: If you hear it before you've signed up, are you Whammed or not Whammed?
  • 02/12 - @W3HS - Next time you should get Caller ID.
  • 03/12 - @GTracerEHTeam - You went to your girlfriends work do. It was Everything She Wants, but was it worth it?
  • 04/12 - @DK - Made the mistake of leaving his room. Seclusion is clearly the only way to success.
  • 04/12 - @Naveek Darkroom - Buy Wham get Wham Free.
  • 05/12 - @MUSC4EVER - X Factor. More like Rekt Factor. (I'm losing creativity in writing these).
  • 05/12 - @Dagger311 - I bet you listened to the entire song as punishment.
  • 06/12 - @optiongamers - "Why yes, I would like a side of Wham!"
  • 06/12 - @TJ13 - Whammed as a result of relationship drama I won't delve into.
  • 07/12 - @ryzno - Rynzo's reaction to hearing the song.
  • 07/12 - @Moglet - Wham doesn't even have the decency to knock before coming in.
  • 08/12 - @ThrasherDBS - The only person at home was George.
  • 09/12 - @m8h3r - Second one to fall because of a work party. I guess the only solution is to stop working...
  • 10/12 - @Driving Park - Hearing the song while playing a concert is a legitimate reason to smash your guitar.
  • 10/12 - @fortbo - Getting whammed at the dentist must be difficult to sink your teeth into.
  • 10/12 - @Kryption - The hair supply store? Is that where you buy hair?
  • 11/12 - @Flex0r - WhamsApp.
  • 11/12 - @GTRacer22 - Party Rock Whamthem.
  • 11/12 - @TheSpaceBear - Taylor Swift is the Wham before the storm.
  • 11/12 - @Arixant - Took GTRacer22's advice and did the exact same thing he did.
  • 11/12 - @Hayden - You have the right to remain Whammed.
  • 13/12 - @syntex123 - A Hawaiian pizza has Wham and pineapple on it.
  • 13/12 - @TenEightyOne - We'll be right back after George Michael's messages.
  • 14/12 - @SlipZtrEm - I'd like a Soy Double Shot Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte Frappucino with Wham on Top.
  • 14/12 - @AudiMan2011 - Moray Filth, more like.
  • 14/12 - @adamp93 - I'm sure we all want to throw up everywhere after hearing Last Christmas.
  • 15/12 - @Jimlaad43 - Grand Theft Auto: Wham Andreas.
  • 15/12 - @Joel - Made the rookie mistake of listening to the radio. What a Noob(616).
  • 15/12 - @Aki Ko - Whammed by Professor George Michael.
  • 15/12 - @Spacegoat - May have been Whammed illegally, but still Whammed nonetheless.
  • 16/12 - @Heldenzeit - Kung Pao Chicken and a Spring Wham.
  • 16/12 - @Ken - I'm surprised I didn't have to personally call you and Wham you myself.
  • 16/12 - @YoshiMaster2 - Whammed by his sister. (That doesn't sound wrong, does it?)
  • 17/12 - @Northstar - Made the decision of suffering the song rather than suffering the cold. Was it worth it, Northstar? Was it?
  • 17/12 - @Shaun - In a stunning twist of events, Shaun's family has turned against him in his time of need.
  • 18/12 - @TheKitten - Made the mistake of watching part of Love, Actually. A Christmas movie.... With Christmas music.
  • 18/12 - @GT5Power - Radio killed the GT5Power.. star?
  • 18/12 - @Legro - Mash a radio preset. Any radio preset.
  • 19/12 - @AlvaroF - Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree in Wham!
  • 20/12 - @Pluxtheduck - George was Hyde(ing) in the Park.
  • 20/12 - @miata13B - Whammed by Mrs. Miata with the perfectly planned timing.
  • 21/12 - @MrWaflz55 - Karma came to bite Waflz in the ass in the form of George Michael.
  • 22/12 - @kolio - Masochist tendencies.
  • 22/12 - @KuniKino****a - The @Jordan Whamassacre is upon us. Hold on to your butts, this is just the beginning, we're in for a bumpy ride.
  • 22/12 - @Terronium-12 - If @Jordan's taking out Staff, we're pretty much all screwed.
  • 23/12 - @TS050 - This is why I don't social media with you bastards.
  • 23/12 - @Apok - And this is why you NEVER TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.
  • 23/12 - @35mm - Another casualty of the J-Bomb.
  • 23/12 - @Cano - Screw you, @Jordan.
  • 23/12 - @Custom878 - @Jordan isn't the sadist. You just neglected to heed the warning of your fellow GTP-mates.
  • 23/12 - @Deko Wolf-GTPT - Took his Whamming with pride. We'll see you again next year, Deko.
  • 24/12 - @Peter. - "Son, why are you shouting?" "I listened to Last Christmas! What? No! I'm not insane!"
  • 24/12 - @bluemoon_19 - Suffer Jordan's wrath anywhere in the world thanks to mobile browsing!
  • 24/12 - @ECGadget - Almost subconsiously suppressed the song long enough to avoid it. Or would repress be a better word?
  • 25/12 - @Korza - Whammed as soon as the clock struck Christmas.
  • 25/12 - @SomePlayaDude - George has infiltrated all countries. Nowhere is safe.
  • 25/12 - @Mike458 - "I'm going to survive this year!" Famous last words.
  • 26/12 - @dice1998 - Whammed by T-12 out of respect for the man who gave us this great game.
  • 26/12 - @MadMax - George performs a final assault on masses with news shows around the world playing the song. Also eliminated is:
  • 27/12 - @Ettick
  • 27/12 - @sar593
  • 28/12 - @ClydeYellow
  • 28/12 - @NP - The year is coming to a close, but @Jordan is not yet finished with his ruthless Whamming.

Updated to post #1180.
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In, trying to survive for the first time.

For the first time as in actually survive, not my first try obviously.
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I'm in once again. Best part about being on GTP has to be this. Let's try and keep that perfect record intact.
Sign me up. Third time's the charm.
Three years and counting, Wham-free. Hard mode as well.

Will have another go, but this time I don't expect to survive (new job.)
I'm wondering how Jordan will top his efforts from the last two times; making it default background music to the forum home page and PMing everyone involved with a link to it.
My goal this year isn't to not be whammed but to avoid whamming until winter break. Until then, I must attempt to avoid whamming.

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